Covid is a fake tool of Democrat Fear just like the KKK

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Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
So all you baby-killing socialist Democrats, explain this::

  • Disease Burden of Influenza | CDC
  • While the impact of flu varies, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States each year. CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.
FLU: between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Now tell us:
If masks and social distancing are all that you say they are, then why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Well Mrs Know-It-All?
Why haven't we?

Every year thousands and tens of thousands of people die from the Flu. Why don't we shut down schools and require masks and social distance every Flu season? Lives would be saved after all, so why don't we? Simple: We have come to accept these deaths as a normal part of life, just as we have with the many causes of death we live with.

The lockdown and the masks are all symbols of fear. From slavery, to the civil war, to the KKK, to Jim Crow, to police enforced segregation, all these Democrat abominations are the tools of fear the Democrats have used to keep a grip on power. Now its the masks and the fear of death from a virus that only has a 0.04% mortality rate. You have more chance of dying in a car accident.

Democrats care nothing about lives. Just as they have done since their slavery deaths, they see Covid as a tool of fear to gain power.

why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Because we have vaccines for the flu
Vaccines that conservative conspiracy theorists refuse to take

I got mine
Have you?
People who get the flu shot still get the flu.....There are numerous strains that go around and the annual flu shot is only a guess at which one it will be that year.

But thanks for waving your virtue beacon around.
why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Because we have vaccines for the flu
Vaccines that conservative conspiracy theorists refuse to take

I got mine
Have you?
let me guess, they promised you that it was for --that---strain---good luck
why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Because we have vaccines for the flu
Vaccines that conservative conspiracy theorists refuse to take

I got mine
Have you?
People who get the flu shot still get the flu.....There are numerous strains that go around and the annual flu shot is only a guess at which one it will be that year.

But thanks for waving your virtue beacon around.
why haven't we as a nation demanded masks and social distancing every year to try and cut down those 12,000 to 61,000 Flu deaths annually ?

Because we have vaccines for the flu
Vaccines that conservative conspiracy theorists refuse to take

I got mine
Have you?
People who get the flu shot still get the flu.....There are numerous strains that go around and the annual flu shot is only a guess at which one it will be that year.

But thanks for waving your virtue beacon around.
Flu shots significantly reduce your chances of getting the flu, they also reduce the severity.

I got mine
Oddball: It’s not 100 percent effective so I won’t get it at all.
Bound for the basement!

Please don't take the vaccine when it's produced...productive people should get it instead of .... you.
You are the quintessential imbecile, spewing out short stupidities which is all your socialism addled brain can cook up. You are an embarrassment to the human race.

TRUMPvirus vaccine is a Liberal Plot

Be a Smartie and don’t get one. Trump will thank you
The KKK has substituted MAGA hats for hoods

I just noticed that the Biden quote in your signature line is exactly the problem with you and your ilk. You don’t vote for a leader of the free world because he is nice and respectful. Not one mention of anything pragmatic in that quite and yet you actually choose to use it as your signature line. It is absurd, but that is the mentality of today’s uninformed Democrats.
You caught us

Democrats killed over a million people worldwide just to piss off Conservatives.

Wait a second. You mean this is a worldwide thing? I could have sworn I have been told that the deaths are Trump’s fault as is the damage to the economy. Glad you cleared that up.
US...25% of the deaths...4% of the world's population

Great job Trump
You caught us

Democrats killed over a million people worldwide just to piss off Conservatives.

Wait a second. You mean this is a worldwide thing? I could have sworn I have been told that the deaths are Trump’s fault as is the damage to the economy. Glad you cleared that up.

Trump promised the number of cases in the US would go down to zero last March.

The 8 million cases since then are his fault.

Trump could not protect himself and his family from infection.....How could he protect the rest of us.
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