COVID-Infected Children In Arkansas Arriving At Hospitals With ‘Wrecked Lungs’

Children are being affected by this new form of the virus.

They are filling hospitals quickly.

COVID-infected children in Arkansas arriving at hospitals with ‘wrecked lungs’: report | Philadelphia News

From the article:

“Many of Arkansas Children’s new COVID-19 patients are also much more ill than before,” said the report. “They’re coming in with wrecked lungs, struggling to breathe; they’re not bouncing back with typical youthful resilience, despite having been very healthy before … It’s become common for more than half of the kids in the ICU to be on ventilators. A few have been in the hospital for more than a month.”
Natural selection?

Seriously, as of last night, if I need an ICU bed in the hospital where my primary care MD has admitting privileges, they'd have to keep me in the ER cause they're full up.
Children are being affected by this new form of the virus.

They are filling hospitals quickly.

COVID-infected children in Arkansas arriving at hospitals with ‘wrecked lungs’: report | Philadelphia News

From the article:

“Many of Arkansas Children’s new COVID-19 patients are also much more ill than before,” said the report. “They’re coming in with wrecked lungs, struggling to breathe; they’re not bouncing back with typical youthful resilience, despite having been very healthy before … It’s become common for more than half of the kids in the ICU to be on ventilators. A few have been in the hospital for more than a month.”


What's your president going to do about it?

He's the responsible party, not Trump
One of the reasons Joe opened the border is to bring up covid numbers...the dems will stop at nothing and the media (enemy of the people) is right there with them...

The article talks about putting kids on VENTILATORS!!!! We know ventilators contributed to many unnecessary deaths. There is no talk about using the treatment known to help patients recover from COVID.
People can't be so stupid to not see this is being orchestrated to keep kids out of in-person schooling because that's what the teachers unions are demanding...1st if was give up your freedom to save the elderly and now it will be give up your freedom to save the children.
I wonder if we are going to be the first nation stupid enough to lose our freedoms and rights due to a tyranny is real and its here.....and sycophant's like Dana help it along....
Youre a fucking idiot but then everyone already knew this. You have no freedom unless you live outside of a society. You will do whats best for the common good or find another place to live.
Jesus people

We need to stop the politics of this and just do the right thing.

Vaccines and yes...masks

Not a lot to ask
Its amazing how pliable the minds of the childish right are. You can tell them anything and they will believe it if you say the key words like "freedom" and "merica". It astonishes me that they dont know simple things like working to eradicate a virus that has the potential to shut down the very economy that they are always whining about.
Children are being affected by this new form of the virus.

They are filling hospitals quickly.

COVID-infected children in Arkansas arriving at hospitals with ‘wrecked lungs’: report | Philadelphia News

From the article:

“Many of Arkansas Children’s new COVID-19 patients are also much more ill than before,” said the report. “They’re coming in with wrecked lungs, struggling to breathe; they’re not bouncing back with typical youthful resilience, despite having been very healthy before … It’s become common for more than half of the kids in the ICU to be on ventilators. A few have been in the hospital for more than a month.”
I feel sorry for the kids.....they don't have a choice.
Horrible. To think that this is what their parents and other adults around them wanted for them, and what politicians wanted for them.

Yes adults in some southern red states don't seem to be very concerned about children and their health.

They are just too selfish and self centered to be able to think about anyone but themselves.

Meanwhile, innocent children are suffering, fighting for their lives with some of them dying.

So much for "pro life." But then I've always known their so called stand on "innocent" life was nothing but another republican lie.
Rand Paul - “You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, and you’re saying that’s not gain-of-function?” :26:

Anthony Fauci - “That is correct, and Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially” :yapyapyapf:

You must know that gain of function research was severely curtailed during the Obama administration.

The ban was lifted in 2017. Now gain-of-function research is evaluated on a case-by-case basis with a review board at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services signing off on experiments with high scientific merit.

Another case of Trump reversing things Obama.

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