Covid Bill Passes Senate

Without a single GOP vote

All it needs is Biden’s signature and the checks will start going out

Thank you Joe

Thank you Dems

Same as the ACA a decade ago. Except this time, it's gonna cost Republicans. The campaign ads are already writing themselves.
Republicans didn't give a shit about the deficit or the debt when the front man for their party was racking it up, and screwing up the
response to the pandemic as well. But now that there's a Democrat in office, those just and righteous deficit hawks have flown back to the
nest. 2022 is going to possibly be more fun than 2020.
Without a single GOP vote

All it needs is Biden’s signature and the checks will start going out

Thank you Joe

Thank you Dems

Same as the ACA a decade ago. Except this time, it's gonna cost Republicans. The campaign ads are already writing themselves.
Republicans didn't give a shit about the deficit or the debt when the front man for their party was racking it up, and screwing up the
response to the pandemic as well. But now that there's a Democrat in office, those just and righteous deficit hawks have flown back to the
nest. 2022 is going to possibly be more fun than 2020.
Im sure it will cost them, but its not like this is anything new. When Republicans are in power, democrats will vote against everything they put out too....the names change, the world goes round....and we always come back to the same place.
Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rand Paul (R-KY), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Mike Lee (R-UT) , or well, just about anyone in that hell hole GOP side of the Senate: all phonies, hypocrites, and just plain mean and nasty. Their caucus door sign should read: Assholes-Я-Us
Blocked & fought only Dems passed it. after a lot of compromises to get Rep's on board. Can't figure out this one, Republicans fought to Exclude the 500 dollar's for pregnant woman. Is this an admission by Reps in congress that fetuses are not children?
Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rand Paul (R-KY), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Mike Lee (R-UT) , or well, just about anyone in that hell hole GOP side of the Senate: all phonies, hypocrites, and just plain mean and nasty. Their caucus door sign should read: Assholes-Я-Us
They are all self-righteous, hypocritical pieces of garbage. I can’t wait til they become irrelevant. Of course, they might be replaced by scumfucks just like them.
Without a single GOP vote

All it needs is Biden’s signature and the checks will start going out

Thank you Joe

Thank you Dems
..America's kids won't be thanking dumbass Joe when their taxes/etc go through the roof
....this is the most simplistic thing to realize--but you don't!!!!!!!: = spending/[wasting ] $$$$$ we don't have on have to be the biggest dumbass in the world not to understand that
Without a single GOP vote

All it needs is Biden’s signature and the checks will start going out

Thank you Joe

Thank you Dems

Same as the ACA a decade ago. Except this time, it's gonna cost Republicans. The campaign ads are already writing themselves.
Republicans didn't give a shit about the deficit or the debt when the front man for their party was racking it up, and screwing up the
response to the pandemic as well. But now that there's a Democrat in office, those just and righteous deficit hawks have flown back to the
nest. 2022 is going to possibly be more fun than 2020.
not during a huge economic downturn
Without a single GOP vote

All it needs is Biden’s signature and the checks will start going out

Thank you Joe

Thank you Dems

The checks will quickly get spent and then back to square one, better to open up the economy instead to have people get back to work.

The Covid bill is a temporary measure, it isn't addressing the long term problem.
Without a single GOP vote

All it needs is Biden’s signature and the checks will start going out

Thank you Joe

Thank you Dems

That is fantastic news.

Thank you for posting it.

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