Covid Antivaxxers are not a suicide cult. It is worse.

I believe the author of the article is Tim Wise. Not my name.

Also, its funny that my posting this and calling out Trump supporters means that I am saying absolutely every single person refusing to get vaccinated is a Trump supporter. But the same people refuse to hold their people to that same standard.

Ok, how about MOST of the anit-vax people are Trump supporters. Certainly the most vocal ones are.

I was using YOUR wording. If you don't like it, choose better words.
Over 1 billion people are fully vaccinated. Covid killls. The vaccine is proven to saves live. The FDA thing is just an excuse. If it wasn’t that it would be another excuse not to take it.

Who does the Chinese flu kill? People over 70 with co-morbidities.....the rest often don't even have symptoms and build a stronger immunity than those who take the new, experimental, unknown shot.
I would be happy to provide a link for any claim I have made.

The author of the article, however, is on his own.

But please don't pretend that Trump supporters are not behaving exactly as the article says.
But please don't pretend that xiden supporters are not behaving same...if you are, you are delusional
airplane masking is pointless unless they are fully filtering the recycled air with a filter able to remove 4-5 "9's" of virus sized particles. or they pass the air through some disinfecting agent or energy.

Or people are wearing actual mask masks, like MOPP masks.

Making kids mask for 6-7 hours each day is pure theater, nothing more, and people pushing this shit makes me not want to believe them when they talk about other things.

and before you go after my credentials, viral dispersion isn't medicine, it's engineering and science. I've taken air dispersal courses for my ChemE degree.
I made the mistake of flying without mask before we knew it was in more than coastal cities and being transferred across the country by commercial airlines. It was that new. Now I know. I have not flown since. I would not fly now, with the number of cases multiplying at the daily rate they are, presently, as I do not have to. Last time I flew, I caught it. I will be looking at transmission and infection rates in December before planning our next ski trip. I am kind of hoping they offer a Moderna booster in December. It is unlikely I will give up skiing. Driving is not outside the possibility, but I would rather land and pick up a large 4-wheel drive SUV, leaving my vehicle home, but I have through December to decide. If we fly, we will definitely mask, as 3 in our party caught it (all of us on that same flight) and know Covid will completely Fk up a ski trip at mountain altitudes, no matter what kind of shape you are in before leaving.
Yes it is.

He's right about them not being a suicide cult. They are a homicide cult.

They don't care if other people suffer and die.

They only care if they themselves suffer and die.

They are very sick and twisted people.
Right. You caught us. It's a plot to kill communists.
Because the overwhelming majority of people refusing the vaccine (and those refusing to mask ect) are Trump supporters. And if they are not Trump supporters, they are listening to Trump supporters on YouTube, Reddit or FaceBook.
That's because Donald Trump is the President we legitimately elected in 2016, and re-elected in 2020. Joe Biden and crew are imposters and traitors who took over the government by a violent and illegal police-union-funded coup d'état on January 6, 2021.
Another pale face white limp wristed delicate frat soy boy spoiled upper middle class leftist owned in his own thread.

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Negroes have the lowest rate of vaccine use.

Where is Jesse Jackson protesting how the Black man has been disenfranchised because they can't find their way to the vaccine counter to get their shots? Or maybe they are just afraid of getting the vaccine card and it being used as a voter ID card thus forever removing THAT excuse?

Funny how even when the Blacks are the obvious first target of a complaint, that airhead article's like the OP's instead DUCKS the issue instead trying to make it all about TRUMP instead?
Yes it is.

He's right about them not being a suicide cult. They are a homicide cult.

They don't care if other people suffer and die.

They only care if they themselves suffer and die.

They are very sick and twisted people.

The left believes a majority of black and hispanic people in America are in a "homicide cult". This is how racist the DemoKKKrat party is.

I would be happy to provide a link for any claim I have made.

The author of the article, however, is on his own.

But please don't pretend that Trump supporters are not behaving exactly as the article says.
the article you posted is left wing propaganda and a lie . the left uses race ,gender , and income to divide ! and now its vaccinations ! the truth is very very easy to see if you look ! the majority of white elderly have been vaccinated and we all know that they tend to vote republican ! why do you support a party that lies and attacks Americans while it buses covid positive non citizens to cities across the country ? if you would take the time and do a little research when it comes to Americans not vaccinated its young adults and minorities that are lagging ...
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Because the overwhelming majority of people refusing the vaccine (and those refusing to mask ect) are Trump supporters. And if they are not Trump supporters, they are listening to Trump supporters on YouTube, Reddit or FaceBook.
At any rate, one can hardly blame Trump supporters for ignoring the establishment on vaccines. After the establishment lied about Trump being a Russian asset every day for five years, they’re naturally skeptical about the vax.


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