Covid Antivaxxers are not a suicide cult. It is worse.

Antivaxxers represent a wide range of people, but the common denominator is retarded

So, in your opinion, 64% of the black population and 59% of the hispanic population in the US are retarded. You're a good DemoKKKrat.

Good article.

if you are a 1 sided retard, those that have open minds, it tells me that the scum demonRATS still have to keep TRUMP in office, in their heads to belittle him...then they don't have to blame themselves for being ignorant, retarded assholes
seems you don't like TRUMP supporters going against the recommendations, but when a bunch of retards, like yourself, board a plane, to avoid doing their jobs, and spread the chinese flu all over DC, you are good with that....that's pathetic, and hypocritical....deny that
so blame the scum demonRATS for spreading the chinese flu
Because the overwhelming majority of people refusing the vaccine (and those refusing to mask ect) are Trump supporters. And if they are not Trump supporters, they are listening to Trump supporters on YouTube, Reddit or FaceBook.
polly want a fucking cracker? should stop spreading scum demonRAT LIES
I believe the author of the article is Tim Wise. Not my name.

Also, its funny that my posting this and calling out Trump supporters means that I am saying absolutely every single person refusing to get vaccinated is a Trump supporter. But the same people refuse to hold their people to that same standard.

Ok, how about MOST of the anit-vax people are Trump supporters. Certainly the most vocal ones are.
give us a link---not from a shit publisher, that says all TRUMP are so blind, and stupid, you can't fathom that a scum demonRAT would not get the death jab....pathetic
Because the overwhelming majority of people refusing the vaccine

Overwhelming majority, ie, most, many, not all. In other words, conservative-leaning people, not this horseshit about "Trump."

What next, WB, people with conservative leanings with family values, religion, etc., all labeled as America's #1 threat to "democracy?"


It used to be Orange Man Bad, now all you idiots are trying to vilify anyone with traditional values and a sense of decency.​
STOP THE BULLSHIT. Getting the vaccine is a PERSONAL CHOICE everyone must feel perfectly free to decide for themselves.​
There is something freakishly abnormal about how first this government SLEPT AT THE WHEEL totally UNPREPARED and BEFUDDLED on what to do when Covid appeared, wasting days, weeks and months before even getting serious, and now has this ORWELLIAN FIXATION on swinging all the way to the other side, practically willing to start going door to door arresting people for not getting the shot----​
----all the while changing their story every few days or weeks on what the problem even is.​
Half this country got vaccinated to be free of the mask. Now they can't even be free of THAT anymore.
Can someone please explain the rationale of using a “leftover vaccine” which is not effective for the Delta variant, nor likely effective against the Delta Plus variant, nor the known Lambda variant? More variants will come. They intentionally skipped an entire tier (Tier 2) of acceptable medical standards regarding effective response to a pandemic. The rush for a vaccine production soon followed the secret meeting behind closed doors with governmental heads and drug company heads. Natural herd immunity was intentionally delayed to “save the hospitals” for not having enough ventilators and masks in stock which was another surprising factor.

Are you under the impression that what we’re being told, that having the outdated vaccine will reduce symptoms for variants? Personally, I’m going to await scientific proof about that outside of any politically drenched and/or economically motivated drug companies.
You took the long way to say we have not heard the truth yet and it is highly unlikely that we will. I personally have heard enough to stop listening. It is about control and conformity, not unity.
give us a link---not from a shit publisher, that says all TRUMP are so blind, and stupid, you can't fathom that a scum demonRAT would not get the death jab....pathetic
Yes, he is misinformed.
March 2020 for me as well. What I refuse to go along with is mask theater.

Sorry, but the # of air changes you would need in a classroom to make 6-7 hours of wearing a masks effective would make a permanent breeze in the room, with papers flying all over the place.

Surgical masks in areas of long term exposure are next to useless, especially when not fit tested, and probably re-used for a week. KN95 are only marginally better.

5-20 minutes in a store? Sure. 30 min on a subway car? maybe. 7 hours in a room? Saturation probably occurred 1-2 hours into the class, despite proper air changes.
I'm retired. I can avoid those situations you named for long duration (except for airplanes, which you did not mention) and have no problem with a mask. I will evaluate the airplane situation again before ski season. I have never driven to the Rockies in winter, but I might.
I would be happy to provide a link for any claim I have made.

The author of the article, however, is on his own.

But please don't pretend that Trump supporters are not behaving exactly as the article says.

I'm convinced that many people here are personally afraid of Covid and so are very happy to take it out on those they feel jeopardize their health.

Welcome to the world of the anaphylactic food allergic. Now, so you don't become a hollow, shelled out husk of a human being, pull up your big boy britches and move on.
Im "retarded" because i refuse to inject an experimental technology into my arm that isnt even approved by the FDA.
Wow ok
Over 1 billion people are fully vaccinated. Covid killls. The vaccine is proven to saves live. The FDA thing is just an excuse. If it wasn’t that it would be another excuse not to take it.
You took the long way to say we have not heard the truth yet and it is highly unlikely that we will. I personally have heard enough to stop listening. It is about control and conformity, not unity.
You’re observation that I’m well-versed in taking the long way is spot-on! I run rings around others in competition for the most run-on sentences of all time! Luckily, I don’t teach writing skills lol

I long for the day that I become tired of listening to falsehoods. Its relatively easy to switch focus outside of the constant smoke and mirrors, but I remain hopeful. Perhaps I’m just naïve enough still to think that truth will eventually outweigh intentional deception. If truth is the “underdog” here, I always have back the underdogs:)
I'm retired. I can avoid those situations you named for long duration (except for airplanes, which you did not mention) and have no problem with a mask. I will evaluate the airplane situation again before ski season. I have never driven to the Rockies in winter, but I might.

airplane masking is pointless unless they are fully filtering the recycled air with a filter able to remove 4-5 "9's" of virus sized particles. or they pass the air through some disinfecting agent or energy.

Or people are wearing actual mask masks, like MOPP masks.

Making kids mask for 6-7 hours each day is pure theater, nothing more, and people pushing this shit makes me not want to believe them when they talk about other things.

and before you go after my credentials, viral dispersion isn't medicine, it's engineering and science. I've taken air dispersal courses for my ChemE degree.
Overwhelming majority, ie, most, many, not all. In other words, conservative-leaning people, not this horseshit about "Trump."

What next, WB, people with conservative leanings with family values, religion, etc., all labeled as America's #1 threat to "democracy?"


It used to be Orange Man Bad, now all you idiots are trying to vilify anyone with traditional values and a sense of decency.​
STOP THE BULLSHIT. Getting the vaccine is a PERSONAL CHOICE everyone must feel perfectly free to decide for themselves.​
There is something freakishly abnormal about how first this government SLEPT AT THE WHEEL totally UNPREPARED and BEFUDDLED on what to do when Covid appeared, wasting days, weeks and months before even getting serious, and now has this ORWELLIAN FIXATION on swinging all the way to the other side, practically willing to start going door to door arresting people for not getting the shot----​
----all the while changing their story every few days or weeks on what the problem even is.​
Half this country got vaccinated to be free of the mask. Now they can't even be free of THAT anymore.

Yes....the new No Shot, No Freedom push is quite a thing, isn't it?

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