Covid Antivaxxers are not a suicide cult. It is worse.

Because the overwhelming majority of people refusing the vaccine (and those refusing to mask ect) are Trump supporters. And if they are not Trump supporters, they are listening to Trump supporters on YouTube, Reddit or FaceBook.

And yet more blacks and hispanics refuse to take the vaccine....

That's quite an unsubstantiated allegation, care to provide a link that proves that 60% of the black population and over 50% of the Hispanic population are Trump supporters? I would think if you could do that, it would be pretty damning evidence that the election was stolen.

I would be happy to provide a link for any claim I have made.

The author of the article, however, is on his own.

But please don't pretend that Trump supporters are not behaving exactly as the article says.

Good article.

The article was make his point perhaps...

He's right though....they aren't suicidal, they don't want to die once being put in the hospital with covid or intubated.... They just believed, it would never happen to them... they were strong, healthy, had God etc that would protect themselves....

They never cared they could save the life of someone else who was weaker...never cared their actions could kill others, less healthy, or older, etc....

Forgive me for bringing this up but the whole thing reminds of a Bible passage describing people of the end times prophesy....

People during the era, would be WAXED COLD or waxed over cold.... No feelings or caring for their fellow mankind... Selfish, self centered.

His point of them being homicidal not suicidal is made
The biggest anti-vaxxers are blacks and hispanics...but because they vote democrat, the democrats don't want to say anything bad about them.

I will call them morons, just like anyone else who refuses to be vaccinated.

Difference is Republicans have legislative power to discourage vaccination
The biggest anti-vaxxers are blacks and hispanics...but because they vote democrat, the democrats don't want to say anything bad about them.

I have seen little evidence that the black and hispanic population is making the noise about the vaccines like the Trump supporters.

Good article.


The chinese flu has a survival rate of close to 99%, unless you are over 70 with co-morbidities..

The vaccines are a new type of vaccine, without FDA approval with no real information on any serious long term, or deadly, side effects.

The Federal Government has lied about just about every aspect of the Chinese Flu.

So it is rational choice for some people to wait...since even if they get the Chinese flu, they will likely not have any symptoms and will likely survive.

You idiots shaming people who are making a rational choice is wrong...and stupid.
I would be happy to provide a link for any claim I have made.

The author of the article, however, is on his own.

But please don't pretend that Trump supporters are not behaving exactly as the article says.

Can you please provide a link to the known, long term side effects or problems with the new, experimental vaccines? You know, like the blood clots in women, the myocarditis in others? Any other problems with the new, experimental vaccines that you would like to explain to us?
I would be happy to provide a link for any claim I have made.

The author of the article, however, is on his own.

But please don't pretend that Trump supporters are not behaving exactly as the article says.
The generalization was on you, in your words. The facts say different as another poster illustrated with a linked graph.
The Defender


151 Dead, 563 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases​

NBC Chicago reported:


According to data updated Wednesday by the Illinois Department of Public Health, 151 people in Illinois have died due to COVID-19 or complications after being fully vaccinated. That figure equates to 2.2% of COVID-19 deaths in the state since Jan. 1, officials said.

At least 563 fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized in Illinois, IDPH said. The state only reports breakthrough infections among those who have been hospitalized or died, following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH said.



This is but a sample of deaths by vaccination failure....., they were "fully vaccinated" yet they die of it anyway.....

This is why the FDA didn't approve them...., they are not proven to be effective and safe.

How long are you unapproved vaccine idiots going to ignore this reality?


This was never a problem with many childhood diseases when they were vaccinated by FDA approved vaccines, how come this fact is being ignored all the time?
What about that plane load of smiling maskless democrats who fled Texas rather than do their duty of representing the people? They were apparently fully vaccinated but came back carrying the disease and infected the Vice President. Who is the suicide cult here? It seems that people who have had the disease and have a natural immunity are better off than the vaccinated hypocrites who call everyone else suicidal while they go around infecting people.
Good article, but it is more than that simple denying. They will lie to you on purpose. Some of the ones that are anti-vax/anti-precaution have proven to sometimes people that will sneak out and get the vaccine without telling anybody, maybe denying they got it, so you will not get it, you will not take precautions. The example was set by their leader, when he chose modern medical science over Hydroxychloroquine and then got the vaccine before the masses even had availability, keeping it quiet, out of public knowledge for weeks, making no positive statements (and still hasn't) as to why he made the decisions for himself, though very different from the messaging to and of the MAGA crowd. They might very well lead you to die, to support their message, while saving themselves.
I am really not sure that they give a damn.
I will take my best shot with the vaccine (I have had since March of 2020) and take recommended precautions as recommended or required. I'm worth it. The nay sayers may not be.

March 2020 for me as well. What I refuse to go along with is mask theater.

Sorry, but the # of air changes you would need in a classroom to make 6-7 hours of wearing a masks effective would make a permanent breeze in the room, with papers flying all over the place.

Surgical masks in areas of long term exposure are next to useless, especially when not fit tested, and probably re-used for a week. KN95 are only marginally better.

5-20 minutes in a store? Sure. 30 min on a subway car? maybe. 7 hours in a room? Saturation probably occurred 1-2 hours into the class, despite proper air changes.
And as Derek Hunter pointed out....over 60% of blacks in New York are not what the democrats are going to do with their no shot, no freedom push is to segregate New York by race...

Actually they would be crazy to try to enforce this in the neighborhoods they would have to target to get their message across.

Can you see a health inspector shutting down a bar in Harlem, or Washington Heights?
Antivaxxers represent a wide range of people, but the common denominator is retarded
I have seen little evidence that the black and hispanic population is making the noise about the vaccines like the Trump supporters.

Of course you haven't seen it. Yet the statistics remain. Why do you think that is?

Can someone please explain the rationale of using a “leftover vaccine” which is not effective for the Delta variant, nor likely effective against the Delta Plus variant, nor the known Lambda variant? More variants will come. They intentionally skipped an entire tier (Tier 2) of acceptable medical standards regarding effective response to a pandemic. The rush for a vaccine production soon followed the secret meeting behind closed doors with governmental heads and drug company heads. Natural herd immunity was intentionally delayed to “save the hospitals” for not having enough ventilators and masks in stock which was another surprising factor.

Are you under the impression that what we’re being told, that having the outdated vaccine will reduce symptoms for variants? Personally, I’m going to await scientific proof about that outside of any politically drenched and/or economically motivated drug companies.

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