Covid-19 Vaccines Are Weapons of Mass Destruction - and Could Wipe out the Human Race

which is why I will NEVER get those shots. nope.
If there's a God, and there is, please please dear Lord, allow all these nay sayers who won't vaccine...please herd them all into one area and let them have a cough festival and they all die of Covid holding each others hand.
I hope you die of COVID so we can laugh at you while still not masking or vaccinating.

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions." Book in links at bottom

"More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain.More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain."

'How dangerous are the new COVID variants?'

'Some long-haul covid-19 patients say their symptoms are subsiding after getting vaccines'

Info in link below for the interested reader

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions." Book in links at bottom

"More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain.More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain."

'How dangerous are the new COVID variants?'

'Some long-haul covid-19 patients say their symptoms are subsiding after getting vaccines'

Info in link below for the interested reader

Natural selection.

I won't die of COVID.

The weak will. OTSS
It's far more efficient to create a virus to thin the heard than to convince everyone to get a vaccine
'they' did both.....

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions." Book in links at bottom

"More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain.More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain."

'How dangerous are the new COVID variants?'

'Some long-haul covid-19 patients say their symptoms are subsiding after getting vaccines'

Info in link below for the interested reader

CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense

It's far more efficient to create a virus to thin the heard than to convince everyone to get a vaccine
'they' did both.....

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions." Book in links at bottom

"More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain.More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain."

'How dangerous are the new COVID variants?'

'Some long-haul covid-19 patients say their symptoms are subsiding after getting vaccines'

Info in link below for the interested reader

CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense


I read it and when I punched in the amount who died it lead me to this page, which I researched.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), founded under the name Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT) in 1982, is an American 501(c)(3)[1] organization that has been widely criticized as a leading source of fearmongering and misinformation about vaccines.[2][3][4] While NVIC describes itself as the "oldest and largest consumer led organization advocating for the institution of vaccine safety and informed consent protections",[5] it promotes false and misleading information including the discredited claim that vaccines cause autism,[6][7][8] and its campaigns portray vaccination as risky, encouraging people to consider "alternatives."[9]

National Vaccine Information Center - Wikipedia
I thought it was republicans that were "smarter than the doctors?"
How convenient it is for them that the left is now "smarter than the doctors"

must watch, this isnt clickbait, its real.....

It may be, and even less likely he actually believes what he says. Between these conspiracy people and what's been written on the other side, I decided to confide in my cousin, who was a research doctor and a supervisor of her department that knows exactly how this vaccine works, and I'll trust her over this guy on the video not knowing his credentials. She spent her life traveling the world and even worked with Dr. Fauci some years ago.

Her recommendation to me was to get the vaccine as soon as it's available to me because she is doing the same. She tried to explain to me how it works, but her cousin is just a dumb truck driver and can't follow exactly what she was talking about. However she assured me that the way it works, it will have no long term negative effect, but I may experience some side effects after the first or second shot, which is completely normal. Her opinion is that the vaccine won't kill me, but Covid can given my multiple medical conditions and age.

I'm dealing with other medical issues right now and didn't sign up yet. After I get past these other problems, I plan on getting the vaccine. I trust my cousin, I trust the CDC, and I trust the FDA.
The media is trying to take advantage of this by scaring people, making claims that some are experiencing blood clots and others have died after getting the shot. Well guess what, if we interviewed all the people that drank orange juice this week that died or got blood clots, you'd probably have a higher percentage of those than who got the shot. There is zero evidence that the vaccine had anything to do with it.

I'm a conservative Republican, and as such, don't buy into conspiracy theories that easily. If you don't want to be vaccinated, then don't get the vaccination. More for the rest of us. What we may ultimately end up with is businesses insisting you show your vaccination card before entering their establishment which would be perfectly legal. As for myself, I'm going to get the shot and go back to living a normal life this summer, and will do so without any worry in the world.
What exactly did he say that sounded rational to you? Be specific.
I'm not going to parse his video word by word.

Has anyone challenged you to say why you let dr faucial do your thinking for you?

Yea I didn’t think you would be able to answer that either.

You think the guy sounds rational and can’t even tell me what he said that sounds rational to you.

Your attempt at deflecting to me is noted.
What gives you the right to ask all the questions?

This is supposed to be a two-way exchange

if its such an easy question to answer why don't you show us how its done?
Your attempt at deflecting to me is noted.
What gives you the right to ask all the questions?

This is supposed to be a two-way exchange

if its such an easy question to answer why don't you show us how its done?

You’re just trying to deflect and now you’re getting defensive about it.

If you answer my question then I’ll answer your question. I think that’s fair if you want a two-way exchange.

But I’m not expecting you to answer. You’ll just keep deflecting. You’ve tried this before with me and I don’t think you’re difficult to predict.

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