COVID-19 may have been here longer than we thought............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Read an interesting article on my Suddenlink news feed today. Seems that not only are scientists thinking that this virus has been around a lot longer than previously thought, they are also saying that Wuhan may not be the origin of the virus.

They are also saying that it is naturally occurring and not lab grown.

Read an interesting article on my Suddenlink news feed today. Seems that not only are scientists thinking that this virus has been around a lot longer than previously thought, they are also saying that Wuhan may not be the origin of the virus.

They are also saying that it is naturally occurring and not lab grown.

This article should be called "No shit Sherlock"
Most, if not all viruses have a mutation cycle such as this. Transmitted from animals to humans and then back and forth. Ducks to pigs to humans to dogs. Constantly mutating, It has always been this way...I mean 8% of the human genome is made up of sequences created from retroviruses.
Not even a theory. First, they do not explain how the strains are similar. Next, these scientists who claim this should have something to go by if they are so similar. Everything I've read has animal to human transmission and something happened to it while it was inside an animal (mutation). What viruses developed from humans? Computer viruses. The rest have been animals. This is just something that scientists float out there in order to get grant money.
Never mind the disturbing hyperbole we are hearing from the media, never mind the frightening predictions and projections we keep hearing, never mind the scary assessment by the Trump White House that 200,000 Americans will die of the coronavirus before all this is over, what is the bottom line?

The bottom line is 3,807 older Americans with preexisting health issues have died in the past three months within a population of 327 million.

The bottom line is, that fact is uniquely unremarkable.

During the press conference today, Dr. Deborah Birx presented a rather startling graph. It is unavailable on the internet. It showed that New York state and New Jersey, which is connected to the N.Y. city metro area, are anomalies. The rest of the states, all 48 of them, appear to have Covid-19 under control.

This link confirms that fact. United States Coronavirus: 187,347 Cases and 3,860 Deaths - Worldometer

Please go to the graph showing the states. The number of cases is secondary to the fatality rate of this virus. The common cold is, well, common. Look at the number of deaths. Again, that is a three month total, and, again, considering the fact that we are talking about the sick and the elderly, the figures are quite ordinary, perhaps even low.

Trump's medical experts finally confirmed something else I have been saying all along. The Trump White still refuses to give us an age breakdown of the deceased, but Dr. Birx told us that, while the young do get infected, they recover. She said that the mortality rate "increases with age and preexisting medical conditions."

That is the closest the Trump White House will get to providing the age and condition of those who succumb to this new common cold virus. Why is that?

Take away New York City, Detroit, and New Orleans and the media wouldn't have much to talk about.

During the press conference today, Dr. Deborah Birx presented a rather startling graph. It is unavailable on the internet. It showed that New York state and New Jersey, which is connected to the N.Y. city metro area, are anomalies. The rest of the states, all 48 of them, appear to have Covid-19 under control.

The Trump White House refuses to allow that graph to be seen on the internet.
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During the press conference today, Dr. Deborah Birx presented a rather startling graph. It is unavailable on the internet. It showed that New York state and New Jersey, which is connected to the N.Y. city metro area, are anomalies. The rest of the states, all 48 of them, appear to have Covid-19 under control.

The Trump White House refuses to allow that graph to be seen on the internet.

The Trump WH refuses to allow the graph to be seen on the internet? Then how in the hell did you manage to post it on the internet?
The Trump WH refuses to allow the graph to be seen on the internet? Then how in the hell did you manage to post it on the internet?

He's a leftist liar. Take your pick.

I swear if Hillary or Joe Biden were POTUS, they'd be dead already due to corona fumbling and we'd be hanging on just because there would be hope.
The Trump WH refuses to allow the graph to be seen on the internet? Then how in the hell did you manage to post it on the internet?

He's a leftist liar. Take your pick.

I swear if Hillary or Joe Biden were POTUS, they'd be dead already due to corona fumbling and we'd be hanging on just because there would be hope.

Why is it that you guys need to say how badly Biden or Hillary would be? Neither is president, and we don't know what they would have done.
The Trump WH refuses to allow the graph to be seen on the internet? Then how in the hell did you manage to post it on the internet?

He's a leftist liar. Take your pick.

I swear if Hillary or Joe Biden were POTUS, they'd be dead already due to corona fumbling and we'd be hanging on just because there would be hope.

Why is it that you guys need to say how badly Biden or Hillary would be? Neither is president, and we don't know what they would have done.

It's about trying to be positive in terms of it could be worse. We knew you were exaggerating with the Birx chart. Us Pubs hear it all the time regarding Trump impeachment. If we didn't hear that all the time, then we may take it seriously but practically every Trump story is about how he screwed up or what he did would lead to impeachment.
In January, I received a flu shot for the first time in ten years. In February, I had the flu for the first time in ten years.

My symptoms were a headache, a fever and a very dry cough that lingered for several weeks. I had no sniffling or sneezing whatsoever.
Read an interesting article on my Suddenlink news feed today. Seems that not only are scientists thinking that this virus has been around a lot longer than previously thought, they are also saying that Wuhan may not be the origin of the virus.

They are also saying that it is naturally occurring and not lab grown.

I wouldn't be half surprised if it turned out that way.

I remember back in the 80's when aids was first popular, I was chatting to this oldtime doctor I knew. It was nothing new at all to him. He told me that as long as he was in practice, from time to time, they see a young fellow who was light in the loafers who suddenly and mysteriously got very sick. Nothing could be done, and they soon died. Aids was only something that was described in recent years, the disease was ancient.
This virus is smart when spreading everywhere but at the same time this virus is WEAK: only hits hard the elder and people with health issues.

It is too early for having conclusions about the virus because the spreading still is in progress and the infections are found to be in various forms.

Some people have had no respiratory issues but the virus went to their brains causing them neurological conditions. Internal swelling of the brain and headaches, pressure on the head, and other symptoms as partial loss of memory. However, the virus action in the brain has not caused death... but it is hard to know if other consequences might come out later.

My opinion is still observing the behavior of this virus which is not "seasonal" and feels comfortable in cold and war climate, diagnosing the symptoms which by now are different in accord to the place of attack in the human body, and keep going as usual even if the hazard is present in the environment.

Best way to defend ourselves from the virus action is maintaining a healthy status. This is the first and main advice, measure and respond from our part, because by us being healthy means the virus won't cause us much damage.

Lets do our part. If you are under medicines, now is the crucial time to take them "religiously" and keep your body in good shape. Stop bad diets, smoking and over drinking. Do so until the hysteria goes away together with the virus.

But if the virus finds the way to stay, then keeping your body in good shape will be your best vaccine against the microscopic parasite.

The government is promising lots of things, but "social distance and washing hands" won't help you at all when you get infected by the virus, and only maintaining good health will keep you alive in front of the virus attack.
Aids was only something that was described in recent years, the disease was ancient.

These diseases may be ancient, but COVID-19 has mutated into the monster it is in 2019. AIDS will do the same as it mutates in order to survive.

The European nation that seems to be winning, i.e. staying on top of the virus, seems to be Germany. Even their quarantine measures are more strict and fitting for an open society. They had a test kit out first that WHO adopted. If we only listened to them instead of trying to get CDC's version out.

The European nation that seems to be winning, i.e. staying on top of the virus, seems to be Germany. Even their quarantine measures are more strict and fitting for an open society. They had a test kit out first that WHO adopted. If we only listened to them instead of trying to get CDC's version out.

In my early years, I had the opportunity to know an expert in food quality control. This was in a country which exported Tuna cans to several countries.

Part of his job was to take any can or sometimes few cans from every group coming out from the production site. He opened the can and look for color of the meat, if it shows "hematoma" (unusual dark or clear color). He checked the odor, and finally the taste. Also the lab was busy checking quality of the meat.

According to what he found, such group of cans was to be delivered to stores and to other countries.

The worst condition production was to be delivered to small groceries and to big chain of food markets to be sold as "on sale" for a week.

The Tuna cans production with regular appearance, smell and taste, to be delivered to export to third world countries and internally to markets for regular sale.

However, the best production was to be exported to Germany as the primary target. Germany was very demanding about the quality of their imported food.

Here you have a reason why the virus has been also "controlled" better in Germany when compared to other countries around its borders.

It has been recognized that good health is the best defense against the virus, and people in Germany. at least in those years (70s) was very picky about food quality.

I also remember this guy brought to my group -we used to hang at the corner near a club- some of those Tuna cans "Germany import quality" to the neighborhood. And we had the "luxury" of eating such an excellent tuna.

In my hood we were used to eat solely the "one week on sale" tuna quality, so, I remember 30 minutes after having that tuna of greatest quality, all of us suffered stomach cramps and pain for hours....
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...China has 2 of the top ten most polluted rivers.......1 BILLION people......good chance it did start in China
The Trump WH refuses to allow the graph to be seen on the internet? Then how in the hell did you manage to post it on the internet?

He's a leftist liar. Take your pick.

I swear if Hillary or Joe Biden were POTUS, they'd be dead already due to corona fumbling and we'd be hanging on just because there would be hope.

Why is it that you guys need to say how badly Biden or Hillary would be? Neither is president, and we don't know what they would have done.
N1H1 is under Biden's belt how well did he handle it?
We know how Clinton fucked up with Bengahzi since she as SOS was head of all embassy's
The Trump WH refuses to allow the graph to be seen on the internet? Then how in the hell did you manage to post it on the internet?

He's a leftist liar. Take your pick.

I swear if Hillary or Joe Biden were POTUS, they'd be dead already due to corona fumbling and we'd be hanging on just because there would be hope.

Why is it that you guys need to say how badly Biden or Hillary would be? Neither is president, and we don't know what they would have done.
N1H1 is under Biden's belt how well did he handle it?
We know how Clinton fucked up with Bengahzi since she as SOS was head of all embassy's

Actually, it was under Obama's presidency. Biden was just VP, and while he could help in the decision process, the ultimate decision was up to Obama. As far as Benghazi? I suggest watching the movie "13 Hours" which is about the Benghazi attack. The main person I blame in the death of the ambassador is the CIA station chief who delayed the team from going to rescue him for around 90 min. If they had gone right away, he may have been saved.

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