COVID-19: Inside Trump Admin - Debate raged over what to tell the public


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
This will go down as one of Donnie's biggest FUBARS. And the competition is STIFF.

March 08, 2020
COVID-19: Inside Trump administration, debate raged over what to tell public
Via The New York Times: Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public. Excerpt from a long report:

WASHINGTON — After weeks of conflicting signals from the Trump administration about the coronavirus, the government’s top health officials decided late last month that when President Trump returned from a trip to India, they would tell him they had to be more blunt about the dangers of the outbreak. If he approved, they would level with the public.

But Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, got a day ahead of the plan. At noon on Feb. 25, just as Mr. Trump was boarding Air Force One in New Delhi for his flight home, she told reporters on a conference call that life in the United States was about to change.

“The disruption to everyday life might be severe,” she said. Schools might have to close, conferences could be canceled, businesses might make employees work from home. She had told her own children, she said, to prepare for “significant disruption to our lives.” The stock market plummeted, cable news blared apocalyptic headlines and by the time Mr. Trump landed at Joint Base Andrews early the next morning, his critics were accusing him of sowing confusion on an issue of life or death.

The president immediately got on the phone with Alex M. Azar II, his secretary of health and human services. That call scared people, he shouted, referring to Ms. Messonnier’s warnings. Are we at the point that we will have to start closing schools? the president added, alarmed, according to an official who heard about the call.

To health officials, the message needed to change with the outbreak. “The epicenter was shifting” as the number of new cases outside China surpassed those inside, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, the principal deputy director of the C.D.C. “The issue of what this might mean to us became more important.” From the beginning, the Trump administration’s attempts to forestall an outbreak of a virus now spreading rapidly across the globe was marked by a raging internal debate about how far to go in telling Americans the truth.

Even as the government’s scientists and leading health experts raised the alarm early and pushed for aggressive action, they faced resistance and doubt at the White House — especially from the president — about spooking financial markets and inciting panic. “It’s going to all work out,” Mr. Trump said as recently as Thursday night. “Everybody has to be calm. It’s going to work out.”

Health experts say that telling people to remain calm is an effective message in an epidemic, and it is appropriate that it come from the president. Clear, honest communication is also crucial, and the United States has at times criticized China and other governments for being less than transparent.

But from Mr. Trump’s first comments on the virus in January to rambling remarks at the C.D.C. on Friday, health experts say the administration has struggled to strike an effective balance between encouraging calm, providing key information and leading an assertive response. The confused signals from the Trump administration, they say, left Americans unprepared for a public health crisis and delayed their understanding of a virus that has reached at least 28 states, infected more than 300 people and killed at least 17.
Funny that you should bring this up. On January 31, 2020 DJT as his first move banned flights to and from China then he requested $2.5 billion from Congress to aid in controlling the spread of this COVID-19 virus. Yet it took over one month for the Democrat majority in Congress to act.
At the present time DJT has done the right things to contain the virus. It's impossible to stop the spread, but by slowing the spread and quarantining those affected is the best method.
Making this a political thing is wrong and if there is any blame to the spread of the virus it should be placed at the feet of the Democrats that dragged their feet in supplying funds to fight the spread of COVID-19.
Funny that you should bring this up. On January 31, 2020 DJT as his first move banned flights to and from China then he requested $2.5 billion from Congress to aid in controlling the spread of this COVID-19 virus. Yet it took over one month for the Democrat majority in Congress to act.
At the present time DJT has done the right things to contain the virus. It's impossible to stop the spread, but by slowing the spread and quarantining those affected is the best method.
Making this a political thing is wrong and if there is any blame to the spread of the virus it should be placed at the feet of the Democrats that dragged their feet in supplying funds to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Nonsense - Pulling up the drawbridge and adding alligators to the mote accomplished NOTHING. The response was lame. Hard Stop
In case anybody missed his idiocy at the CDC labs last week whilst wearing his stupid KAG cap. JEEZUS!! :rolleyes:

What a bunch of crap...Trump acted fast...even this 8.2 billion Nancy sat on it until the dems could get some ads out and media appearances bashing she held up the bill from the senate for three days...will the media report that?....did the TDS candidate OP say anything about that? Trump haters are embarrassing are becoming a SNL skit and a caricature of yourselves.....
In case anybody missed his idiocy at the CDC labs last week whilst wearing his stupid KAG cap. JEEZUS!! :rolleyes:

At least DJT knows what state and department he's in, whilst your candidate doesn't know the time of day or even who is his wife...
Funny that you should bring this up. On January 31, 2020 DJT as his first move banned flights to and from China then he requested $2.5 billion from Congress to aid in controlling the spread of this COVID-19 virus. Yet it took over one month for the Democrat majority in Congress to act.
At the present time DJT has done the right things to contain the virus. It's impossible to stop the spread, but by slowing the spread and quarantining those affected is the best method.
Making this a political thing is wrong and if there is any blame to the spread of the virus it should be placed at the feet of the Democrats that dragged their feet in supplying funds to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Nonsense - Pulling up the drawbridge and adding alligators to the mote accomplished NOTHING. The response was lame. Hard Stop

So what would you do to stop the spread of COVID-19? Isolation of the infected is the first step to contain an outbreak...
Funny that you should bring this up. On January 31, 2020 DJT as his first move banned flights to and from China then he requested $2.5 billion from Congress to aid in controlling the spread of this COVID-19 virus. Yet it took over one month for the Democrat majority in Congress to act.
At the present time DJT has done the right things to contain the virus. It's impossible to stop the spread, but by slowing the spread and quarantining those affected is the best method.
Making this a political thing is wrong and if there is any blame to the spread of the virus it should be placed at the feet of the Democrats that dragged their feet in supplying funds to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Nonsense - Pulling up the drawbridge and adding alligators to the mote accomplished NOTHING. The response was lame. Hard Stop

So what would you do to stop the spread of COVID-19? Isolation of the infected is the first step to contain an outbreak...

I wouldn't have downplayed the problem and called it a "Democrat hoax" or suggested that it would "just disappear".

And our testing has been an inexcusable clusterfuck.

Coronavirus Testing Criteria and Numbers by Country - Worldometer

That's just for starters.
I agree with the president, “It’s going to all work out,” Mr. Trump said as recently as Thursday night. “Everybody has to be calm. It’s going to work out.”

Panicking snow flakes could lead to all sorts of havoc, a reason to riot, etc.
Funny that you should bring this up. On January 31, 2020 DJT as his first move banned flights to and from China then he requested $2.5 billion from Congress to aid in controlling the spread of this COVID-19 virus. Yet it took over one month for the Democrat majority in Congress to act.
At the present time DJT has done the right things to contain the virus. It's impossible to stop the spread, but by slowing the spread and quarantining those affected is the best method.
Making this a political thing is wrong and if there is any blame to the spread of the virus it should be placed at the feet of the Democrats that dragged their feet in supplying funds to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Nonsense - Pulling up the drawbridge and adding alligators to the mote accomplished NOTHING. The response was lame. Hard Stop

So what would you do to stop the spread of COVID-19? Isolation of the infected is the first step to contain an outbreak...

I wouldn't have downplayed the problem and called it a "Democrat hoax" or suggested that it would "just disappear".

And our testing has been an inexcusable clusterfuck.

Coronavirus Testing Criteria and Numbers by Country - Worldometer

That's just for starters.
That is on people in the CDC. Ironically the CDC official who raised fears turns out to be Rod Rosenstein's sister. Hopefully most people know that each state has a health department too, right?
Bird Flu!!!! We're all gonna die!!!!!...............................nope
Swine Flu!! We're all gonna die!!!!!..............................nope
EBOLA!!!! We're all gonna die!!!!!..............................nope
Zika!!! We're all gonna die!!!!!....................................,nope
H1N1!! We're all gonna die!!!!!...................................nope
SARS!!! We're all gonna die!!!!!..................................nope
MERS!!! We're all gonna die!!!!!..................................nope
COVID-19!!! We're all gonna die!!!!!...........................??

Anyone see a pattern?


Funny that you should bring this up. On January 31, 2020 DJT as his first move banned flights to and from China then he requested $2.5 billion from Congress to aid in controlling the spread of this COVID-19 virus. Yet it took over one month for the Democrat majority in Congress to act.
At the present time DJT has done the right things to contain the virus. It's impossible to stop the spread, but by slowing the spread and quarantining those affected is the best method.
Making this a political thing is wrong and if there is any blame to the spread of the virus it should be placed at the feet of the Democrats that dragged their feet in supplying funds to fight the spread of COVID-19.

Nonsense - Pulling up the drawbridge and adding alligators to the mote accomplished NOTHING. The response was lame. Hard Stop

So what would you do to stop the spread of COVID-19? Isolation of the infected is the first step to contain an outbreak...

I wouldn't have downplayed the problem and called it a "Democrat hoax" or suggested that it would "just disappear".

And our testing has been an inexcusable clusterfuck.

Coronavirus Testing Criteria and Numbers by Country - Worldometer

That's just for starters.

Then you would prefer panicking the citizenry?
Is our testing a clusterfuck now? Please elucidate on the problems encountered when addressing a newly mutated virus?
Do you have any experience at all in how to handle communicable diseases?
Have you ever worked with cases that require isolation? I don't think so. It is not a crisis situation as of it but we are treating it seriously. The Flu is still killing more that COVID-19 has killed this year....
Where were you when the 44th president dragged his feet to act on the H1N1 Virus, MERS Coronaviruses, or Zika virus causing thousands of deaths in America?
Can we say you had the same opinions then as you do now?

Obviously you don't have the cojones to respond cogently to the questions posed to you....
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