Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2022

This is such B.S, guys competing against girls, because the couldn't beat other guys, just so they can say they are state champions, the leftist pieces of garbage that support this crap, are probably upset they didn't think of it first. Give me one good reason this should be allowed, well that isn't just part of your feels.
The panel said the four cisgender athletes lacked standing to sue — in part because their claims that they were deprived of wins, state titles and athletic scholarship opportunities were speculative.

This is a piss poor argument. Using this argument no one could sue for much anything. If someone was spreading rumors that your business was using outdated meat in their sandwiches, it could be nothing more than speculative you lost business.
It is most definitely a terrible decision and defies even common sense .

How America is letting such a small percentage of people ( under 3% ?) rule over the balance (around 97% ) is beyond comprehension .

But once more it underlines how deep the invasion has been of the Cabal infiltrating the legal system and effectively rigging the legal process .

There comes a point when the Sheeple must rise up against this and overthrow their captors and slave masters .
Did you all see that tranny rugby player hit that girl and knock her back 10 feet?... she is still suffering from her injuries... eventually law suits will stop this... many are working their way through the courts as we speak... common sense juries will award victims hefty fines from schools and sports clubs.... that will stop this....
As long as we continue to accommodate these fetishes, we will destroy everything women have fought to attain for centuries.
But, but, but, the left is the party of women's equality! Of course that is sarcasm, and they only care about votes, and how they can make another demographic, while assuring women they care! Smart women see through their B.S, Leftist women do not
Did you all see that tranny rugby player hit that girl and knock her back 10 feet?... she is still suffering from her injuries...
Ohio just did the same thing. No common sense any more, just political bullshit shoved down our throats...

There cannot possibly be any legal precedent for supporting a man having a little cosmetic surgery and hormone treatment to suppress their gender being now deemed a woman in the eyes of the law and god, so courts siding with this are either activist or too cowardly to stand against the pressure to pass it.

If your gender is nothing but a fluid choice prone to a person's whims and feelings, then what isn't?
There cannot possibly be any legal precedent for supporting a man having a little cosmetic surgery and hormone treatment to suppress their gender being now deemed a woman in the eyes of the law and god, so courts siding with this are either activist or too cowardly to stand against the pressure to pass it.

If your gender is nothing but a fluid choice prone to a person's whims and feelings, then what isn't?
They are telling our children that the doctor assigns you a gender at birth, but it's just temporary, until you decide for yourself. The doctor announces your gender, he doesn't assign you one. That would be the job of your father, nine months earlier.
F science, I guess, when it opposes the global/leftist narrative...

This is such B.S, guys competing against girls, because the couldn't beat other guys, just so they can say they are state champions, the leftist pieces of garbage that support this crap, are probably upset they didn't think of it first. Give me one good reason this should be allowed, well that isn't just part of your feels.
It's not a " leftist " issue ; it's a human rights issue and being such a concerns everyone. I tend to side with the Leftists on most issues, but I'm still on the fence on this one. I see both sides have legitimate concerns. This the courts will have to decide and they did in this case. I can live with it, I'm not into sports.
It's not a " leftist " issue ; it's a human rights issue and being such a concerns everyone. I tend to side with the Leftists on most issues, but I'm still on the fence on this one. I see both sides have legitimate concerns. This the courts will have to decide and they did in this case. I can live with it, I'm not into sports.

It's not a human rights issue. Playing sports isnt a right period. There are any number of reasons we restrict who can and cannot play sports. Grades, athletic ability, disciplinary reasons, etc. The bottom line on this issue is this. These individuals are choosing to "transition" from male to female or vice versa. That fine, but that choice has repercussions. One of them is that if you are a boy transitioning to a girl you might suffer athletically because of the hormones you're taking but if you want to play sports you have to do so according to your biological sex. Sorry, but that's life and life isnt "fair". You can always choose to not play sports. Join the chess club or some other extracurricular activity.

I dont understand where this idea that you always get to do everything you want just the way you want to do it came from but it's a dangerous way of thinking.

This is such B.S, guys competing against girls, because the couldn't beat other guys, just so they can say they are state champions, the leftist pieces of garbage that support this crap, are probably upset they didn't think of it first. Give me one good reason this should be allowed, well that isn't just part of your feels.

I dont understand why coaches just dont cut them when they try out. Have the tryouts and say sorry you didnt make the team. Maybe next year.

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