Court Packing


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
Saw this from the supreme douchebag:


We need a Constitutional amendment preventing court packing. Otherwise, there's not much point in having a Court. Nor a Constitution.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
It's a law that has not been amended since 1894 or something, but when has that ever stopped the lust for power?

They will do whatever it takes, even if they don't have the Senate. They will shove it into every spending bill and take every other measure, JUST LIKE THEY DID WITH OBAMACARE.

Do the same in return and force a constitutional amendment. That's the best way to shut this down and lock it into place permanently.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
It's a law that has not been amended since 1894 or something, but when has that ever stopped the lust for power?

They will do whatever it takes, even if they don't have the Senate. They will shove it into every spending bill and take every other measure, JUST LIKE THEY DID WITH OBAMACARE.

Do the same in return and force a constitutional amendment. That's the best way to shut this down and lock it into place permanently.

Obamacare they didn't get a single republican vote

They gave a hand out to insurance companies instead of a public option, you have such a warped view of american governance my god

Obamacare is the REPUBLICAN solution. It used to be called Romneycare. Because he was teh only one to put it into practice as an executive before Obama.

The left's solution is medicare for all. We got Obamacare in the attempt to mollify repulbicans...Who again none voted for. And they controlled the both chambers

How the fuck can you complain about that? You got the most market oriented solution on the table beyond doing fucking nothing. Which no one seems to support
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
I really don't see Biden trending this way. Clyburn isn't either. Biden's mentioned something vague in term of reforming (or changing) the federal courts

And I'm not sure he's gonna win anyway.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.
Good example of "WRONG"
Guialianni, Bill Barr, Whores, Mitch McConnell 3 children by 3 Different women, Court case's, you better study your guy's background, before you get the dirt on your face.
Donald Trump and Moscow Mitch made the decision, before the Election, the Pack the Court, to make sure thing's go their way, and Knock millions of people off of Healthcare Insurance, Because it was their prerogative, Well now the Shoe is on the other foot, the System of Checks n Balances is coming to fruition get used to it, the Russian Communist Trump Party is not taking over the United States.
Donald Trump and Moscow Mitch made the decision, before the Election, the Pack the Court, to make sure thing's go their way, and Knock millions of people off of Healthcare Insurance, Because it was their prerogative, Well now the Shoe is on the other foot, the System of Checks n Balances is coming to fruition get used to it, the Russian Communist Trump Party is not taking over the United States.

You're confused. A last minute appointment isn't "packing". Packing is changing the total number of justices - adding more, presumably to rebalance the Court in a specific direction. But thanks for playing.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
I really don't see Biden trending this way. Clyburn isn't either. Biden's mentioned something vague in term of reforming (or changing) the federal courts

Yeah. I've seen that a couple of times. Something about a bipartisan commission to study "court reform". It's either a dog whistle for court packing, or he's placating progressives with ambiguity.

And I'm not sure he's gonna win anyway.

They'd also need to take the Senate. Both are definitely possible.
Saw this from the supreme douchebag:


We need a Constitutional amendment preventing court packing. Otherwise, there's not much point in having a Court. Nor a Constitution.
These evil vermin like Reich are always around. The self protectors of the realm. The world existed without them, but they indulge themselves on us all. Everyday we see them. From the media, the entertainers, the Pure Prog politicians and elites who know better. The pushers of pure socialism who will live like royalty no matter what happens. Equality has its limits.
Saw this from the supreme douchebag:


We need a Constitutional amendment preventing court packing. Otherwise, there's not much point in having a Court. Nor a Constitution.
These evil vermin like Reich are always around.

There aren't many pundits I hate, but Reich is one. I hate him even more than Trump, because so many people actually take him seriously. And he's not stupid, he just has NO respect for limited government, no respect for liberty.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
It's a law that has not been amended since 1894 or something, but when has that ever stopped the lust for power?

They will do whatever it takes, even if they don't have the Senate. They will shove it into every spending bill and take every other measure, JUST LIKE THEY DID WITH OBAMACARE.

Do the same in return and force a constitutional amendment. That's the best way to shut this down and lock it into place permanently.
The lust for power, aka McConnel is what hot us to this point.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
I really don't see Biden trending this way. Clyburn isn't either. Biden's mentioned something vague in term of reforming (or changing) the federal courts

Yeah. I've seen that a couple of times. Something about a bipartisan commission to study "court reform". It's either a dog whistle for court packing, or he's placating progressives with ambiguity.

And I'm not sure he's gonna win anyway.

They'd also need to take the Senate. Both are definitely possible.
Just eliminate the SC. All they have done for some time now, is protect the wealthy and powerful. They haven’t done their constitutional duty so they’re a criminal enterprise. Just like Congress and the Executive branch.

Time to start over.
Trump could get that done in a few weeks.

Just line up a list of 50 hardcore right wing candidates and ask the Senate to confirm every Goddamn one. You'll get an amendment in short order.

Well, the problem would be increasing the size of the Court to begin with - which would require the House to be on board as well. The only way it will happen is if one party has control of everything (WH and all of Congress). Which may very well be what we're facing if the "blue wave" comes to fruition.

In the past, Biden has recognized how stupid that would be - but stupidity is trending.
I really don't see Biden trending this way. Clyburn isn't either. Biden's mentioned something vague in term of reforming (or changing) the federal courts

Yeah. I've seen that a couple of times. Something about a bipartisan commission to study "court reform". It's either a dog whistle for court packing, or he's placating progressives with ambiguity.

And I'm not sure he's gonna win anyway.

They'd also need to take the Senate. Both are definitely possible.
Just eliminate the SC. All they have done for some time now, is protect the wealthy and powerful. They haven’t done their constitutional duty so they’re a criminal enterprise. Just like Congress and the Executive branch.

Time to start over.

They certainly haven't done a great job enforcing limits on state power. But I don't really buy the line that they protect the "wealthy and powerful". I think they're just kinda cowardly. They don't want to be seen as blocking the "will of the people". But that's their fucking job.

Robert's ACA decision was the perfect example. He outlined exactly why the mandate was wrong, but then copped out with "but we've been doing it for a long time, so I'm not gonna block it". Lame.
It’s amazing how so many people do not know the difference between filling an existing vacant court seat and increasing the current number of seats. It does however explain how politicians are able to get away with as much garbage as they do.
Saw this from the supreme douchebag:


We need a Constitutional amendment preventing court packing. Otherwise, there's not much point in having a Court. Nor a Constitution.
Something like that is inevitable. Repubs stole the seat from Obama so the bar will be lowered soon. Things just get worse and worse.

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