Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

I have no issue whatsoever with gays, each to their own, nor with regular Muslims, but with Islam and radical Muslims, I most certainly do. I also believe that religious organisations should not be forced to betray their beliefs ie by being forced to employ homosexuals. However, if that's how it's going to be, then we should ensure that applies across the board. Muslims are notorious in their hatred of homosexuals, among a great many other things, so I hope they will be subjected to the same pressures.
It does apply across the board, because we have laws against religious nonsense. That's why Kim Davis isn't shoving gay people off of roofs to uproarious applause.

You don't apply a damn thing across the board. You talk about Kim Davis and her beliefs yet seem to have no problem with Muslims and their view on homosexuality. So much for your character.
No I oppose religious insanity across the board. When Muslims start parading themselves around in the U.S. assaulting gay rights and demanding religion in the government and classroom it will be liberals leading the way to stop them.

You mean like when schools in the U.S. host a Wear a Hijab Day? Don't recall seeing you say a damn thing about that violation of the 1st Amendment. Bet you would have said a lot about Wear a Christian Cross Day. You lie if you say otherwise.
Seems like maybe 2 schools had anything to do with International Wear a Hijab day. I didn't know that existed. Sounds pretty fucking stupid. It also seems they apologized and or cancelled the event.

International Wear A Cross Day sounds just as stupid to me. I doubt there is one.

Don't care for apologies from barbarians.

There were Wear a Hijab Day events that actually took place. If any were cancelled, they had to be approved in the first place. Wear a Cross Day wouldn't get a second look. Seems the pussies have to appease the barbaric Muslims.
Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man

I don't understand how that man being gay has anything to do with his ability to do his job.

I applaud the ruling and I hope it's upheld through our courts. We all know how the supreme court is going to rule. They have not ruled against homosexual people yet. I don't see it happening in this case either.

If that catholic school takes my tax dollars in the form of vouchers for their school or any federal money from the bush boy's faith based initiatives, then that catholic school should have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

Christian institutions should come into the 21st century and stop discriminating against people.

Our twin's school isn't Christian and they won't hire gays. It's not always religion
that you would send your kids to such a backwards school is no surprise.
Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

Next up: Catholic orphanage must adopt boys to gay men..

(notice the boy's curled up hands, turned away from the men and up against his chest in a protective position.. Look at the corners of his mouth and the hollow expression his eyes have behind the sunglasses)


If a catholic institution cannot discriminate based on behavior, like sexual behavior, in this instance, it cannot discriminated in ANY instance...including adoption.

This is the toe in the door...they're almost there. The home stretch is in sight.. And just look how excited the gay guy at the top of the photo is. He has an arrogant excitement look on his face..
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Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

Next up: Catholic orphanage must adopt boys to gay men..

So what? .

You think if most orphans had a choice they would ask for a mother and father instead of two of the same?
You really think it will make no difference in their psychological, emotional, spiritual developments (in most cases)?

I am not saying gay couples are to be scorned for adopting, they probably have good intentions. I am saying there are still many real problems that go with the child's well being in such cases.
Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

Next up: Catholic orphanage must adopt boys to gay men..

So what? .

You think if most orphans had a choice they would ask for a mother and father instead of two of the same?
You really think it will make no difference in their psychological, emotional, spiritual developments (in most cases)?

I am not saying gay couples are to be scorned for adopting, they probably have good intentions. I am saying there are still many real problems that go with the child's well being in such cases.
I'm not going to get into the issue of adoption with anyone here because that is not the topic of this thread. However, I will say this for now: The notion that children of same sex couples are at any disadvantage and that the outcomes for them are any different that for those of heterosexual couples is flat out wrong and has been debunked a thousand times over.

If you want to discuss adoption, may I suggest that you subscribe to the thread that I linked below. Please read threw it and review the documentation on the subject that I previously provided there.
HRC Condemns Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant’s Statement of Support for LGBT Adoption Ban | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Or you could just visit this thread instead if an internet troll named "The Progressive Patriot" isn't convincing you that a child not having a mother or a father is A-OK.. Prince's Trust Survey & The Voices of the Voteless (Children) in Gay Marriage Debate | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The disabled link to the Prince's Trust Youth Survey of 2010 is viewable here now instead; PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY
This is horseshit! It was horseshit when you first posted it, it's horseshit now and it will be horseshit the next time that you post it which you surely will. Do you actually think people are so stupid to believe that this survey has ANYTHING to do with same sex couples as parents? It does not! The closest that it comes to say that children who do not have a positive role model of the same gender in their lives are at a disadvantage. It does not say that the role model has to be a parent! Your assertions about same sex couple parenting fly in the face of EVERY credible study and the opinion of EVERY major mental health association that there is. Stop lying!
Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man

I don't understand how that man being gay has anything to do with his ability to do his job.

I applaud the ruling and I hope it's upheld through our courts. We all know how the supreme court is going to rule. They have not ruled against homosexual people yet. I don't see it happening in this case either.

If that catholic school takes my tax dollars in the form of vouchers for their school or any federal money from the bush boy's faith based initiatives, then that catholic school should have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

Christian institutions should come into the 21st century and stop discriminating against people.
. God's Word trumps your 21st Century morality.
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This is horseshit! It was horseshit when you first posted it, it's horseshit now and it will be horseshit the next time that you post it which you surely will. Do you actually think people are so stupid to believe that this survey has ANYTHING to do with same sex couples as parents? It does not! The closest that it comes to say that children who do not have a positive role model of the same gender in their lives are at a disadvantage. It does not say that the role model has to be a parent! Your assertions about same sex couple parenting fly in the face of EVERY credible study and the opinion of EVERY major mental health association that there is. Stop lying!
I think we can all agree among intelligent people, that in order to be raised in a normal, healthy environment, a child needs a mother and father. After all, two men can't conceive a baby between them. It takes a male and female, preferably married.
Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man

I don't understand how that man being gay has anything to do with his ability to do his job.

I applaud the ruling and I hope it's upheld through our courts. We all know how the supreme court is going to rule. They have not ruled against homosexual people yet. I don't see it happening in this case either.

If that catholic school takes my tax dollars in the form of vouchers for their school or any federal money from the bush boy's faith based initiatives, then that catholic school should have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

Christian institutions should come into the 21st century and stop discriminating against people.
. God's Word trumps your 21st Century.

God only talks to right wing Iowans, (and some in Nebraska and Kansas)
This is horseshit! It was horseshit when you first posted it, it's horseshit now and it will be horseshit the next time that you post it which you surely will. Do you actually think people are so stupid to believe that this survey has ANYTHING to do with same sex couples as parents? It does not! The closest that it comes to say that children who do not have a positive role model of the same gender in their lives are at a disadvantage. It does not say that the role model has to be a parent! Your assertions about same sex couple parenting fly in the face of EVERY credible study and the opinion of EVERY major mental health association that there is. Stop lying!
I think we can all agree among intelligent people, that in order to be raised in a normal, healthy environment, a child needs a mother and father. After all, two men can't conceive a baby between them. It takes a male and female, preferably married.

You think wrong...
Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man

I don't understand how that man being gay has anything to do with his ability to do his job.

I applaud the ruling and I hope it's upheld through our courts. We all know how the supreme court is going to rule. They have not ruled against homosexual people yet. I don't see it happening in this case either.

If that catholic school takes my tax dollars in the form of vouchers for their school or any federal money from the bush boy's faith based initiatives, then that catholic school should have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

Christian institutions should come into the 21st century and stop discriminating against people.
. God's Word trumps your 21st Century morality.
Which God, or gods in your case?
This is horseshit! It was horseshit when you first posted it, it's horseshit now and it will be horseshit the next time that you post it which you surely will. Do you actually think people are so stupid to believe that this survey has ANYTHING to do with same sex couples as parents? It does not! The closest that it comes to say that children who do not have a positive role model of the same gender in their lives are at a disadvantage. It does not say that the role model has to be a parent! Your assertions about same sex couple parenting fly in the face of EVERY credible study and the opinion of EVERY major mental health association that there is. Stop lying!
I think we can all agree among intelligent people, that in order to be raised in a normal, healthy environment, a child needs a mother and father. After all, two men can't conceive a baby between them. It takes a male and female, preferably married.
Well that argument died, in the courts.
This is horseshit! It was horseshit when you first posted it, it's horseshit now and it will be horseshit the next time that you post it which you surely will. Do you actually think people are so stupid to believe that this survey has ANYTHING to do with same sex couples as parents? It does not! The closest that it comes to say that children who do not have a positive role model of the same gender in their lives are at a disadvantage. It does not say that the role model has to be a parent! Your assertions about same sex couple parenting fly in the face of EVERY credible study and the opinion of EVERY major mental health association that there is. Stop lying!
I think we can all agree among intelligent people, that in order to be raised in a normal, healthy environment, a child needs a mother and father. After all, two men can't conceive a baby between them. It takes a male and female, preferably married.
Yo ! This thread is about a school employee. It is not about parenting. If you want to discuss your ignorant uniformed views about parenting by same sex couple this is the place to do it: HRC Condemns Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant’s Statement of Support for LGBT Adoption Ban | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Read and learn. Educate( yourself ) before you bloviate. You " think we can all agree among intelligent people,"? Give me a fucking break!

PS: Conception and parenting are two different things and gay people do in fact conceive children.
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Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man

I don't understand how that man being gay has anything to do with his ability to do his job.

I applaud the ruling and I hope it's upheld through our courts. We all know how the supreme court is going to rule. They have not ruled against homosexual people yet. I don't see it happening in this case either.

If that catholic school takes my tax dollars in the form of vouchers for their school or any federal money from the bush boy's faith based initiatives, then that catholic school should have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

Christian institutions should come into the 21st century and stop discriminating against people.
. God's Word trumps your 21st Century morality.

Not in a secular society.
This is both a secular and religious society. Check the 1st Amendment when you get a minute..

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