Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

You may have been born into a Catholic family but you were not Catholic until baptized and later Confirmed
Wanna bet? My Parents forced me to get confirmed. I didnt choose it. I was born into it

You're spewing nonsense

Wait until he gets to the part where Catholics cut peoples heads off if they want to leave the church. This should be hilarious.


For the best part of a thousand years the Catholic Church was responsible for the murder of tens of thousands only because they disagreed with the Church's so-called beliefs.

Secular law finally got the Catholic bastards under control.
I think it's called self defense douche pack

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Ah...another thread that started with an important and interesting issue that is being driven into the gutter of inanity by the trolls, anti-intellectuals and bigots. Nice going!

You did your part as well. Just saying, take responsibility
Are Muslim schools forced to hire gay men?
They would be if this same case was brought against them, you fucking victim.
Huh? Wow, that's a little OTT there. Keep your flaming hair on. Lol.
Wah Muslims get special treatment waaaaaah. Meanwhile a frontrunner candidate and an entire major political party is literally talking about creating a Muslim registry, survelling Mosques, banning Muslim immigration and instituting a religious benchmark for immigration... but waaaaaah I bet Muslim's don't have to hire gay people WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

If you like Muslims so much, take them into your home. Let's hope one of them is a terrorist that kills your family members.
There's that RW christian love.
You do not know very much about Catholicism.

But keep opining on it anyway. This is entertaining.

I was born catholic.

You may have been born into a Catholic family but you were not Catholic until baptized and later Confirmed
Wanna bet? My Parents forced me to get confirmed. I didnt choose it. I was born into it

You're spewing nonsense

Wait until he gets to the part where Catholics cut peoples heads off if they want to leave the church. This should be hilarious.


For the best part of a thousand years the Catholic Church was responsible for the murder of tens of thousands only because they disagreed with the Church's so-called beliefs.

Secular law finally got the Catholic bastards under control.

And you were how old when this happened?

Why does a potential hire have to reveal he smokes dick in the first place? Aren't his qualifications what matters before being selected, or do these fudge-packer simply play the "gay card" when they are incapable of competing because they are simply unqualified?
President Trump will put an end to all this gay rights bullshit. It's on his list of things to eradicate.
You're a lovely fellow. Is that your boy friend that you have your arm around?
No...he's the bottom...his boyfriend is fondling his nipple.
You lost bitch. Sucks for you. Welcome to the 21st century.
You're a real grump today.
Says the gay and Muslim hating homo/xenophobe
I have no issue whatsoever with gays, each to their own, nor with regular Muslims, but with Islam and radical Muslims, I most certainly do. I also believe that religious organisations should not be forced to betray their beliefs ie by being forced to employ homosexuals. However, if that's how it's going to be, then we should ensure that applies across the board. Muslims are notorious in their hatred of homosexuals, among a great many other things, so I hope they will be subjected to the same pressures.
It does apply across the board, because we have laws against religious nonsense. That's why Kim Davis isn't shoving gay people off of roofs to uproarious applause.

You don't apply a damn thing across the board. You talk about Kim Davis and her beliefs yet seem to have no problem with Muslims and their view on homosexuality. So much for your character.
I love when RWrs like you make stuff up. When did TheOldSchool ever say he has "no problem with Muslims and their view on homosexuality"? Link his comments in that regard.
I suspect that if the guy had been a pediphile priest, instead of a gay man with a partner, he would have been assured the job for life....
I was born catholic.

You may have been born into a Catholic family but you were not Catholic until baptized and later Confirmed
Wanna bet? My Parents forced me to get confirmed. I didnt choose it. I was born into it

You're spewing nonsense

Wait until he gets to the part where Catholics cut peoples heads off if they want to leave the church. This should be hilarious.


For the best part of a thousand years the Catholic Church was responsible for the murder of tens of thousands only because they disagreed with the Church's so-called beliefs.

Secular law finally got the Catholic bastards under control.

And you were how old when this happened?


Try not to be retarded.

The Catholic Church was a horrible institution for centuries. Religion didn't fix it. Secularism fixed it.
I was born catholic.

You may have been born into a Catholic family but you were not Catholic until baptized and later Confirmed
Wanna bet? My Parents forced me to get confirmed. I didnt choose it. I was born into it

You're spewing nonsense

Wait until he gets to the part where Catholics cut peoples heads off if they want to leave the church. This should be hilarious.


For the best part of a thousand years the Catholic Church was responsible for the murder of tens of thousands only because they disagreed with the Church's so-called beliefs.

Secular law finally got the Catholic bastards under control.

And you were how old when this happened?


Well when the Catholic terrorists in Northern Ireland were still blowing things up on a daily basis, I was a young adult, thereabouts.

Happy now?
Whether the school is legally within their rights or not, this is anti gay bigotry. In the wake of the Obergefell decision, there are still those who are in positions of power and influence who will not let up on trying to find ways of denying equality to gays and giving others license to discriminate:

Six GOP Hopefuls Vow To Enshrine Anti-Gay Discrimination Into Law Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 12/18/2015 1:38 pm

In the wake of the Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling, anti-gay Religious Right groups rallied around a piece of legislation known as the First Amendment Defense Act, which would prohibit the federal government from "taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage." In essence, the law would give individuals and businesses a license to openly discriminate against gay people and others in the name of "religious liberty," so naturally anti-gay groups have lined up in support of the legislation. Today, several of these groups — the American Principles Project, Heritage Action for America, Family Research Council Action — announced that six GOP presidential hopefuls have all signed a pledge to, if elected to the White House, push for the passage of the FADA within their first 100 days in office: - See more at: Six GOP Hopefuls Vow To Enshrine Anti-Gay Discrimination Into Law
Last edited:
Remember the Pope who said " who am I to judge"? Well that was then and this is now:

Pope Takes Sides Ahead Of Tomorrow's Marriage Equality Referendum In Slovenia

Pope Francis is urging Slovenians to reject marriage equality and restore heterosexual-only marriage.

Last February, the Slovenian parliament passed an amendment to that country's Marriage and Family Relations Act, giving marriage and adoption rights to same-sex couples. Anti-gay groups responded by collecting over 40,000 protest signatures, enough to demand a referendum on the law. Tomorrow, Slovenians will decide by popular vote whether or not to keep the marriage equality amendment, or to strip away from gay Slovenians the marriage and adoption rights approved by their elected officials.

Ahead of that all-important vote, Pope Francis, who the LGBT community once hoped would be more accepting of gays, has urged Slovenians to "uphold family values" and vote against marriage equality.

Whether the school is legally within their rights or not, this is anti gay bigotry. In the wake of the Obergefell decision, there are still those who are in positions of power and influence who will not let up on trying to find ways of denying equality to gays and giving others license to discriminate:
Well there may be a more compelling reason for a Christian institution not wanting to offer a position to one who openly admits his homosexual union. In the eyes of the Church many sexual practices are sinful and some worse than others. If some teacher was openly admitting he was living with another man’s wife and did not think it was wrong, should the Church be required to allow that teacher to continue teaching students?

Preparing the student to achieve the salvation of their soul is the highest goal of a Catholic school as well as the Church. Should an Islamic school be forced to hire a teacher who is a Hindu?

Every employee is understood they are to represent Christ as best they can, including food directors. Being openly against that aim is too adversarial to the cause.
Try not to be retarded. The Catholic Church was a horrible institution for centuries. Religion didn't fix it. Secularism fixed it.

Please, then, tell us more about God and life after death. You sound so knowledgeable.
I think that the school may be worried that the Director of Food may, out of spite, put salt peter in the priests' mashed potatoes, thereby disrupting their normal daily activities.
I think that the school may be worried that the Director of Food may, out of spite, put salt peter in the priests' mashed potatoes, thereby disrupting their normal daily activities.
No, it is far more likely that you will get your Mommy mad at you and she will end your internet access to porn, and you will have to start jacking off to all those porn mags with the pages stuck together instead.
I suspect that if the guy had been a pediphile priest, instead of a gay man with a partner, he would have been assured the job for life....

You're a real grump today.
Says the gay and Muslim hating homo/xenophobe
I have no issue whatsoever with gays, each to their own, nor with regular Muslims, but with Islam and radical Muslims, I most certainly do. I also believe that religious organisations should not be forced to betray their beliefs ie by being forced to employ homosexuals. However, if that's how it's going to be, then we should ensure that applies across the board. Muslims are notorious in their hatred of homosexuals, among a great many other things, so I hope they will be subjected to the same pressures.
It does apply across the board, because we have laws against religious nonsense. That's why Kim Davis isn't shoving gay people off of roofs to uproarious applause.

You don't apply a damn thing across the board. You talk about Kim Davis and her beliefs yet seem to have no problem with Muslims and their view on homosexuality. So much for your character.
I love when RWrs like you make stuff up. When did TheOldSchool ever say he has "no problem with Muslims and their view on homosexuality"? Link his comments in that regard.

Link where he has condemned their views on it.
Are Muslim schools forced to hire gay men?
They would be if this same case was brought against them, you fucking victim.
Huh? Wow, that's a little OTT there. Keep your flaming hair on. Lol.
Wah Muslims get special treatment waaaaaah. Meanwhile a frontrunner candidate and an entire major political party is literally talking about creating a Muslim registry, survelling Mosques, banning Muslim immigration and instituting a religious benchmark for immigration... but waaaaaah I bet Muslim's don't have to hire gay people WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

If you like Muslims so much, take them into your home. Let's hope one of them is a terrorist that kills your family members.
There's that RW christian love.

Says the person that thinks all these Muslim "refugees" should come to the country but isn't willing to take in a damn one of them.

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