Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man
Stupid lawsuit and a stupid ruling. I suspect we haven't heard the last of this case and I bet/hope it gets overturned.
I wonder how many divorced and/or abortion supporting people who had pre-marital sex they employ.
Probably not many at all if they openly bragged about it.

Not saying this gay man is bragging in the least, but if he shows up with his partner in hand at any event that is tantamount to saying "yes I am gay and proud of it, you need to accept this." That is where the Church gets cornered.

I do not know how this guy's status got uncovered, but once uncovered it becomes a larger matter. I do not think the Church is secretly investigating all their employees to find out what they are not readily aware of.
What gay man would want to work there? It'd be horrid.

He probably doesn't want to work there...just saying
But another one might.

I'd be interested to know if he considers himself Catholic
Its not a matter of consideration. You either get born Catholic or you don't. Plenty convert to Catholicism, our Church has ongoing classes and they are booked solid for the next few months
What gay man would want to work there? It'd be horrid.

He probably doesn't want to work there...just saying
But another one might.

I'd be interested to know if he considers himself Catholic
Its not a matter of consideration. You either get born Catholic or you don't.

No, that isn't correct in the least.
What gay man would want to work there? It'd be horrid.

He probably doesn't want to work there...just saying
But another one might.

I'd be interested to know if he considers himself Catholic
Its not a matter of consideration. You either get born Catholic or you don't. Plenty convert to Catholicism, our Church has ongoing classes and they are booked solid for the next few months

In fact our nephew converted from Methodist to Catholic.
Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man

I don't understand how that man being gay has anything to do with his ability to do his job.

I applaud the ruling and I hope it's upheld through our courts. We all know how the supreme court is going to rule. They have not ruled against homosexual people yet. I don't see it happening in this case either.

If that catholic school takes my tax dollars in the form of vouchers for their school or any federal money from the bush boy's faith based initiatives, then that catholic school should have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

Christian institutions should come into the 21st century and stop discriminating against people.
Question: If this Catholic school were to hire another for a position in the cafeteria or a janitor and they discovered he is living with another man’s wife and also has posted S&M pictures of himself on a social network, does this school have the right to refuse him employment?

Apparently not. Not if they initially offered him the position. Which makes no sense to me because we all know such discrimination takes place routinely for not offering someone a job.


Court: Catholic school must hire 'gay' man

A Boston state court issued a “first of its kind” ruling in an attempt to force a Catholic school to hire a homosexual man.

Superior Court Associate Justice Douglas Wilkins’ decision on Wednesday orders Fontbonne Academy, a Catholic girls school, to hire a “gay” man. The judge said Fontbonne discriminated against plaintiff Matthew Barrett when officials rescinded a food service director position in 2013. Barrett was denied the job after school administrators realized he was in a same-sex union.

“On the undisputed facts, Barrett has shown he is a protected class, that he was qualified (and even received an offer) for the position of Food Service Director, that he suffered denial of employment, that the reason for the denial was his sexual orientation and that he suffered harm as a result,” the judge wrote. “This proves sexual-orientation discrimination as a matter of law on the undisputed facts.”

Barrett’s lawyers from Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders cheered Wilkins’ ruling as the “first of its kind in the country,” Buzzfeed reported Thursday.

Wilkins said the school failed to show how hiring Barrett would constitute a “serious” burden to the institution before adding that certain freedoms of expression can be overridden when there are “compelling state interests.”

The conservative website National Review excoriated the judge for his ruling.“By that standard, expressive association becomes meaningless. After all, if a court can jam Christian employers with employees who don’t share their values – and then contend that the employers’ rights are protected if they’re still free to complain about it – then the floodgates are open,” the magazine wrote Friday.

National Review called the ruling “ominous” before quoting Reason magazine’s November issue: “Now that government discrimination is largely tamed, ‘gay’ activists are going after private behavior, using the government as a bludgeon.”

URL to article: Court: Catholic school must hire ‘gay’ man

I don't understand how that man being gay has anything to do with his ability to do his job.

I applaud the ruling and I hope it's upheld through our courts. We all know how the supreme court is going to rule. They have not ruled against homosexual people yet. I don't see it happening in this case either.

If that catholic school takes my tax dollars in the form of vouchers for their school or any federal money from the bush boy's faith based initiatives, then that catholic school should have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

Christian institutions should come into the 21st century and stop discriminating against people.

Our twin's school isn't Christian and they won't hire gays. It's not always religion
What gay man would want to work there? It'd be horrid.

He probably doesn't want to work there...just saying
But another one might.

I'd be interested to know if he considers himself Catholic
Its not a matter of consideration. You either get born Catholic or you don't.

No one is born a religion.

A person can choose their religion.

Or they take the religion their parents followed.

But no one is born any religion. Religion is a human made thing and has nothing to do with biology or human DNA.
What gay man would want to work there? It'd be horrid.

He probably doesn't want to work there...just saying
But another one might.

I'd be interested to know if he considers himself Catholic
Its not a matter of consideration. You either get born Catholic or you don't.

No one is born a religion.

A person can choose their religion.

Or they take the religion their parents followed.

But no one is born any religion. Religion is a human made thing and has nothing to do with biology or human DNA.
Its in the upbringing.
He probably doesn't want to work there...just saying
But another one might.

I'd be interested to know if he considers himself Catholic
Its not a matter of consideration. You either get born Catholic or you don't. Plenty convert to Catholicism, our Church has ongoing classes and they are booked solid for the next few months

In fact our nephew converted from Methodist to Catholic.
Sure he did.

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