

Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
3 of the campaigns have already distanced themselves from her: Romney, Guiliani, and McCain. Considering McCain wasn't there, pffffttt:

Ann Coulter, You're No Sister Souljah

By: Jennifer Rubin
March 3, 2007 05:26 PM EST

Ann Coulter is not African-American, does not sing and never said “If black people kill black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?” However, she is the closest the Republicans will get to Sister Souljah.

Coulter has made a career of interspersing insightful and cutting political criticism with outrageous and morally repugnant remarks. She attracted considerable attention with her crack about the group of 9/11 widows dubbed the “Jersey girls,” with a line in one of her books, “These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them. ... I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much.”

Then, there was her crack about Muslims at last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC): “I think our motto should be post-9-11, ‘rag head talks tough, rag head faces consequences.’” At CPAC on Thursday, in endorsing Republican presidential aspirant Mitt Romney, who needs more bad press like a hole in the head, she piped up with this one: “I was going to say something about John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot.’”

It's about time for a presidential contender, perhaps all of them in the spirit of Newt Gingrich’s crusade for improving public discourse, to say “enough.” Coulter’s never-ending stream of venom is not amusing, unhelpful to Republicans, and not in keeping with the ideals of a party that fancies itself as the proponent of a colorblind society and heir to Lincoln.
How typical, Bill Maher says on his ridiculously bad HBO show that the world would be better off if The Vice President of the United States would have been assasinated, President Bush is regularly refered to as a chimp by the asshole that wrote the previous post and this same asshole has the pretend balls to actually criticise someone who loses more intelligence than he pocesses in the daily skin cell die out.

Even though Ms. Coulter never actually said Edwards is a faggot it was assumed by the left she had because he looks more homo than Jack on Will and Grace and it would be a perfectly reasonable assumption. My question is why the leftist asswipes who exalt the homosexual lifestyle above all else feel it is an insult to be thought of as homosexual? Besides, everyone knows that faggot is the term the Brits use for cigarettes.

Why is it alright for A U.S. Senator to kill a young woman, another Senator to use the word ****** repeatedly on national television, a President to use the Oval Office as a party room with a hooker, a U.S. Representative(and a fag) to accuse the current President of genicide, or another U.S. Senator to misrepresent his military service record in order to receive medals which he then prretended to throw away while also treasonously aiding this country's enemies.......why do all of these asswipes get a pass from the left? Could it be that they ARE the Democrat party and that is what it stands for?
Even though Ms. Coulter never actually said Edwards is a faggot

I'm no Edwards or Coulter fan, but she did call him a faggot. You don't have to actually say the words "so and so is _____" to actually say so and so is _____. Always amusing to see the apologists circling the wagons. I might have a shred more respect for her if she'd just come out and called him one. She reminds me a lot of Bill Maher. They're both overly impressed with their own wit.
She's just as full of shit as Michael Moore.

I find that to be very true. I was a huge Michael Moore fan, until I met him at the 2004 Bush Coronation in NYC. What an arrogant, pompous, egotistical blowhard.
Coulter is merely a publicity seeking airhead c*nt with no plausible reason to exist. Her last known bed partner is a rodeo cowboy known to vote Democratic. When called out on this before, Coulter said "my political views stop at the bedroom door."
I would love to see a debate between Coulter and The Mad Pundit.
I find that to be very true. I was a huge Michael Moore fan, until I met him at the 2004 Bush Coronation in NYC. What an arrogant, pompous, egotistical blowhard.
Coulter is merely a publicity seeking airhead c*nt with no plausible reason to exist. Her last known bed partner is a rodeo cowboy known to vote Democratic. When called out on this before, Coulter said "my political views stop at the bedroom door."
I would love to see a debate between Coulter and The Mad Pundit.

Threatened by an intelligent women ehh gabby?
I'm no Edwards or Coulter fan, but she did call him a faggot. You don't have to actually say the words "so and so is _____" to actually say so and so is _____. Always amusing to see the apologists circling the wagons. I might have a shred more respect for her if she'd just come out and called him one. She reminds me a lot of Bill Maher. They're both overly impressed with their own wit.

She went out of her way to not call him a faggot, and they want her to apologize for it. So does that mean he is?

Isn't being a faggot supposedly a badge of honor on the left nowadays?

BTW, considering what you guys have called her in the past and even on this thread, isn't this a bit hypocritical to be upset over?
Threatened by an intelligent women ehh gabby?

Not sure they would know what to do with an intelligent woman or recognize one when they saw her.

Notice they still haven't responded to your original post.

Democrats can murder, lie, insult, degrade and every other evil act you can conceive, and they will have absolutely no problem with it.

A republican even hints at any of the above, and they will say and do worse to attack them. As if somehow they are more righteous.

The double standard has to stop people.
She went out of her way to not call him a faggot, and they want her to apologize for it. So does that mean he is?

As I stated above, she DID call him a faggot. Your denial doesn't change that.

Isn't being a faggot supposedly a badge of honor on the left nowadays?

As much as being an ignorant, superstitious, hypocritical, back-woods, Bible-Thumper is to the far right.

BTW, considering what you guys have called her in the past and even on this thread, isn't this a bit hypocritical to be upset over?

What "you guys" are you talking about?
I'm not a fan of hers either. I don't like her or dislike her. But I can say she don't say anything at all compared to what I would say if I had access to the vehicle to spread the word or even compared to what I write to newspapers all over the nation. Most of the newspapers are on the left side though.
She went out of her way to not call him a faggot, and they want her to apologize for it. So does that mean he is?

Isn't being a faggot supposedly a badge of honor on the left nowadays?

BTW, considering what you guys have called her in the past and even on this thread, isn't this a bit hypocritical to be upset over?

Do you see what happens when you stoop to name-calling? Real issues get tossed out the window. “You called him this.” “I did not but you guys call me that.” Gosh. This seems to be so childish.
she is so offensive. i also believe she has a hate for gays
she's always saying something bad about gay people:eusa_think:
What Anne Coulter said is shocking and mean. It plays for the worst type of laughs and represents the kind of discourse most people are tired pardon me for saying...

So the F*CK what?!?!?!

Shes a political commentator who makes her money from staying the the spotlight by saying shocking, repugnant things in public venues that will get her publicity. She occassionally hits upon something and makes a good point, more often she says something ugly and insulting about whatever political issue is floating around the water-cooler at that particular moment in time.

Why on earth would we ask politicians who have no contact or relationship with Coulter to come out publically against her. I work with an idiot who says stupid things all the time...I don't have to come out and state to every parent who walks into the building that I disagree with the idiot - it is apparent from my actions and communication with them that I don't. Politicians either show through their actions, deeds, and words that they support this kind of language or they don't.

Not one of the politicians who has publically denounced this kind of language have any need to apologize or denounce it...they have not given the public any indication that they agree with Coulter.

This is lunacy. The call from Democrats for apolgies is asinine and it is only surpassed in its political posturing by the Republicans tripping over themselves to distance themselves from a person they had no need to distance themselves from in the first place.

Seriously, whatever you think of Coutler, is THIS the direction you want politics do go in - that completely seperate individuals have to apolgize and hem and haw EVERY TIME someone who shares their political affiliation says something inappropriate?!?!?! Give me a frigging break.

On a somewhat related note: I find it more than a bit disturbing that people who dislike Coulter's politics almost inevitabley fall back on criticizing her looks, her style, or most repugnantly, her sex life. Aren't we told OVER AND OVER again that what happens behind closed doors (even if those doors happen to be the ones leading into the Oval Office) is NONE of our business? Yet here we are on this board, with people needing to bring up that Coulter has fucked Democrats and has small breasts as if it has ANY place in this conversation - and they are criticizing Coulter for being vulgar and inappropriate.
Ann Coulter is joined perhaps by a few on the Right regarding 'stupid quotes', thinking 700 Club and such. Now there are those on the Left that say, 'See the Right is hate filled.' Can any on the left find this many well-know moonbats on the Right? Lots, really lots of links. Perhaps more importantly, I started this thread, basically saying that Coulter is a nutjob, where are the liberal posters that say Maher should not be saying, 'The world would be better off with Cheney not in it' and such hateful things?:

No Hate Speech by Prominent Leftists?
Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:01 am

A certain intellectual fraud who goes by the name of Glenn Greenwald (as well as a few other names) recently said that leftist hate speech is not uttered by prominent leftist figures, but rather only by anonymous blog comments and e-mailers:

t is undeniably true that there are people of every ideological stripe who express profane and reprehensible sentiments. The difference is that right-wing authors, talk radio hosts and bloggers — read and listened to by millions of people — traffic in such sentiments regularly . . . . But to find such sentiments outside of right-wing circles, one must go where right-wing bloggers went today — digging into anonymous blog comments (or e-mails allegedly received). That difference is so obvious — and so meaningful — that it all ought to go without saying.

This post puts the lie to Greenwald’s ridiculous assertion.

Below I have listed more than 20 examples of hate speech by prominent leftist figures, such as politicians, journalists writing for major newspapers or radio networks, television and movie industry personalities, and the like.

I have restricted the examples to true hate speech, such as calling for (or exulting over) the beating and/or deaths of conservatives, or naked racism and anti-Semitism. I have deliberately excluded speech that simply brands conservatives as Nazis or fascists. Such speech is hateful, but I want to leave minimum room for leftists to quibble with the list.

Brace yourself for the leftist hate:

* National Public Radio legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg:

f there is retributive justice [Sen. Jesse Helms] will get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.

* USA Today syndicated columnist Julianne Malveaux, on Clarence Thomas:

I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.

* Washington Post syndicated columnist Richard Cohen:

For hypocrisy, for sheer gall, [Newt] Gingrich should be hanged.

... it goes on and on...

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