Could Trump be the first US President to do jail time

As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
He buys his way out of stuff. And thinks he's invincible.
See, you did know step one.

And you know step two also that once it went to Canada, it did leave the country and we don't know where it went

Why don't you ask Canada, they have the equivilent of our nuclear regulatory commission, which has to approve all exports. Canada isn't a third world nation, they nave laws and regulations, and track all their imports and exports.

O' Canada

You're just diverting from Crooked Hillary
We got to the Canadian and you said he had divested all his interest and had no benefit from giving all that money to Hillary. That's me failing to prove MY claim?

you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?

You said he gave nothing to the Clinton foundation when he had an interest in the deal, now you're saying he gave $30 million and promised $100 million while he had an interest in the deal. Also, you didn't show that his interest ended when he sold his business to Uranium One.

More flip, flop and fly ...

Read again what you quoted, post something SANE.

There is no way in hell Giustra had any idea about Clinton becoming a DoS head back 2006 when he gave 30 mill and pledged more donations to Clinton Foundation. Nor did Giustra had any financial stake when Russians were buying U1 shares. Nor is there any evidence at all he had any connections to Russians.

Your conspiracy theory about Russians giving money to Clitnon is not adding up. DUH.

I really don't get why you want to keep this up - do you ENJOY peddling bullshit? Do you enjoy looking like a total fool? Whats wrong with you?

That's the lamest crap ever. People paid Hillary BEFORE she gave them what they wanted. That proves it wasn't bribery ...

Oh oh, ok so your theory is that the Canadian gave millions of unconditioned dollars away to Clinton's charity in 2006...because he thought that down the line he could ask for a favor on DoS clearing a deal between a Russians and a company he at that point will have no financial interest in....all while having no idea that Clniton would have ANYTHING to do with DoS.

Brilliant stuff! I mean wow, spectacular.

And be that as it may, you have yet to produce even a single shred of evidence to connect Russians to 145 million dollars you claim they gave to Hillary.

Will you at this point do the right thing and admit that it was bullshit? You spoke of "Intellectual integrity", did you not?

Oh, ok. So your theory is a Canadian business guy gave Hillary $145 million and wasn't expecting anything in return for it. Feel behind your ears, it's actually wet, isn't it?

And wow, the hypocrisy if we were discussing a Republican.

tutu - Trump is guilty, I don't need no estinking evidence. The longer this goes on with no evidence, the more it proves him guilty

tutu - OBVIOUSLY when businessmen give Hillary $145 million it's out of the goodness of their heart and they don't expect anything in return.

You're just a joke of a human being
Obstruction to conspire to collude!!

Drugs is the only way I can explain these type of hysterical and hallucinogenic OPs Frank....drugs.

No, I done a lot of pot in my life and still never once have I ever gone where some have gone!

The hatred for the other political party leader is something on special in the head people suffer from!
when they are super duper rich and commit crimes, they hardly ever serve jail time due to good lawyering and connections....

President Trump has that in his favor, plus....if it ever came to that, Pence would pardon him....imo.

That is true but you are forgetting something even much more important,politicians ESPECIALLY presidents get away with crimes EVERYDAY we go to jail for. If politicians were held to the same standards we are,I doubt you could find any modern day president from the last several decades that would NOT be behind bars with a lifetime sentence.:haha:

pretty much every american understands that there is one different law for politicians than there is for us after all.
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I think all Trump haters should go on a hunger strike until Trump goes to jail...or maybe set yourselves on fire on the steps of congress to make your point....or you can wet your finger and stick it into a light switch...or maybe just through yourself into traffic or jump off of the Golden State Bridge....anything to get Trump put into jail....come on libs all together now!!!

exactly i mean you never see them calling for the heads of the mass murdering presidents that started wars in other countries murdering women and children which spans the last five administrations before him starting from the early 80's all the way up to Obama.:rolleyes:
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Nuh, he'll just get ejected out of office by Congress and Pence will quickly pardon him. It's the American way.

Pence can't pardon state crimes.
And which of those crimes has Trump committed? Give us one example.
I hope the orange whore does jail time, and a lot of it. How can anyone support someone with such a record of being scum and trying to destroy his nation is a real question. He really is the most worthless person to ever arrive on the U.S. political scene. Sex whore, probable pedophile, serial adulterer, business conman and cheat, Russian acolyte. Draft dodger. Liar. And more. It's interesting that his supporters always portray themselves as "holy", "religious," and "patriotic" folks, with "preachers," as opposed to the rest of us Americans, yet they support someone who thinks the entire world is a house of prostitution and a field for screwing people financially, and who is a party hack instead of a POTUS who represents all Americans. It does not sound like people in the "red states" are very decent people. Just the opposite.

The song of hate from a typical leftist fascist

I wouldn't "hate" this morally bankrupt person if he were in a home somewhere. But I cannot tolerate this low level of scum leading this executive branch and doing incredible damage to our government and reputation. We now have an incredible pig in charge of the executive branch. This is entirely unacceptable. I do not accept this for my country. Why people who say that they are "Christians" paint crosses all over such a person is beyond me and is disgusting. I guess fascists love fascists and they'll do anything, no matter how crooked.

All you're doing is spewing leftist hate. Trump doesn't think what you do, so you want to shut him down with any means necessary. Do you have any content anywhere or are you just here to spew your fascist venom?

"Trump doesn't think what you do." Thank you for the compliment. No, I do not think like a feral, immoral whore bred in a pigsty. trump's supporters demonstrate their low character. Please start watching and reading the news from January, 2017 onward. You appear to be very dense. Yes. I want to shut him down. He is a clear and present danger to the United States, perhaps the most dangerous person of my lifetime.
Welcome to my ignore list. Please enjoy your stay.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.

Nuh, he'll just get ejected out of office by Congress and Pence will quickly pardon him. It's the American way.

Pence can't pardon state crimes.
And which of those crimes has Trump committed? Give us one example.

you will be waiting and waiting a very long time.:2up:
I think all Trump haters should go on a hunger strike until Trump goes to jail...or maybe set yourselves on fire on the steps of congress to make your point....or you can wet your finger and stick it into a light switch...or maybe just through yourself into traffic or jump off of the Golden State Bridge....anything to get Trump put into jail....come on libs all together now!!!
We shouldn't be so hard on the liberal trolls. After all, they suffer enough already.

As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
He buys his way out of stuff. And thinks he's invincible.
You mean just like Hillary did?
I hope the orange whore does jail time, and a lot of it. How can anyone support someone with such a record of being scum and trying to destroy his nation is a real question. He really is the most worthless person to ever arrive on the U.S. political scene. Sex whore, probable pedophile, serial adulterer, business conman and cheat, Russian acolyte. Draft dodger. Liar. And more. It's interesting that his supporters always portray themselves as "holy", "religious," and "patriotic" folks, with "preachers," as opposed to the rest of us Americans, yet they support someone who thinks the entire world is a house of prostitution and a field for screwing people financially, and who is a party hack instead of a POTUS who represents all Americans. It does not sound like people in the "red states" are very decent people. Just the opposite.

The song of hate from a typical leftist fascist

I wouldn't "hate" this morally bankrupt person if he were in a home somewhere. But I cannot tolerate this low level of scum leading this executive branch and doing incredible damage to our government and reputation. We now have an incredible pig in charge of the executive branch. This is entirely unacceptable. I do not accept this for my country. Why people who say that they are "Christians" paint crosses all over such a person is beyond me and is disgusting. I guess fascists love fascists and they'll do anything, no matter how crooked.

All you're doing is spewing leftist hate. Trump doesn't think what you do, so you want to shut him down with any means necessary. Do you have any content anywhere or are you just here to spew your fascist venom?

"Trump doesn't think what you do." Thank you for the compliment. No, I do not think like a feral, immoral whore bred in a pigsty. trump's supporters demonstrate their low character. Please start watching and reading the news from January, 2017 onward. You appear to be very dense. Yes. I want to shut him down. He is a clear and present danger to the United States, perhaps the most dangerous person of my lifetime.
Welcome to my ignore list. Please enjoy your stay.

yep the brainwashed ignorant dont deserve our time since they cover their ears and close their eyes only seeing what they WANT to see. as i said before,notice how trolls like here ignore the corruption and evil that has spanned the last five generations of presidents starting from 1980 all the way up to Obama,how they ignore their crimes make trump look like an angel? LOL
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
He buys his way out of stuff. And thinks he's invincible.
You mean just like Hillary did?

Whats REALLY comical about this troll is how he failed to mention how it is amazing how Obama and Hitlery have not dont jail time all this time.what a fucking loser.comedy gold.:haha:
The song of hate from a typical leftist fascist

I wouldn't "hate" this morally bankrupt person if he were in a home somewhere. But I cannot tolerate this low level of scum leading this executive branch and doing incredible damage to our government and reputation. We now have an incredible pig in charge of the executive branch. This is entirely unacceptable. I do not accept this for my country. Why people who say that they are "Christians" paint crosses all over such a person is beyond me and is disgusting. I guess fascists love fascists and they'll do anything, no matter how crooked.

All you're doing is spewing leftist hate. Trump doesn't think what you do, so you want to shut him down with any means necessary. Do you have any content anywhere or are you just here to spew your fascist venom?

"Trump doesn't think what you do." Thank you for the compliment. No, I do not think like a feral, immoral whore bred in a pigsty. trump's supporters demonstrate their low character. Please start watching and reading the news from January, 2017 onward. You appear to be very dense. Yes. I want to shut him down. He is a clear and present danger to the United States, perhaps the most dangerous person of my lifetime.
Welcome to my ignore list. Please enjoy your stay.

yep the brainwashed ignorant dont deserve our time since they cover their ears and close their eyes only seeing what they WANT to see. as i said before,notice how trolls like here ignore the corruption and evil that has spanned the last five generations of presidents starting from 1980 all the way up to Obama,how they ignore their crimes make trump look like an angel? LOL
What crimes has Trump committed? Liberals are slinging a lot of mud but none of it is sticking. Oh how that must really PISS them off.
As more information comes out about Trump campaign and collusion with Russia on the US election and on Trump obstructing justice there seems to be a real possibility Trump could do jail time.
It is amazing he has not already done jail time for his business practices.
He buys his way out of stuff. And thinks he's invincible.
You mean just like Hillary did?

Whats REALLY comical about this troll is how he failed to mention how it is amazing how Obama and Hitlery have not dont jail time all this time.what a fucking loser.comedy gold.:haha:
Yep. Where else can you find entertainment this good for free?
you said Russians gave Clinton 145 million - did you not?

Evidence you presented so far - NOTHING

Here is the actual story:

In 2007
, [CANADIAN] and the former president created the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, which self-avowedly "has extensive experience in projects that organize market-driven activities to meet the private sector’s requirements for optimization of local supply chains," whatever that means. By 2006, Giustra had donated more than $30 million to the Clintons' charitable endeavors and pledged $100 million more.

The next year, Giustra sold his mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One

Clinton Uranium 'Scandal' Doesn't Have Much Fuel

Clinton did not become Secretary of State until 2009!

Will you now stop spreading bullshit about Russians giving Clinton 145 million?

You said he gave nothing to the Clinton foundation when he had an interest in the deal, now you're saying he gave $30 million and promised $100 million while he had an interest in the deal. Also, you didn't show that his interest ended when he sold his business to Uranium One.

More flip, flop and fly ...

Read again what you quoted, post something SANE.

There is no way in hell Giustra had any idea about Clinton becoming a DoS head back 2006 when he gave 30 mill and pledged more donations to Clinton Foundation. Nor did Giustra had any financial stake when Russians were buying U1 shares. Nor is there any evidence at all he had any connections to Russians.

Your conspiracy theory about Russians giving money to Clitnon is not adding up. DUH.

I really don't get why you want to keep this up - do you ENJOY peddling bullshit? Do you enjoy looking like a total fool? Whats wrong with you?

That's the lamest crap ever. People paid Hillary BEFORE she gave them what they wanted. That proves it wasn't bribery ...

Oh oh, ok so your theory is that the Canadian gave millions of unconditioned dollars away to Clinton's charity in 2006...because he thought that down the line he could ask for a favor on DoS clearing a deal between a Russians and a company he at that point will have no financial interest in....all while having no idea that Clniton would have ANYTHING to do with DoS.

Brilliant stuff! I mean wow, spectacular.

And be that as it may, you have yet to produce even a single shred of evidence to connect Russians to 145 million dollars you claim they gave to Hillary.

Will you at this point do the right thing and admit that it was bullshit? You spoke of "Intellectual integrity", did you not?

Oh, ok. So your theory is a Canadian business guy gave Hillary $145 million and wasn't expecting anything in return for it.

No silly, he bought ACCESS with those donations. He was flying around under Clinton wings, getting introduced to upper echelon internationals he could make big deals with. How much do you THINK that costs?

And that doesn't even matter because WHATEVER the $130 million dollar pledge was for, WE KNOW it wasn't for U1 deal security clearance - because there was absolutely no way for him to know that Clinton would be in DoS in 2009.

It's possible that he was just generally throwing money at Clinton Foundation thinking it will pay off one way or another if he is in their good graces, but to try claim connection based on that to a deal he had NO FINANCIAL INTEREST in, deal that had to be cleared by 8 government agencies is totally not credible.

You know it actually IS POSSIBLE that the deal got approved as not a serious security risk because those 8 Federal agencies ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WASN'T. The fact that NO ONE to this day has deemed U1 as a security threat is just further proof that this whole hoopala isn't about security, this is about politics.
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All this Trump derangement syndrome going on...It brings to mind some guy, living in his mothers basement, saying "One of these days, man. One of these days." Keep waiting, suckers. BWAHAHAHA!
It's possible that he was just generally throwing money at Clinton Foundation thinking it will pay off one way or another if he is in their good graces, but to credibly connect that to a deal he had NO FINANCIAL INTEREST in, deal that had to be cleared by 8 government agencies is totally not credible

So your defense is that he didn't pay her for a specific deal, he just bought her. Wow, remind me not to use you as my lawyer. BTW, that's also what I'm arguing. He knew Hillary would come in handy, so he bought her. He was right, it paid off

You know it actually IS POSSIBLE that the deal got approved as not a serious security risk because those 8 Federal agencies ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WASN'T. The fact that NO ONE to this day has deemed U1 as a security threat is just further proof that this whole hoopala isn't about security, this is about politics.

How could anyone have known selling 20% of US uranium to Russia was a bad thing? I mean sure, Monday morning quarterbacking. Sure, guy. No one saw it coming that was a bad idea at the time. Again, wow, I'd never use you as my defense attorney. I'd spend the rest of my life in jail even if the prosecution didn't speak.

And these are the same Russians that you're arguing it's no thang while you're melting down about the Russians and the election. You're unbelievable. I mean literally, no one could believe you
It's possible that he was just generally throwing money at Clinton Foundation thinking it will pay off one way or another if he is in their good graces, but to credibly connect that to a deal he had NO FINANCIAL INTEREST in, deal that had to be cleared by 8 government agencies is totally not credible

So your defense is that he didn't pay her for a specific deal, he just bought her. Wow, remind me not to use you as my lawyer. BTW, that's also what I'm arguing. He knew Hillary would come in handy, so he bought her. He was right, it paid off

You know it actually IS POSSIBLE that the deal got approved as not a serious security risk because those 8 Federal agencies ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WASN'T. The fact that NO ONE to this day has deemed U1 as a security threat is just further proof that this whole hoopala isn't about security, this is about politics.

How could anyone have known selling 20% of US uranium to Russia was a bad thing? I mean sure, Monday morning quarterbacking. Sure, guy. No one saw it coming that was a bad idea at the time. Again, wow, I'd never use you as my defense attorney. I'd spend the rest of my life in jail even if the prosecution didn't speak.

And these are the same Russians that you're arguing it's no thang while you're melting down about the Russians and the election. You're unbelievable. I mean literally, no one could believe you

Point me to a single Republican today that is saying that Uranium One is a national security problem.


When you can't, you KNOW you got pumped full of shit.

Even Clinton hating U1 conspiracy pushing conservative puntids call bullshit on the national security claims:

Unranium One Focus Corruption Not National Security | National Review

It is true that hyperbole about national security and treason is not helping people’s understanding of what this is about. Uranium One has never primarily been a national-security controversy.

You've been had dupe.
It's possible that he was just generally throwing money at Clinton Foundation thinking it will pay off one way or another if he is in their good graces, but to credibly connect that to a deal he had NO FINANCIAL INTEREST in, deal that had to be cleared by 8 government agencies is totally not credible

So your defense is that he didn't pay her for a specific deal, he just bought her. Wow, remind me not to use you as my lawyer. BTW, that's also what I'm arguing. He knew Hillary would come in handy, so he bought her. He was right, it paid off

You know it actually IS POSSIBLE that the deal got approved as not a serious security risk because those 8 Federal agencies ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WASN'T. The fact that NO ONE to this day has deemed U1 as a security threat is just further proof that this whole hoopala isn't about security, this is about politics.

How could anyone have known selling 20% of US uranium to Russia was a bad thing? I mean sure, Monday morning quarterbacking. Sure, guy. No one saw it coming that was a bad idea at the time. Again, wow, I'd never use you as my defense attorney. I'd spend the rest of my life in jail even if the prosecution didn't speak.

And these are the same Russians that you're arguing it's no thang while you're melting down about the Russians and the election. You're unbelievable. I mean literally, no one could believe you

Point me to a single Republican today that is saying that Uranium One is a national security problem.


When you can't, you KNOW you got pumped full of shit.

Even Clinton hating U1 conspiracy pushing conservative puntids call bullshit on the national security claims:

Unranium One Focus Corruption Not National Security | National Review

It is true that hyperbole about national security and treason is not helping people’s understanding of what this is about. Uranium One has never primarily been a national-security controversy.

You've been had dupe.

That would be a far better argument if I'd argued that the issue is that it is a national security issue.

There is a national security issue in that the uranium was highly enriched. But that isn't unique as there are other sources of enriched uranium. And I haven't argued that, you just made this up.

However, we need the uranium for our nuclear power plants and now will have to acquire more at probably less favorable terms. Uranium isn't like importing steel

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