Could Gov. Sarah Palin Beat VP Joe Biden For The Presidency In 2016? Why Yes She Can

I have come to believe that Obama doesn't acknowledge the criticism levied against his destruction of all that is America for one of but two possible reasons:

1. He doesn't comprehend words longer than two syllables.

2. He is protected from hearing criticism by a Greek chorus-like retinue paid by his handlers to make sure he hears nothing but praise.

Imagine the fun Aristophanes might have had with The Regime of The Grand New Messiah!

Sad that today's comedy writers are devotees of The Religion of Euro-Socialism, hence prohibited from even touching.......
Presidents have to have scholarly abilities. They have to be able to read and research on a level that puts them on an equal footing with their advisors. Reagan was scholarly. Bush 41 was scholarly. Clinton, scholarly, Bush 43, not. Most Presidents are scholarly. That is usually a requirement needed to get a nomination. Is Palin a scholarly person?
Presidents have to have scholarly abilities. They have to be able to read and research on a level that puts them on an equal footing with their advisors. Reagan was scholarly. Bush 41 was scholarly. Clinton, scholarly, Bush 43, not. Most Presidents are scholarly. That is usually a requirement needed to get a nomination. Is Palin a scholarly person?

By comparison with the current occupant of the White House who cannot even speak unless George Soros wiggles his fingers in the vast cavity in its back?
Palin could not win in Alaska in any capacity now, except perhaps in Wasilla.

Steve's sigs are statements by a single person without corroboration.

Steve is a tool, nothing more.
Can you imagine the subversives heads that would explode.... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!

Joe Biden has just attacked the Clinton Administration sparking speculation of him running for president. If Hillary doesn't run and Biden does, Sarah Palin would clearly defeat Biden for the oval office. She has a phenomenal outstanding policy record when she was governor of Alaska accomplishing more than her predecessors during her 965 day tenior. She is a viscious campaigner who would expose Bidens terrible record in the Senate and as Vice President. She would expose all of his shortcomings. She would make a fine patriotic president.

Biden Attacks Clinton Administration On Income Inequality | The Daily Caller

Vice President Joe Biden reportedly attacked the Clinton administration’s record on economic inequality during a closed-door Democratic fundraiser in South Carolina on Friday, prompting renewed speculation that the former Democratic senator will run against Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016.

CNN’s Peter Hamby was told by three separate sources at the fundraiser that Biden explained how rising inequality — now a frequent trope among Democratic politicians — in fact began during the later years of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

i would not even consider either one.....things will just get worse.....

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