Could Bernie Sanders win as a write in candidate?

The only reason Hilary won in New York is because independents can't vote in the primary there.
If that old washed up fraud didn't like the rules his sorry feeble ass should never have run for President, fuck him..

He's no different than Trump they are both whiners, except Sanders, is older, poorer, dumber, more pathetic , with a much uglier redneck looking wife, the Orangutan should put that socialist commie on his ticket, so Clinton can kick both their asses..

:piss2:SANDERS, i got a number for ya, 2.6 Million that's the popular vote she's kicking his ass by, you don't like it ? next time choose a candidate that isn't a 75 year old socialist that isn't always waving his arms around like some demented monkey screaming about some fantasy political revolution, where everybody wants the free stuff, that someone else has to pay for..
In other words you favor the continued corrupting influence of corporate money. You like candidates who work for Wall Street and corporate lobbyists.
Where was the uproar about wall street, corporate loot, blah-blah-blah, when Obama was running in 2008-2012, oh i get it everybody can do it BUT CLINTON??? ohhhh no she can't do it because???????????????????

Bush did it, Obama did it, Romney, Cruz, her husband but if Hillary does it she's a whore??:bs1:

America wasn't built on socialism and im not having 50% of my paycheck taken, or paying 5 or 6 bucks for a gallon of fuel so some dumb kid, can party and goof off in college for 3 or 4 years, you want free tuition, Fuck no, go get a job and pay for it like everybody else has too..
That's right dummy, they all did it.......and look where we are now.
Ummm well ok then, like i mentioned in my earlier post if you are that disappointed in your home country, you may wanna consider trying to gain citizenship to a more socialist environment like Canada..

Good luck trying to hold on to your wallet everybody and anyone will be grabbing it, you are going to get raped in taxes, fuel forget it, and last but not least, your gonna hate the winters..
The only reason Hilary won in New York is because independents can't vote in the primary there.
If that old washed up fraud didn't like the rules his sorry feeble ass should never have run for President, fuck him..

He's no different than Trump they are both whiners, except Sanders, is older, poorer, dumber, more pathetic , with a much uglier redneck looking wife, the Orangutan should put that socialist commie on his ticket, so Clinton can kick both their asses..

:piss2:SANDERS, i got a number for ya, 2.6 Million that's the popular vote she's kicking his ass by, you don't like it ? next time choose a candidate that isn't a 75 year old socialist that isn't always waving his arms around like some demented monkey screaming about some fantasy political revolution, where everybody wants the free stuff, that someone else has to pay for..
In other words you favor the continued corrupting influence of corporate money. You like candidates who work for Wall Street and corporate lobbyists.
Where was the uproar about wall street, corporate loot, blah-blah-blah, when Obama was running in 2008-2012, oh i get it everybody can do it BUT CLINTON??? ohhhh no she can't do it because???????????????????

Bush did it, Obama did it, Romney, Cruz, her husband but if Hillary does it she's a whore??:bs1:

America wasn't built on socialism and im not having 50% of my paycheck taken, or paying 5 or 6 bucks for a gallon of fuel so some dumb kid, can party and goof off in college for 3 or 4 years, you want free tuition, Fuck no, go get a job and pay for it like everybody else has too..
That's right dummy, they all did it.......and look where we are now.
Ummm well ok then, like i mentioned in my earlier post if you are that disappointed in your home country, you may wanna consider trying to gain citizenship to a more socialist environment like Canada..

Good luck trying to hold on to your wallet everybody and anyone will be grabbing it, you are going to get raped in taxes, fuel forget it, and last but not least, your gonna hate the winters..
If you are perfectly satisfied with your country......... you would have to be a complete fucking moron.
It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.

The electoral college rules in the General Election, regardless of the popular vote. A write-in, would never get anywhere, never has, never will. Right now the real poll is out. Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by 2.7 million votes, she is also 1 million ahead of Trump, and her lead is going to go through the roof on Tuesday, while we're headed into 5 large closed primary states.

So, in effect, if you do a write--you're basically casting a default vote for Donald Trump. If that is what your intentions are, and you would prefer Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton then do it.

Then the negative effect for Sanders is, he and his policies would be ridiculed for generations to come. I doubt the Democrat Party would ever allow anyone to change their party status just prior to the Presidential primary to get on their platform again.


Sanders really should have dropped out of this race when he got clobbered in New York. At some point he is going to lose credibility with his supporters, and once you lose credibility, you lose their respect also. So I doubt you would get a lot of write in support for Sanders.
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It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.

The electoral college rules in the General Election, regardless of the popular vote. A write-in, would never get anywhere, never has, never will. Right now the real poll is out. Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders by 2.7 million votes, she is also 1 million ahead of Trump, and her lead is going to go through the roof on Tuesday, while we're headed into 5 large closed primary states.

So, in effect, if you do a write--you're basically casting a default vote for Donald Trump. If that is what your intentions are, and you would prefer Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton then do it.

Hilary is a default vote for Donald Trump.
The independent voters won't vote for Hilary. And she generates no actual enthusiasm among Democrats.....she's a poor compromise.
The independent voters won't vote for Hilary. And she generates no actual enthusiasm among Democrats.....she's a poor compromise.

Donald Trump is going to get his ass kicked on election night. He has chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at, primarily Hispanics, or 23 million voters are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needed 46% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

The icing the cake: Half of Republican women will not be voting for Trump, and millions of Republican men will not take the bait on Trump.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

It is going to be a very BLUE election night for Republicans. I suspect Republicans will lose the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot state races all across this country.

Republicans only hope was for a Bernie Sanders nominee--which is why they have been voting for him in these open primaries, as Democrats have been voting for Trump in theirs.


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The independent voters won't vote for Hilary. And she generates no actual enthusiasm among Democrats.....she's a poor compromise.

Donald Trump is going to get his ass kicked on election night. He has chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at, primarily Hispanics, or 23 million voters are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needed 46% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

The icing the cake: Half of Republican women will not be voting for Trump, and millions of Republican men will not take the bait on Trump.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

It is going to be a very BLUE election night for Republicans. I suspect Republicans will lose the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot state races all across this country.

Republicans only hope was for a Bernie Sanders nominee--which is why they have been voting for him in these open primaries, as Democrats have been voting for Trump in theirs.


You idiots just made Donald Trump President.
It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.

Yes, I love when Democrats tell the story about how Al Gore was such an idiot he didn't understand the electoral college and ran for the popular vote. That was dumber than when he invented the internet. LOL, tell it again ...

Al Gore didn't even win his home state. That is why he lost.

Yes, I love to remind leftists of that too. They hate it
It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.

It's an excellent question. I'm pretty sure however that the answer is no.
No. But he could do well as an Independent on the ballot. He most often refers to himself as an Independent anyway. So maybe he should consider it if Clinton gets the Nomination.
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It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.
No the Ballot that his name is written on would go in the trash..

Sanders get the most votes:rofl:he's behind her in the popular vote by 2.6 MILLION..

How pitiful is America when the guy you want to win loses?? it's a democracy if you don't like it move to Europe , America wasn't built on Socialism, im not paying for your free shit..

You want trouble in paradise bring it on, the security and the cops will just beat the shit out of you and throw you in jail, they don't play in PHILLY..

Thankfully that old fraud will see the grave before he ever sits in the Oval office..
If this country was a democracy, the electoral college wouldn't overturn the popular vote, and the SCOTUS wouldn't have appointed Shrub POTUS.
You really are out to lunch, aren't you.
I certainly hope that the idea of Comrade Sanders running a write in campaign catches on.
It beats the hell out of being responsible for putting Shrillary in the White House.
At least we will be able to say, "I didn't vote for that slimy c*nt."
What will the cons excuse be for Trump destroying the economy with a trade war with Mexico and Saudi Arabia, and gas being $40.00 a gallon? Oh, I know, they'll blame Bernie supporters for not voting for the Shrill.

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