Could Bernie Sanders win as a write in candidate?

No. Why don't we wait for the convention and see what happens with the superdelegates (q.v. 2008)?

the superdelegates will go with the peson who has the most votes... like they always do.

and that's Hillary. I love how super delegates were anathema to Bernie and his bros....until he decided he wanted to hijack them.

so funny
That is not true! In places Sanders is winning the superdelegates are pulling for Hillary.
It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.

No. Why don't we wait for the convention and see what happens with the superdelegates (q.v. 2008)?

the superdelegates will go with the peson who has the most votes... like they always do.

and that's Hillary. I love how super delegates were anathema to Bernie and his bros....until he decided he wanted to hijack them.

so funny
That is not true! In places Sanders is winning the superdelegates are pulling for Hillary.

super delegates can change their allegiance..... as i said.

and also like i said....suddenly bernie is whining that he wants to steal them regardless of the vote. i know that's ok with the right because the right thinks trump will crush him.

just saying.
No. Why don't we wait for the convention and see what happens with the superdelegates (q.v. 2008)?

the superdelegates will go with the peson who has the most votes... like they always do.

and that's Hillary. I love how super delegates were anathema to Bernie and his bros....until he decided he wanted to hijack them.

so funny
That is not true! In places Sanders is winning the superdelegates are pulling for Hillary.

super delegates can change their allegiance..... as i said.

and also like i said....suddenly bernie is whining that he wants to steal them regardless of the vote. i know that's ok with the right because the right thinks trump will crush him.

just saying.
...and the cons were sure that McCain would crush Obama. ...they were sure that Romney would defeat Obama. Cons keep presenting America with candidates that are fanatical right wingers...This country does not want another Iraq war. Both Trump and Cruz will start WWIII. Most Americans still remember Shrub destroying the U.S. and global economies. Voters have finally figured out that "trickle down" is code for piss on everyone but the 1%ers. Romney got caught saying "piss on them". And Trump petty much has said the same thing saying he could murder someone on 5th Avenue and wouldn't lose any votes. Yes, his supporters are that stupid, but the rest of the country is going to make sure that asshole doesn't buy the White House.
Great idea.....................push the write in vote for Bernie.......or just go rouge and let him go 3rd party............

GREAT...............please do so...............

Yeah......I'll vote for him...............:eusa_whistle:
Sanders doesn't advocate taking over the world, Trump does.

Sanders doesn't advocate hate of Mexicans and Muslims, Trump does.

Sanders doesn't advocate invading Iraq and Iran, ans taking their oil, Trump does.

Sanders doesn't threaten violence if he loses, Trump does.

Sanders doesn't tell his supporters to punch people in the face, Trump does.

The rich are to blame for America's problems. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!

Hitler wasn't a socialist, he was a fascist, so are the republicans.

Hitler used false propaganda to generate fear and hate, like you and the republicans do.
Run 3rd party...........Run Run Run.............

Go Bernie..........


How do you expect Sanders to win as a write in candidate when he is 2.7 million votes behind Hillary Clinton and a couple of million votes behind Trump? He's in last place.

3rd party? You're joking right. Democrats would hate him for abusing their platform and then switching back to Independent to run as a 3rd party candidate. They would ridicule him and his policies for generations to come, and turn him into something less significant than a mosquito on an elephants ass--LOL He would lose all credibility, respect and support.

It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.


He will not win through the write in process and all he would do is steal votes from Clinton. Clinton best bet is to take him as her VP ( if she win the nomination ) so she can unite the Democratic Party.

We can only hope and pray that Hillary Clinton would take Socialist Bernie Sanders as her VP. Republicans would take the Oval Office along with expanding their majority in the House and Senate.
It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.


He will not win through the write in process and all he would do is steal votes from Clinton. Clinton best bet is to take him as her VP ( if she win the nomination ) so she can unite the Democratic Party.

Too Old to have as VP... He could be a one term VP and aswap to younger guy for the second term... If I was Hillary I would his opinion on VP options...

Making a big assumption that she is not indicted or her entire staff are indicted, she needs someone as far to the right as Bernie has pulled her to the far left.
It's probably too late for Bernie to get on the general election ballot as an Independent. But what if Bernie makes a statement asking his supporters to write in his name? How many would do it, rather than vote for the female version of Trump?

And what would happen if Bernie actually got the most votes? Would the electoral college overturn the popular vote...again? Would the SCOTUS overturn it...again?

How many republicans would write in Bernie instead of voting for Trump or the female version?

How pitiful is America, when both candidates are hated by the vast majority of all the voters? No matter the outcome, there's going to be trouble in paradise.


He will not win through the write in process and all he would do is steal votes from Clinton. Clinton best bet is to take him as her VP ( if she win the nomination ) so she can unite the Democratic Party.

Hillary used SuperDelegates to steal the nomination away from Bernie, so fair's fair

Hillary didn't "use" the Super Delegates, the DNC uses them so the public believes they vote for the nominee but actually the DNC elite decide who will be their nominee. Much the same as the Republicans but they didn't count Donald Trump still being in the race. They had him counted out last year.

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