Could an ACB confirmation followed by a Trump re-election = The launch of an all out assault on Roe and the 14th?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I pray for such an agenda to materialize.
An overturning of Roe v. Wade followed promptly by a proper interpretation of the 14th Amendment and how it applies to anchor babies....I dream of a provision that is retroactive, one that allows for the revocation of citizenships...It’s time to take back all those stolen citizenships. We The People issue citizenships, they should never have been able to be stolen.
No court will reverse settled law in one fell swoop

not even a conservative court

but if choices are presented to the court through state legislatures the unelected judges can chip away at RvW
acb no notes 3.jpg
I don't think they will tackle Roe V Wade, but I believe the ACA is a target so a new plan should be in the works. A better plan.

Kenyan Kare is done...PERIOD.
That goes without saying...let’s get after the real meat on the bone...RvW and the misinterpreted 14th.
Let’s blow Leftist heads wide open.
I pray for such an agenda to materialize.
An overturning of Roe v. Wade followed promptly by a proper interpretation of the 14th Amendment and how it applies to anchor babies....I dream of a provision that is retroactive, one that allows for the revocation of citizenships...It’s time to take back all those stolen citizenships. We The People issue citizenships, they should never have been able to be stolen.

I pray for the same. That being said, and at the end of the day, the onus for the execution of Roe v. Wade lies in the hands of the American people, alone. WE all of us have sat idly by for forty-seven years as butchers calling themselves doctors slaughtered tens of millions of American babies in their mothers' wombs. WE all have that blood on our hands. If WE want Roe v. Wade undone forever then we must stand up and make that happen. Otherwise, we're all just willing accomplices to the largest genocide in human history.
I pray for such an agenda to materialize.
An overturning of Roe v. Wade followed promptly by a proper interpretation of the 14th Amendment and how it applies to anchor babies....I dream of a provision that is retroactive, one that allows for the revocation of citizenships...It’s time to take back all those stolen citizenships. We The People issue citizenships, they should never have been able to be stolen.

I pray for the same. That being said, and at the end of the day, the onus for the execution of Roe v. Wade lies in the hands of the American people, alone. WE all of us have sat idly by for forty-seven years as butchers calling themselves doctors slaughtered tens of millions of American babies in their mothers' wombs. WE all have that blood on our hands. If WE want Roe v. Wade undone forever then we must stand up and make that happen. Otherwise, we're all just willing accomplices to the largest genocide in human history.
Funny, that's the same amount of time that worthless child molesting pos biden has been in office.
I doubt it

The Conservative Court will nibble at the edges of Roe v Wade by making it more difficult to run an abortion clinic and allowing beating heart laws.
I pray for such an agenda to materialize.
An overturning of Roe v. Wade followed promptly by a proper interpretation of the 14th Amendment and how it applies to anchor babies....I dream of a provision that is retroactive, one that allows for the revocation of citizenships...It’s time to take back all those stolen citizenships. We The People issue citizenships, they should never have been able to be stolen.

I pray for the same. That being said, and at the end of the day, the onus for the execution of Roe v. Wade lies in the hands of the American people, alone. WE all of us have sat idly by for forty-seven years as butchers calling themselves doctors slaughtered tens of millions of American babies in their mothers' wombs. WE all have that blood on our hands. If WE want Roe v. Wade undone forever then we must stand up and make that happen. Otherwise, we're all just willing accomplices to the largest genocide in human history.
Funny, that's the same amount of time that worthless child molesting pos biden has been in office.

Given his drug addicted son's hard drive it seems to run in the family
I pray for such an agenda to materialize.
An overturning of Roe v. Wade followed promptly by a proper interpretation of the 14th Amendment and how it applies to anchor babies....I dream of a provision that is retroactive, one that allows for the revocation of citizenships...It’s time to take back all those stolen citizenships. We The People issue citizenships, they should never have been able to be stolen.
Do you know why Roe V Wade was taken to the Supreme Court? Because the progs back in the day, couldnt get a majority of the people to want the execution of babies to be legal. But those damn 9 men in black robes, overturned the will of the people, thus going against Democracy, that you leftards are always whining about...
Roe v. Wade has been so liberally interpreted by subsequent lower court decisions that it hardly represents precedent any more. When presented with likelihood of a SCOTUS decision about when human life begins, the liberals may decide that giving that decision back to the states isn't such a bad idea.
I hope with ACB appointment we can now get rulings out of the Court to start applying strict scrutiny to the right to keep and bear arms and overturn all these oppressive state and local laws from the Communist states.

Liberty needs to be restored to the Republic.
I doubt it

The Conservative Court will nibble at the edges of Roe v Wade by making it more difficult to run an abortion clinic and allowing beating heart laws.
Give the issue back to the states and/or no taxpayer funds involved.
There really isn't any appetite for repealing Roe in the courts nor are there any real challenges making their way through the system.

The whole "Roe" threat is a contrivance by the left to keep True Judges off the bench.
I don't think they will tackle Roe V Wade, but I believe the ACA is a target so a new plan should be in the works. A better plan.
I agree. A new plan was promised by Trump in 2016 and he is still promising the same. I doubt we'll ever see it.

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