Could A Blue Wave Boost The Economy? Why Goldman Sachs Is Optimistic

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I've heard a lot of people on the right, as well as members of the investment group I belong to on Facebook, claim that a Biden win will be the end of the economy and the stock market will crash. While there are some actions he could take that could hurt the economy, there is little reason to believe that is what will happen. First off, Biden was a representative for Delaware almost his entire political career, a state that is a corporate tax haven. Several companies are headquartered there and most large companies have an office there just to establish a physical footprint and take advantage of those corporate tax breaks. The company I work for used to have an empty office in downtown Wilmington for years for that purpose until we acquired a group from another company who are now based there.

Second, for all the name calling from the right of Obama being a socialist, he was actually a corporatist president. The DOW gained back over 150% during Obama's eight years. There are reasons for that had nothing to do with him, but he certainly could have gone the route of Hoover and FDR and implemented policies that crippled us into a depression for years. He didn't. There is no reason to believe Biden will. In fact, Biden is getting five times the campaign donations from Wall Street that Trump is. Wall Street bankers aren't in the habit of losing money. They wouldn't be dishing out all of this cash if they believed they'd suffer under a Biden administration. In fact, they believe he would bring more stability to the markets.

My only real concern economically with Biden is that he'll stupidly try to implement nationwide lockdowns again over COVID and that would put us back into a downward tailspin. I don't know that he actually has the power to do that as it would be up to the governors to comply, but he could certainly at least sway those of his own party to follow through. That's basically a gamble and Wall Street doesn't seem to be concerned by it.

Nothing changes if Joe wins. After all, he’s more conservative and more owned by Wall Street than Don.
Goldman Sachs earns big bucks when we are all poor and out of work....they also want a bailout and they know Trump won't do that....
The Kid Sniffer must repeat 2 of the Obamunists greatest accomplishments

1) Cash for Clunkers

2) Shovel ready jobs

I forgot....3).Check your tires to reduce Carbon Dioxide.
The Kid Sniffer must repeat 2 of the Obamunists greatest accomplishments

1) Cash for Clunkers

2) Shovel ready jobs

I forgot....3).Check your tires to reduce Carbon Dioxide.

4) Higher energy costs

5) Higher taxes

6) 10's of thousands of jobs killing government regulations

7) Being told our jobs they traded away to China to line their own pockets will never return even with a magic wand
Buuuuut, Ole'Joe will just be a front man for the far left.
Annnnnd, Kamala Harris IS a far left wacko.
Printing up trillions in helicopter money -the leftist plan A- is great for the Wall Street banksters, but not so much for Main Street.
That's the only way, because higher taxes equates to taking money from the economy and putting it into the government
Inflation is a tax.
I've heard a lot of people on the right, as well as members of the investment group I belong to on Facebook, claim that a Biden win will be the end of the economy and the stock market will crash. While there are some actions he could take that could hurt the economy, there is little reason to believe that is what will happen. First off, Biden was a representative for Delaware almost his entire political career, a state that is a corporate tax haven. Several companies are headquartered there and most large companies have an office there just to establish a physical footprint and take advantage of those corporate tax breaks. The company I work for used to have an empty office in downtown Wilmington for years for that purpose until we acquired a group from another company who are now based there.

Second, for all the name calling from the right of Obama being a socialist, he was actually a corporatist president. The DOW gained back over 150% during Obama's eight years. There are reasons for that had nothing to do with him, but he certainly could have gone the route of Hoover and FDR and implemented policies that crippled us into a depression for years. He didn't. There is no reason to believe Biden will. In fact, Biden is getting five times the campaign donations from Wall Street that Trump is. Wall Street bankers aren't in the habit of losing money. They wouldn't be dishing out all of this cash if they believed they'd suffer under a Biden administration. In fact, they believe he would bring more stability to the markets.

My only real concern economically with Biden is that he'll stupidly try to implement nationwide lockdowns again over COVID and that would put us back into a downward tailspin. I don't know that he actually has the power to do that as it would be up to the governors to comply, but he could certainly at least sway those of his own party to follow through. That's basically a gamble and Wall Street doesn't seem to be concerned by it.

Biden is a terrible deal for the economy.

However, not because of lockdowns. If you for a second believe that the lockdowns are about anything other than stopping the Trump economy, your intellect is questionable. The lockdowns will end the moment the election is done. They have no basis in any kind of fact, and of course, are anti-American as can be.

That said, he may try to seize power for the government using the virus. Obviously controlling everything is in their interest. The centrally planned economy...

Main street is done with Biden, the big corporations who bow to BLM and are "in the club" will likely be fine, although not producing anything of value. Biden looking out for small businesses is a other comical joke of his.
I've heard a lot of people on the right, as well as members of the investment group I belong to on Facebook, claim that a Biden win will be the end of the economy and the stock market will crash. While there are some actions he could take that could hurt the economy, there is little reason to believe that is what will happen. First off, Biden was a representative for Delaware almost his entire political career, a state that is a corporate tax haven. Several companies are headquartered there and most large companies have an office there just to establish a physical footprint and take advantage of those corporate tax breaks. The company I work for used to have an empty office in downtown Wilmington for years for that purpose until we acquired a group from another company who are now based there.

Second, for all the name calling from the right of Obama being a socialist, he was actually a corporatist president. The DOW gained back over 150% during Obama's eight years. There are reasons for that had nothing to do with him, but he certainly could have gone the route of Hoover and FDR and implemented policies that crippled us into a depression for years. He didn't. There is no reason to believe Biden will. In fact, Biden is getting five times the campaign donations from Wall Street that Trump is. Wall Street bankers aren't in the habit of losing money. They wouldn't be dishing out all of this cash if they believed they'd suffer under a Biden administration. In fact, they believe he would bring more stability to the markets.

My only real concern economically with Biden is that he'll stupidly try to implement nationwide lockdowns again over COVID and that would put us back into a downward tailspin. I don't know that he actually has the power to do that as it would be up to the governors to comply, but he could certainly at least sway those of his own party to follow through. That's basically a gamble and Wall Street doesn't seem to be concerned by it.

Ever heard of the New Green Deal?

Let's just say it's not exactly an economy booster.

And, your boy Beijing Biden ... he supports it.

I don't care how many Fake News stories you drum up LYING about how a Biden win STEAL would boost the economy, normal thinking Americans understand it would be the end of the American economy.
One must remember the Big banks were shorting "cant miss" stocks they just sold to their customers.
I've heard a lot of people on the right, as well as members of the investment group I belong to on Facebook, claim that a Biden win will be the end of the economy and the stock market will crash. While there are some actions he could take that could hurt the economy, there is little reason to believe that is what will happen. First off, Biden was a representative for Delaware almost his entire political career, a state that is a corporate tax haven. Several companies are headquartered there and most large companies have an office there just to establish a physical footprint and take advantage of those corporate tax breaks. The company I work for used to have an empty office in downtown Wilmington for years for that purpose until we acquired a group from another company who are now based there.

Second, for all the name calling from the right of Obama being a socialist, he was actually a corporatist president. The DOW gained back over 150% during Obama's eight years. There are reasons for that had nothing to do with him, but he certainly could have gone the route of Hoover and FDR and implemented policies that crippled us into a depression for years. He didn't. There is no reason to believe Biden will. In fact, Biden is getting five times the campaign donations from Wall Street that Trump is. Wall Street bankers aren't in the habit of losing money. They wouldn't be dishing out all of this cash if they believed they'd suffer under a Biden administration. In fact, they believe he would bring more stability to the markets.

My only real concern economically with Biden is that he'll stupidly try to implement nationwide lockdowns again over COVID and that would put us back into a downward tailspin. I don't know that he actually has the power to do that as it would be up to the governors to comply, but he could certainly at least sway those of his own party to follow through. That's basically a gamble and Wall Street doesn't seem to be concerned by it.

Not just goldman sachs, but moody's and others as well.

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