Costco now requires masks to shop.

I believe it's time to allow my membership to expire.
They should at least provide a mask to people who don't have one.

I find it funny you didn't want muslims to be free to leave their burkas on but now you want to be free to take your mask off. LOL

View attachment 329641

One is for religious reasons, the other for heath reasons.
What does the reason matter? You republicans are always quick to point out the differences which means you are ignoring the hypocrisy or conflicting beliefs.

If you are free to not wear a mask why aren't they free to wear the mask?
What does the reason matter?

If you don't know, you're more of a fool than I thought.
Meh, a minor inconvenience...
No they are making you obey you fool this virus is 911 it's invisible it takes your RIGHTS away using bs lies .......... when you wake up you will realize what a police state you live in nad the only ones who roll over and accept are cowards who don't love their couuntry enoough to stand up and fight this gawd dam communist tracking bs.

What would you NOT do if ordered to do it. ---- would you bend over for a CHIP to be implanted---

Would you get a chip if they told you it's the only way to cash your checks etc..

yeah sure you would because uu don't realize how one flip cuts you off from the very situations that are needed ot survive.

Yeah, because asking you to wear a mask so you don't sneeze on someone is exactly the same thing as getting a chip implanted in your ass.

What a fucking moron...

I wouldn't wear a mask and HAVEN'T WORN ONE YET and fkn won't .
To indignant to bother to stop a pandemic? What's noble about that?
Laugh out loud! If everyone in a store is wearing a face mask except for one person, who has zero symptoms
how is a pandemic being "stopped"?
View attachment 329685

Maybe its just a stylin' thang?
Are you under the assumption this virus is a hoax?

To indignant to bother to stop a pandemic? What's noble about that?
Laugh out loud! If everyone in a store is wearing a face mask except for one person, who has zero symptoms
how is a pandemic being "stopped"?
View attachment 329685

Maybe its just a stylin' thang?

buy 1 get 4 free LOL This was meant for JIM B. lol.
Meh, a minor inconvenience...
No they are making you obey you fool this virus is 911 it's invisible it takes your RIGHTS away using bs lies .......... when you wake up you will realize what a police state you live in nad the only ones who roll over and accept are cowards who don't love their couuntry enoough to stand up and fight this gawd dam communist tracking bs.

What would you NOT do if ordered to do it. ---- would you bend over for a CHIP to be implanted---

Would you get a chip if they told you it's the only way to cash your checks etc..

yeah sure you would because uu don't realize how one flip cuts you off from the very situations that are needed ot survive.

Yeah, because asking you to wear a mask so you don't sneeze on someone is exactly the same thing as getting a chip implanted in your ass.

What a fucking moron...

is that what being a little bitch is like ...... kinda like you loll. cranky ass fk. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::twirl::oops:
Meh, a minor inconvenience...
No they are making you obey you fool this virus is 911 it's invisible it takes your RIGHTS away using bs lies .......... when you wake up you will realize what a police state you live in nad the only ones who roll over and accept are cowards who don't love their couuntry enoough to stand up and fight this gawd dam communist tracking bs.

What would you NOT do if ordered to do it. ---- would you bend over for a CHIP to be implanted---

Would you get a chip if they told you it's the only way to cash your checks etc..

yeah sure you would because uu don't realize how one flip cuts you off from the very situations that are needed ot survive.

Yeah, because asking you to wear a mask so you don't sneeze on someone is exactly the same thing as getting a chip implanted in your ass.

What a fucking moron...

is that what being a little bitch is like ...... kinda like you loll. cranky ass fk. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::twirl::oops:

You're the one gettin' his diaper in a knot over this...
Meh, a minor inconvenience...
No they are making you obey you fool this virus is 911 it's invisible it takes your RIGHTS away using bs lies .......... when you wake up you will realize what a police state you live in nad the only ones who roll over and accept are cowards who don't love their couuntry enoough to stand up and fight this gawd dam communist tracking bs.

What would you NOT do if ordered to do it. ---- would you bend over for a CHIP to be implanted---

Would you get a chip if they told you it's the only way to cash your checks etc..

yeah sure you would because uu don't realize how one flip cuts you off from the very situations that are needed ot survive.

Yeah, because asking you to wear a mask so you don't sneeze on someone is exactly the same thing as getting a chip implanted in your ass.

What a fucking moron...

I wouldn't wear a mask and HAVEN'T WORN ONE YET and fkn won't .

Um, okay.

Anything else?
Sorry folks. I won't be told what I can or cannot wear when I'm out shopping. If things are that bad in their view, shut down the stores.
Kind of selfish and who are you to endanger other people over your "feelings"?
Meh, a minor inconvenience...
No they are making you obey you fool this virus is 911 it's invisible it takes your RIGHTS away using bs lies .......... when you wake up you will realize what a police state you live in nad the only ones who roll over and accept are cowards who don't love their couuntry enoough to stand up and fight this gawd dam communist tracking bs.

What would you NOT do if ordered to do it. ---- would you bend over for a CHIP to be implanted---

Would you get a chip if they told you it's the only way to cash your checks etc..

yeah sure you would because uu don't realize how one flip cuts you off from the very situations that are needed ot survive.

Yeah, because asking you to wear a mask so you don't sneeze on someone is exactly the same thing as getting a chip implanted in your ass.

What a fucking moron...

I wouldn't wear a mask and HAVEN'T WORN ONE YET and fkn won't .

Um, okay.

Anything else?

LOL now that was a good one. :highfive: :twirl::re:
I believe it's time to allow my membership to expire.
You're getting exactly the vapid and brain dead platitudes and groupthink recriminations that I imagined would be here.

"You don't care about public health!"

"It's annoying, but I'll just be a lemming and go with the flow."

"Muh private corporation!"

Red herrings..."do you stop at red lights?"

"You're a conspiracy loon!"

Bootlickers gonna lick them boots....

So nobody has or will drop dead all this time when barely anybody wore a mask at all LOL.......... omg u idiots are falling for alll this bs to keep you in control and take our rights. Just like 911 omg!!


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