Coronavirus: US will not participate in WHO vaccine project after Trump turned against it


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This fool needs to go. Be glad other countries have leaders with sense.

Coronavirus: US will not participate in WHO vaccine project after Trump turned against it
Despite snub, coalition of world leaders will support US during crisis: 'There should be no division in order to win this battle'

Alex Woodward New York 1 day ago

The US will not participate in a global effort with the World Health Organisation to develop drugs and a vaccine to combat the coronavirus.

A spokesman for the US mission told Reuters that "there will be no US official participation" in the programme, which aims to speed the development of a vaccine and share resources in the fight against the virus.

He said: "We look forward to learning more about this initiative in support of international cooperation to develop a vaccine for Covid-19 as soon as possible."

The nation's withdrawal from collaborative international efforts in the wake of the pandemic follows Donald Trump's announcement that the US would suspend funding to the WHO after he accused the United Nations agency of "covering up" the coronavirus outbreak from China. He attacked the organisation as he faced similar criticisms after reports showed that he had dismissed or ignored warnings about the threat of the outbreak from his administration for several weeks.

A global initiative to accelerate the development of a potential vaccine was launched by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, among other world leaders, on Friday.

President Macron told the meeting that the group hopes to "reconcile around this joint initiative both China and the US, because this is about saying the fight against Covid-19 is a common human good and there should be no division in order to win this battle."

The group has pledged to provide access to treatment and vaccines to other nations, commit to the international partnership and share research efforts and make informed group decisions about their response.

Its pledges starkly contrast with the largely isolationist tone of the Trump administration's response, leaving state and local governments to fend for themselves absent a consistent federal effort that could rely on a global support network.


I'm sure the vaccine will come out of some Chinese laboratory as a miracle cure filled with mercury and be promoted as such by the WHO and our progressive media, which never did any real investigative reporting or journalism by going to the outbreak area in China and discovering the truth about where the epidemic originated.


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Another decision by Trump that is worthy of Kim. They are more alike every day.
Its great that countries are collaborating on finding a cure.
Its a shame that a couple of rogue states are not helping with this.
Much duplication going on I suspect. Shocking.

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