Corona Lie: How sadistic NWO digrace us!We must stund up to Corona liars and fascists!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Any 'politician' supporting Corona Lie and any Presstitute spreading it shall be sentenced to prison. The entirely human history didn't know such humiliation and disgrace. We must stand up and make Nurnberg 2.0 trial for all Corona criminals.
What shall we do tomorrow, what NWO demands from us?
To swallow own feces, to crawl, to die?
Anyone politician who doesn't fight NWO is his servant.
Trump, Putin, Erdogan, Merkel, all are NWO toilet paper.
How long we will tolerate this stupidity?

The Governor of Maine @JanetMillsforME is now demanding servers wear upside down face shields attached to collars...AKA dog cones. At what point do we collectively start ignoring these idiots and telling them to eff off?


I know I am willing to "stund" up to the virus, if doing so will perpetuate the presidency of the laziest liar ever to occupy the White House.

'Sokay, trump loves the poorly educated.
Any 'politician' supporting Corona Lie and any Presstitute spreading it shall be sentenced to prison. The entirely human history didn't know such humiliation and disgrace. We must stand up and make Nurnberg 2.0 trial for all Corona criminals.
What shall we do tomorrow, what NWO demands from us?
To swallow own feces, to crawl, to die?
Anyone politician who doesn't fight NWO is his servant.
Trump, Putin, Erdogan, Merkel, all are NWO toilet paper.
How long we will tolerate this stupidity?

The Governor of Maine @JanetMillsforME is now demanding servers wear upside down face shields attached to collars...AKA dog cones. At what point do we collectively start ignoring these idiots and telling them to eff off?


It is really too bad that this is not a direct quote of the governor but just a Tweet from a third party and in scanning the governor's Tweet page the so called tweet on this subject is not found. Your header doesn't match the story either.
It’s not the NWO selling the COVID lie

It is the Deep State
No no, seriously somewhere they are mandating the kids and teachers wear clear cones of shame-ish things in order to combat corona in the schools! :auiqs.jpg:
The teachers have spit shields in front of their desks!
#7: We understand the term, "probably." Is it knowledge envy? Satan works in mysterious ways inside the religious mind.

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