Corona - Hoax. Why alsmost all humans will nevertheless die?

I believe the CDC more than I believe any right wingers.

Complications related to the virus.

I see you haven't been paying attention in the last few months. The numbers are a total joke. They have been counting "probable" or "presumed" COVID deaths in the death count. This whole thing has been a scam from the start.

In addition to that, if a person tested "positive" but died of something else entirely, they have been counting that as a COVID death. (see the video below.) And here's the part that many people still aren't grasping. The testing itself is a joke, many doctors have come forward to say that, and there have been many false positives, so technically a person could die of a completely different cause, but tested "positive" by a totally unreliable test, and not even have COVID1984, yet be counted as a COVID death.

The numbers are totally fraudulent. You are believing everything the liars of the controlled media (basically the State media) tell you, which shows how naive and ignorant you are about what is actually going on in this world. Their goal from the start has been to create fear and panic in the public, because FEAR is the best tool for corrupt powers to bring about their agendas, and that is precisely what this is all about, bringing about their globalist agendas. It is about "The Great Reset" - destroying the current system and taking the world to completely new systems. None of it good for any of us regular people.

If you are not aware of the tyrannical insanity going on right now in many places in the world, then you need to turn off the idiot box and start paying attention to what is REALLY happening in the world. Your rights, freedom and personal sovereignty are being taken away, all under the guise of "health" and "security."

Wake the hell up!

Oh, and if you don't believe me that they've been counting other deaths as COVID if a person allegedly tests "positive" then here you go:

Only right wingers still claim the pandemic is a hoax. Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall for their claims.

No, only people with a brain, you shill.
What are you talking about? People with a brain rely on the scientific method not right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

You are beyond ignorant. Turn off the idiot box.
Says the guy who only has fallacy not any valid arguments.

I'm not a guy, Einstein. And I don't argue with fools. Turn off the idiot box.
lol. You have no valid arguments, only fallacy.
Yeah we know you have no valid arguments,only fallacy so that’s old news.
Parroting is what right wingers do best. You wish I didn't resort to the fewest fallacies because that takes the moral of true witness bearing, right wingers.
Only right wingers still claim the pandemic is a hoax. Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall for their claims.

No, only people with a brain, you shill.
You nailed it,yeah he indeed is another shill from langley that has penetrated this site sent here by his handlers to post and troll,as I said,another shill from Langley to add to my ever growing ignore list.
lol. How many people have died from the virus, right wingers? It is no hoax.
Only right wingers still claim the pandemic is a hoax. Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall for their claims.

Only ignorant gullible sheep, think that the #CoronaHoax2020 is anything more than a routine seasonal flu outbreak that has been hyperbolized and exploited for malicious political purposes; or that any of the seizures of power being committed by criminals infesting our government, or any of the restrictions being imposed on us, over the #CoronaHoax, are being done to protect our health, safety, or other best interests.
Practitioners of the scientific method are more credible. Right wingers are literally, incredible.
You are just destroying your credibility taking every word the government tells you at face value instead of whistle blower patriot doctors words for it.
What patriotic doctors allege the pandemic is a Hoax?
Man you sure have been on a deserted island,myself and many others like her have made MANY of these threads over the past six months showing those doctors,not my fault you were on a deserted island only
going by what the idiot box in the living room tells that idiot box of course wont talk about those doctors the fact the media is just a tool for the government a fact you are obviously dense
I believe the CDC more than I believe any right wingers.
Of course,that’s priceless you believe an evil organization as evil as the cia and fbi,comedy gold.thats like taking Bill Clinton’s word that he Never had any sex with a woman or expecting him to tell the truth about him not raping women the fact you are dense to the fact the cdcinflates the numbers calling people who died from fatal gunshot wounds as a corona virus death,many whistleblower doctors who have a conscience have come forward,sure was fun checkmating
Yeah just as I expected he indeed is a shill from Langley the fact he just laughs this post of facts off like the lying coward troll he is,that’s how they instruct them to act.

thank god for the ignore list.
Right wingers with facts not right wing fantasy, how fantastical.
Only right wingers still claim the pandemic is a hoax. Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall for their claims.

No, only people with a brain, you shill.
What are you talking about? People with a brain rely on the scientific method not right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

You are beyond ignorant. Turn off the idiot box.
Says the guy who only has fallacy not any valid arguments.

I'm not a guy, Einstein. And I don't argue with fools. Turn off the idiot box.
lol. You have no valid arguments, only fallacy.

Wrong, I've been going over all of this repeatedly in the last 6 months, til I'm blue in the face. If you STILL believe the lies, many of which have been clearly shown to be lies, then you are too much of a brainwashed fool to even bother with. Turn off the idiot box, that's my advice to you.
An appeal to ignorance? Why should I believe You, simply because you are on the right wing.
Hey sheep,she is not the one saying this is a hoax,thousands of doctors around the world who have stood up to our corrupt government are saying it putting their careers and livilhoods on the line,you wanted a valid argument,you got one just now,she just did not feel like repeating that because like she said so well,she has been telling these facts to sheeplike you Night and day til she was blue in the face the past six months just to watch cowards like you evade those facts and run off from them because like she said so well,you won’t turn off the idiot box and you keep hanging on the words of the corporate controlled media instead of credible people.
Love how the troll after I took him to school could only laugh it off in defeat knowing he Got his ass handed to him on a platter and had no counter argument knowing he was checkmated,hee hee.
Still no valid arguments?
you just described yourself to a tee,yeah you have no valid arguments that the cdc and the media and government are telling the truth we both know that,no need to advertisethe
Are you seriously trying to claim we should believe the right wing instead of the public sector on this issue? You are literally, incredible, right wingers. Try to resort to the fewest fallacies with valid arguments, first.

It's not a "right / left" thing! Wake up!!! Turn off your TV. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.
I believe the CDC more than I believe any right wingers.

Complications related to the virus.

I see you haven't been paying attention in the last few months. The numbers are a total joke. They have been counting "probable" or "presumed" COVID deaths in the death count. This whole thing has been a scam from the start.

In addition to that, if a person tested "positive" but died of something else entirely, they have been counting that as a COVID death. (see the video below.) And here's the part that many people still aren't grasping. The testing itself is a joke, many doctors have come forward to say that, and there have been many false positives, so technically a person could die of a completely different cause, but tested "positive" by a totally unreliable test, and not even have COVID1984, yet be counted as a COVID death.

The numbers are totally fraudulent. You are believing everything the liars of the controlled media (basically the State media) tell you, which shows how naive and ignorant you are about what is actually going on in this world. Their goal from the start has been to create fear and panic in the public, because FEAR is the best tool for corrupt powers to bring about their agendas, and that is precisely what this is all about, bringing about their globalist agendas. It is about "The Great Reset" - destroying the current system and taking the world to completely new systems. None of it good for any of us regular people.

If you are not aware of the tyrannical insanity going on right now in many places in the world, then you need to turn off the idiot box and start paying attention to what is REALLY happening in the world. Your rights, freedom and personal sovereignty are being taken away, all under the guise of "health" and "security."

Wake the hell up!

Oh, and if you don't believe me that they've been counting other deaths as COVID if a person allegedly tests "positive" then here you go:

The US is not the only country being affected, right wingers. Are you claiming the whole world lying and only right wingers "know the truth"?
Only right wingers still claim the pandemic is a hoax. Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall for their claims.

No, only people with a brain, you shill.
What are you talking about? People with a brain rely on the scientific method not right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

You are beyond ignorant. Turn off the idiot box.
Says the guy who only has fallacy not any valid arguments.

I'm not a guy, Einstein. And I don't argue with fools. Turn off the idiot box.
lol. You have no valid arguments, only fallacy.

Wrong, I've been going over all of this repeatedly in the last 6 months, til I'm blue in the face. If you STILL believe the lies, many of which have been clearly shown to be lies, then you are too much of a brainwashed fool to even bother with. Turn off the idiot box, that's my advice to you.
An appeal to ignorance? Why should I believe You, simply because you are on the right wing.
Hey sheep,she is not the one saying this is a hoax,thousands of doctors around the world who have stood up to our corrupt government are saying it putting their careers and livilhoods on the line,you wanted a valid argument,you got one just now,she just did not feel like repeating that because like she said so well,she has been telling these facts to sheeplike you Night and day til she was blue in the face the past six months just to watch cowards like you evade those facts and run off from them because like she said so well,you won’t turn off the idiot box and you keep hanging on the words of the corporate controlled media instead of credible people.
Love how the troll after I took him to school could only laugh it off in defeat knowing he Got his ass handed to him on a platter and had no counter argument knowing he was checkmated,hee hee.
Still no valid arguments?
you just described yourself to a tee,yeah you have no valid arguments that the cdc and the media and government are telling the truth we both know that,no need to advertisethe
Are you seriously trying to claim we should believe the right wing instead of the public sector on this issue? You are literally, incredible, right wingers. Try to resort to the fewest fallacies with valid arguments, first.

It's not a "right / left" thing! Wake up!!! Turn off your TV. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.
Right wingers are the most programmed.

This is the Greatest of the Great for the whole and entire Right Wing:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
I believe the CDC more than I believe any right wingers.

Complications related to the virus.

I see you haven't been paying attention in the last few months. The numbers are a total joke. They have been counting "probable" or "presumed" COVID deaths in the death count. This whole thing has been a scam from the start.

In addition to that, if a person tested "positive" but died of something else entirely, they have been counting that as a COVID death. (see the video below.) And here's the part that many people still aren't grasping. The testing itself is a joke, many doctors have come forward to say that, and there have been many false positives, so technically a person could die of a completely different cause, but tested "positive" by a totally unreliable test, and not even have COVID1984, yet be counted as a COVID death.

The numbers are totally fraudulent. You are believing everything the liars of the controlled media (basically the State media) tell you, which shows how naive and ignorant you are about what is actually going on in this world. Their goal from the start has been to create fear and panic in the public, because FEAR is the best tool for corrupt powers to bring about their agendas, and that is precisely what this is all about, bringing about their globalist agendas. It is about "The Great Reset" - destroying the current system and taking the world to completely new systems. None of it good for any of us regular people.

If you are not aware of the tyrannical insanity going on right now in many places in the world, then you need to turn off the idiot box and start paying attention to what is REALLY happening in the world. Your rights, freedom and personal sovereignty are being taken away, all under the guise of "health" and "security."

Wake the hell up!

Oh, and if you don't believe me that they've been counting other deaths as COVID if a person allegedly tests "positive" then here you go:

The US is not the only country being affected, right wingers. Are you claiming the whole world lying and only right wingers "know the truth"?

Again, it's not a right / left thing. You sound like an ignorant football-mentality partisan when you keep repeating that. And the way the numbers have been counted is a global thing, so yes, OBVIOUSLY the numbers are not only a joke in the US, but globally.

You need to turn off the idiot box and start paying attention to what is actually happening in the world.
I believe the CDC more than I believe any right wingers.

Complications related to the virus.

I see you haven't been paying attention in the last few months. The numbers are a total joke. They have been counting "probable" or "presumed" COVID deaths in the death count. This whole thing has been a scam from the start.

In addition to that, if a person tested "positive" but died of something else entirely, they have been counting that as a COVID death. (see the video below.) And here's the part that many people still aren't grasping. The testing itself is a joke, many doctors have come forward to say that, and there have been many false positives, so technically a person could die of a completely different cause, but tested "positive" by a totally unreliable test, and not even have COVID1984, yet be counted as a COVID death.

The numbers are totally fraudulent. You are believing everything the liars of the controlled media (basically the State media) tell you, which shows how naive and ignorant you are about what is actually going on in this world. Their goal from the start has been to create fear and panic in the public, because FEAR is the best tool for corrupt powers to bring about their agendas, and that is precisely what this is all about, bringing about their globalist agendas. It is about "The Great Reset" - destroying the current system and taking the world to completely new systems. None of it good for any of us regular people.

If you are not aware of the tyrannical insanity going on right now in many places in the world, then you need to turn off the idiot box and start paying attention to what is REALLY happening in the world. Your rights, freedom and personal sovereignty are being taken away, all under the guise of "health" and "security."

Wake the hell up!

Oh, and if you don't believe me that they've been counting other deaths as COVID if a person allegedly tests "positive" then here you go:

The US is not the only country being affected, right wingers. Are you claiming the whole world lying and only right wingers "know the truth"?

Again, it's not a right / left thing. You sound like an ignorant football-mentality partisan when you keep repeating that. And the way the numbers have been counted is a global thing, so yes, OBVIOUSLY the numbers are not only a joke in the US, but globally.

You need to turn off the idiot box and start paying attention to what is actually happening in the world.

lol. Yes, it is. Projecting much, right wingers? Parroting Russian propaganda is what y'all do best.

WASHINGTON — Russian intelligence services have been spreading disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic, according to newly declassified intelligence, material that demonstrates how Moscow is continuing to try to influence Americans as the election draws closer.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or the pandemic?

For the umpteenth time, this is not a left-right thing. In fact, the whole left-right paradigm is a distraction, which is why the powers-that-be constantly push it. You are beyond help, and appear to be totally unteachable. I will pray for you.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or the pandemic?

For the umpteenth time, this is not a left-right thing. In fact, the whole left-right paradigm is a distraction, which is why the powers-that-be constantly push it. You are beyond help, and appear to be totally unteachable. I will pray for you.
You are a distraction. All right wingers do is parrot Russian propaganda not the sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation. Right wingers are literally, incredible.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or the pandemic?

For the umpteenth time, this is not a left-right thing. In fact, the whole left-right paradigm is a distraction, which is why the powers-that-be constantly push it. You are beyond help, and appear to be totally unteachable. I will pray for you.
You are a distraction. All right wingers do is parrot Russian propaganda not the sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation. Right wingers are literally, incredible.

Wow, you are more brainwashed than I thought. I truly feel sorry for you.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or the pandemic?

For the umpteenth time, this is not a left-right thing. In fact, the whole left-right paradigm is a distraction, which is why the powers-that-be constantly push it. You are beyond help, and appear to be totally unteachable. I will pray for you.
You are a distraction. All right wingers do is parrot Russian propaganda not the sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation. Right wingers are literally, incredible.

Wow, you are more brainwashed than I thought. I truly feel sorry for you.
I feel even more sorry for you. You have no valid arguments only the fallacy of parroting Russian propaganda and rhetoric.

Refrigerated trucks requested in Arizona, Texas as morgues reach capacity amid COVID-19 surge

Go ahead right wingers, explain how that is a Hoax.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or the pandemic?

For the umpteenth time, this is not a left-right thing. In fact, the whole left-right paradigm is a distraction, which is why the powers-that-be constantly push it. You are beyond help, and appear to be totally unteachable. I will pray for you.
You are a distraction. All right wingers do is parrot Russian propaganda not the sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation. Right wingers are literally, incredible.

Wow, you are more brainwashed than I thought. I truly feel sorry for you.
I feel even more sorry for you. You have no valid arguments only the fallacy of parroting Russian propaganda and rhetoric.

Refrigerated trucks requested in Arizona, Texas as morgues reach capacity amid COVID-19 surge

Go ahead right wingers, explain how that is a Hoax.

Oh my gosh. hahahahaha. You are soooooo brainwashed! I shouldn't laugh, because it really is sad.

The fact that you haven't been paying attention to anything in the last several months EXCEPT the controlled corporate media, which is basically the mouthpiece for the criminals behind this scam, and the fact that you are clearly 100% closed-minded and unteachable is why you are beyond help. And you're certainly not going to get caught up on everything in the last 6 months, in one or two paragraphs. There's far too much to go into here, like all the connections to Big Pharma, the NUMEROUS draconian agendas attached to this scam, the horrible track record of the people behind this scam, and numerous other issues.

Stop expecting people to spoon-feed you. Turn off the idiot box, which is obviously brainwashing you, and do your own research apart from what the government, globalist oligarchs and the controlled media is telling you.
Only right wingers still claim the pandemic is a hoax. Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall for their claims.
It is not so much a hoax although it could be but the frightening way Progs handle things during what could or could not be an emergency. For all your bluster about social justice you show no tolerance for anything else.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or the pandemic?

For the umpteenth time, this is not a left-right thing. In fact, the whole left-right paradigm is a distraction, which is why the powers-that-be constantly push it. You are beyond help, and appear to be totally unteachable. I will pray for you.
You are a distraction. All right wingers do is parrot Russian propaganda not the sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation. Right wingers are literally, incredible.

Wow, you are more brainwashed than I thought. I truly feel sorry for you.
I feel even more sorry for you. You have no valid arguments only the fallacy of parroting Russian propaganda and rhetoric.

Refrigerated trucks requested in Arizona, Texas as morgues reach capacity amid COVID-19 surge

Go ahead right wingers, explain how that is a Hoax.

Oh my gosh. hahahahaha. You are soooooo brainwashed! I shouldn't laugh, because it really is sad.

The fact that you haven't been paying attention to anything in the last several months EXCEPT the controlled corporate media, which is basically the mouthpiece for the criminals behind this scam, and the fact that you are clearly 100% closed-minded and unteachable is why you are beyond help. And you're certainly not going to get caught up on everything in the last 6 months, in one or two paragraphs. There's far too much to go into here, like all the connections to Big Pharma, the NUMEROUS draconian agendas attached to this scam, the horrible track record of the people behind this scam, and numerous other issues.

Stop expecting people to spoon-feed you. Turn off the idiot box, which is obviously brainwashing you, and do your own research apart from what the government, globalist oligarchs and the controlled media is telling you.
Parroting Russian propaganda much or is everybody but right wingers just plain lying about the pandemic?

To deal with the surge of COVID-19 cases, Massachusetts hospitals are using refrigerated trailers to temporarily store the deceased.

Hospital morgues that have reached capacity are using these storage units between the time people die and when a funeral home picks them up.

Only right wingers still claim the pandemic is a hoax. Right wingers should be seeing the writing on the wall for their claims.
It is not so much a hoax although it could be but the frightening way Progs handle things during what could or could not be an emergency. For all your bluster about social justice you show no tolerance for anything else.
Yet, I am not the one parroting Russian propaganda and rhetoric.
Will the sheep march obediently down the chute or will they start kicking when they smell the blood? It depends on how fast they start to believe that what's on the other end is for them, not the latest out group portrayed by the media.
Anyway not completely true. If all were to open up tomorrow and the hoax declared over business would bounce back pretty quickly, after a mother of all recessions. But we've had those. The elites might be happy to see people fall back asleep and escaping with their heads. They will not be able to hold billions down for a death vaccine.

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