Copycat Walmart Shooter Stopped by Man with a Gun

strange. sounds like he wanted to suicide by cop since he entered the store and never fired his weapon.
Maybe his conscience made him think before shooting even if something inside him was a ticking time bomb. I think the firefighter made a very good call in a very unpleasant situation.

God bless the first responders to trouble. I know enough about firefighters to know they have seen everything (just about) and aren't afraid of anything except making sure their partners are safe. In fact, I completed a quilt today in honor of a firefighter that took several weeks in the making, but today, I just got it done. It's going to my dear friend who died of lung cancer on June 24 and was a firefighter. It had firefighter equipment, logos, and red fire engines on it and blue sashes to represent our local volunteer firefighters who had blue uniforms. He has 15 grandsons and 15 granddaughters. All the boys are getting firefighter quilts, if I can find some more first responder fabrics. I still have 8 yards left, and the backs will have football fields with footballs on them and other stuff future firefighters might like. The family does not want girls to be firefighters because it is a traditional girls are girls and boys are boys kind of family. And I am turning it over to the registered nurse his step daughter-in-law to distribute as she sees fit. It's their family, after all, and I hold them in great esteem without prejudice.

There was a funny story that I can never relay as funny as it was said to me, but a co-worker's house was gutted by fire. When he showed back up at work, he was telling us the story about what had happened. When he got to the point about the fire department showing up, he abruptly stopped, paused a second, turned toward me, and said, "...and your G** D*** F******* brother said 'Since nobody is inside, we are just going stand out here and spray water on it while it burns down!!!'"
He wasn't shooting anyone.
Probably just one of your open carry idiots.
Of course you defend him.
Where did I defend him?
You people are nuts tonight.
You didn't defend him, you just RATIONALIZED his carrying 100 rounds of ammo.
Then had he actually killed a bunch of people, you'd be back all over the gun issue again.
Whadda idiot.
Remember this from a few years ago?

You kids thought it was just fine then.

View attachment 273477

It is rude, but still fine....they aren't breaking the law, are they?
Was the current guy?
He wasn't shooting anyone.
Probably just one of your open carry idiots.
Of course you defend him.
Where did I defend him?
You people are nuts tonight.
You didn't defend him, you just RATIONALIZED his carrying 100 rounds of ammo.
Then had he actually killed a bunch of people, you'd be back all over the gun issue again.
Whadda idiot.
Remember this from a few years ago?

You kids thought it was just fine then.

View attachment 273477

It is rude, but still fine....they aren't breaking the law, are they?
No, they were not. I think it's dumb, and they only do it for the attention, but it is legal here in Kansas and many other places.
I mean, I thought this is what you guys wanted.

To be able to walk around with your weapons just in case you need to stand up to tyranny or something. To see people around you armed and dangerous. Is this not what you wanted?

Because this sure as hell isn't a liberal policy.
This is already being discussed in another thread.

My opinion is he was trying to get attention and make some kinda point, probably political. He wasn't threatening anyone and open carry is legal in MO as long as you aren't. When the fire alarm was pulled he was leaving the store like everyone else when the fireman did use his weapon in a threatening manner.

The kid was stupid, yes, but he didn't actually break any laws.
Someone who is openly carrying only turns into a mass murderer when they start shooting people.

It's impossible to determine if this guy was a psychopath or a "good guy with a gun".

He puts on fatigues and body armor, walks into a Walmart with tactical weapons and a 100 rounds of ammunition and you can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy? Are you joking?
And there in lies the rub
strange. sounds like he wanted to suicide by cop since he entered the store and never fired his weapon.
Maybe his conscience made him think before shooting even if something inside him was a ticking time bomb. I think the firefighter made a very good call in a very unpleasant situation.

God bless the first responders to trouble. I know enough about firefighters to know they have seen everything (just about) and aren't afraid of anything except making sure their partners are safe. In fact, I completed a quilt today in honor of a firefighter that took several weeks in the making, but today, I just got it done. It's going to my dear friend who died of lung cancer on June 24 and was a firefighter. It had firefighter equipment, logos, and red fire engines on it and blue sashes to represent our local volunteer firefighters who had blue uniforms. He has 15 grandsons and 15 granddaughters. All the boys are getting firefighter quilts, if I can find some more first responder fabrics. I still have 8 yards left, and the backs will have football fields with footballs on them and other stuff future firefighters might like. The family does not want girls to be firefighters because it is a traditional girls are girls and boys are boys kind of family. And I am turning it over to the registered nurse his step daughter-in-law to distribute as she sees fit. It's their family, after all, and I hold them in great esteem without prejudice.

There was a funny story that I can never relay as funny as it was said to me, but a co-worker's house was gutted by fire. When he showed back up at work, he was telling us the story about what had happened. When he got to the point about the fire department showing up, he abruptly stopped, paused a second, turned toward me, and said, "...and your G** D*** F******* brother said 'Since nobody is inside, we are just going stand out here and spray water on it while it burns down!!!'"
My dearest friend was not my brother. After 44 years of being a volunteer firefighter in our rural county, he was retired about 5 years ago, and you should see the citations on his wall for bravery and endurance in fighting fires.

But do forgive me for not lmao at your incendiary "funny story" that had nothing to do with him or his loyal firefighter brothers. I watched 12 uniformed men crowded around his casket carry it to rest beside his wife who died 8 years ago. They were really good young men who considered it an honor to bear his remains to their final resting place. I knew why. He lived his life entirely for family and friends. We became friends when he saved my husband's life that had nothing to do with a fire, but firefighting men automatically seem to know by common sense when someone is in serious trouble. And they do the right thing, absolutely, without even thinking about it.
This is why I don't shop at WalMart.

You get a better class of crazy at Bloomingdales

Thank you for the quiltwork to firefighters.
Thanks, badger2. It's a privilege to remember a wonderful friend who saved my husband's life and became a friend a year or so after he passed away. He was still punching cows the week before his cancer took him.
strange. sounds like he wanted to suicide by cop since he entered the store and never fired his weapon.
He was leading up to the dramatic finale, because he was filming the whole event on his phone narrating what he was going to do. Lucky he wasn't here in Floor E Da at my Walmart, I would of just come in behind him and blown his head all over the store. That would of made a great ending...

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