cop who knee ed drug addict: guilty ?

riots if found innocent?
I'm going on the guess that this is another of the many George Floyd posts. My response isn't going to address the cop vs George Floyd situation, but rather focus on the general law enforcement vs criminal activity actions.
We are a nation of laws, as all sovereign nations are, whether you live in primitive Afghanistan, or the USA. As such, when those laws are violated, this is where law enforcement must step in. In our case, if someone calls 911 upon seeing a crime underway, or someone exhibiting behavior that seems threatening and that call always gives a quick and very general statement about what is being seen or experienced, law enforcement is sent out to ascertain the situation. If it is apparent that a crime has been committed (in George Floyd's case, he was behaving erratically and tried to pay with counterfeit money, the counterfeit money situation being a crime), the police are duty bound to "arrest" an offender. What happens next, is largely up to the person being arrested. You (white, black, Asian, Native American, Hispanic), are NOT allowed to break laws that are on the books....period.
If you "RESIST" arrest, the situation escalates to a negative in the case of the person resisting the arrest. Once it is determined that you must be arrested and you resist, the police CANNOT....I repeat, CANNOT, just say..."oh well, I guess we shouldn't bring him/her in." FORCE MUST BE USED to bring you in and the more you resist, the more force has to be applied. If you are a large person, or even a smaller individual that is under the effects of illegal substances, your behavior could make it even harder to get you under control.....(out comes the pepper spray, tasers and/or pistols).
A "social worker" isn't going to get control of the situation, if someone is strung out on PCP or other illegal drug. As a matter of fact, it's almost certain that if a "social worker" tries to stop the erratic and possibly dangerous behavior, the social worker would end up a "victim" of the individuals illegal behavior.
Have cops used excessive force in some cases? Yes.
Have cops killed when the situation didn't warrant it? Yes.
Those numbers are actually pretty small in reality. The problem we are currently seeing is that many inner-city blacks have a "negative" culture, one that respects criminals and see drug sales as more profitable than actually the pay they would receive starting out working in some fast food joint. Because of this, blacks commit more crime per capita, than others. The thing is, EVERYONE, with the exception of the kids of rich people, EVERYONE, starts out at the bottom. Where you go from there is determined by your personal choices and a bit of luck.
So, to stop highly negative outcomes for those encountering cops (excluding those very rare cases where you have rogue cops), what are the solutions?
Allow blacks to be as special class that can commit crimes without repercussions? No.
Tell the public they can't call 911 if they see a crime or otherwise dangerous behavior underway (snitches get stitches concept)? I say, hell no.
If a black resists arrest, let him/her go? No.
Enforce the laws equally, regardless of race? I say, yes.

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