

Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA.

He was fortunate enough to be President during a period of great transformation technologies: Electrification of cities and industry, mass production and flight. He was disciplined enough to let the markets work out the best way to bring these benefits to Americans. These were the Roaring 20's. A nation that reduced it's debts, taxes and regulations and let Freedom work for the benefit of the people.

And, of course, he is not discussed, his economic record is a state secret. He is lied about (Shocking, I know) as somehow "involved" with the Teapot Dome Scandal.

If FDR is "Great" Coolidge is a God
Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA.

He was fortunate enough to be President during a period of great transformation technologies: Electrification of cities and industry, mass production and flight. He was disciplined enough to let the markets work out the best way to bring these benefits to Americans. These were the Roaring 20's. A nation that reduced it's debts, taxes and regulations and let Freedom work for the benefit of the people.

And, of course, he is not discussed, his economic record is a state secret. He is lied about (Shocking, I know) as somehow "involved" with the Teapot Dome Scandal.

If FDR is "Great" Coolidge is a God

Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."
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Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA.

He was fortunate enough to be President during a period of great transformation technologies: Electrification of cities and industry, mass production and flight. He was disciplined enough to let the markets work out the best way to bring these benefits to Americans. These were the Roaring 20's. A nation that reduced it's debts, taxes and regulations and let Freedom work for the benefit of the people.

And, of course, he is not discussed, his economic record is a state secret. He is lied about (Shocking, I know) as somehow "involved" with the Teapot Dome Scandal.

If FDR is "Great" Coolidge is a God

Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesquent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler
Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA.

He was fortunate enough to be President during a period of great transformation technologies: Electrification of cities and industry, mass production and flight. He was disciplined enough to let the markets work out the best way to bring these benefits to Americans. These were the Roaring 20's. A nation that reduced it's debts, taxes and regulations and let Freedom work for the benefit of the people.

And, of course, he is not discussed, his economic record is a state secret. He is lied about (Shocking, I know) as somehow "involved" with the Teapot Dome Scandal.

If FDR is "Great" Coolidge is a God

Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.
Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.
In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets. Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

lolz. Hoover the Progressive and FDR created the great depression... It was not the great depression day 1, it took a few years to get that title.

Harding and Coolidge got the US out of a depression in 18 months, FDR and Hoover (same policies) managed to go their entire Presidency's in a depression. Any logical human being would come to the conclusion that buying votes gets you a great long lasting name but a shit economy... letting the markets works makes you seem like a hard ass, gets you a cold hearted title but you get a great economy and millions lifted out of poverty.
Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA.

He was fortunate enough to be President during a period of great transformation technologies: Electrification of cities and industry, mass production and flight. He was disciplined enough to let the markets work out the best way to bring these benefits to Americans. These were the Roaring 20's. A nation that reduced it's debts, taxes and regulations and let Freedom work for the benefit of the people.

And, of course, he is not discussed, his economic record is a state secret. He is lied about (Shocking, I know) as somehow "involved" with the Teapot Dome Scandal.

If FDR is "Great" Coolidge is a God

Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesquent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

These people are mentally retarded. It's like how they want to blame all the campaign promises of ending the war in Iraq being broken by Obama because "BUSH". 8 years of awesome economy means nothing because a depression happened, well Wilson was a progressive, how come he gets no blame for the depression he left Harding? Oh I know, because Harding and Coolidge fixed it in record time... So it does not count! Instead progressives re-write history and blame Harding and Coolidge for the 1930's depression...

You can find this awkward debating logic all over the place for Progressives.

Bush made gas prices higher!! VS Obama has no control over gas prices being higher than under Bush!

Bush did an illegal pointless war for oil in Iraq! VS Obama is going back into Iraq for the good of the people, not oil and magically not illegal.

Bush does Medicare part D and it's evil and deficit adding evilness!!! VS Obama does Obamacare for the good of the people, the only reason it sucks is because Republicans won't allow the employer mandate to go live and all their negativity is shrinking the number of people using Obamacare.

Bush does Homeleand security and the patriot act = evil!!! VS Obama expanding Homeland security and the patriot act = for the good of the people!!!

Bush spies on people = Nazi!!! VS Obama spying on all Americans and allies = for the good of the people to make us safer!!!

I could really keep going... But that's how progressives debate Harding/Coolidge.
Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesquent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

These people are mentally retarded. It's like how they want to blame all the campaign promises of ending the war in Iraq being broken by Obama because "BUSH". 8 years of awesome economy means nothing because a depression happened, well Wilson was a progressive, how come he gets no blame for the depression he left Harding? Oh I know, because Harding and Coolidge fixed it in record time... So it does not count! Instead progressives re-write history and blame Harding and Coolidge for the 1930's depression...

You can find this awkward debating logic all over the place for Progressives.

Bush made gas prices higher!! VS Obama has no control over gas prices being higher than under Bush!

Bush did an illegal pointless war for oil in Iraq! VS Obama is going back into Iraq for the good of the people, not oil and magically not illegal.

Bush does Medicare part D and it's evil and deficit adding evilness!!! VS Obama does Obamacare for the good of the people, the only reason it sucks is because Republicans won't allow the employer mandate to go live and all their negativity is shrinking the number of people using Obamacare.

Bush does Homeleand security and the patriot act = evil!!! VS Obama expanding Homeland security and the patriot act = for the good of the people!!!

Bush spies on people = Nazi!!! VS Obama spying on all Americans and allies = for the good of the people to make us safer!!!

I could really keep going... But that's how progressives debate Harding/Coolidge.

They HAVE to lie, to them the Truth is like Dracula greeting the morning Sun while standing in a field of garlic. I said they'd have to lie and the very next post proved me correct.
Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA...

Coolidge exhibited a firm grasp of America's pulse when he said:

“After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of the opinion that the great majority of people will always find these the moving impulses of our life.”

Too bad that truth is being eroded by those who prefer to suckle at the public trough.
Harding and Coolidge did:

Reduced the national debt while balancing the budget
And still Cut taxes, under 25% for top bracket (OMFGZ!!!!)
Had UE around 3-4%
No wars!
Shrunk Government in size and scope

All this "basic" conservative crap was done and it worked.... No gimmicks, no 50 years of trial and all errors doing DoEducation, welfare, SS, MC/MC and so on... It's no wonder Progressives hate Harding and Coolidge, they helped make the poor wealthy, they destroyed dependency and they balanced the budget. It's like a silver bullet or something. Oh thank gawd FDR and Hoover came along to spend massive amounts and reach UE rates of 24%, that really helped the nation.
Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA.

He was fortunate enough to be President during a period of great transformation technologies: Electrification of cities and industry, mass production and flight. He was disciplined enough to let the markets work out the best way to bring these benefits to Americans. These were the Roaring 20's. A nation that reduced it's debts, taxes and regulations and let Freedom work for the benefit of the people.

And, of course, he is not discussed, his economic record is a state secret. He is lied about (Shocking, I know) as somehow "involved" with the Teapot Dome Scandal.

If FDR is "Great" Coolidge is a God

Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesequent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

I'm not sure if you're a pathological liar, but I'm fairly certain you are one of the quintessential partisan hacks who play fast and loose with the truth.

BTW, Calvin was POTUS until March 4, 1929, nearly eight months before the crash.
Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesequent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

I'm not sure if you're a pathological liar, but I'm fairly certain you are one of the quintessential partisan hacks who play fast and loose with the truth.

BTW, Calvin was POTUS until March 4, 1929, nearly eight months before the crash.

Right, the Crash that still had nothing whatsoever to do with him.
Another side to the story:

The Tormented President: Calvin Coolidge, Death, and Clinical Depression (Contributions in American History)

Review in Amazon:

"Although Calvin Coolidge is widely judged to have been a weak and even an incompetent president, this study concludes that he was a leader disabled by a crippling emotional breakdown. After an impressive early career, Coolidge assumed the presidency upon the death of Warren Harding. His promising political career suffered a major blow, however, with the death of his favorite child, 16-year-old Calvin Jr., in July 1924.

"Overwhelmed with grief, Coolidge showed distinct signs of clinical depression. Losing interest in politics, he served out his term as a broken man. This is the first account of Coolidge's life to compare his behavior before and after this tragedy, and the first to consider the importance of Coolidge's mental health in his presidential legacy.

"Gilbert carefully documents the dramatic change in Coolidge's leadership style, as well as the changes in his personal behavior. In his early career, Coolidge worked hard, was progressive, and politically astute. When he became Vice President in 1921, he impressed the Washington establishment by being strong and activist. After Harding's death, Coolidge took control of his party, dazzled the press, distanced himself from the Harding scandals, and showed ability in domestic and foreign policy. His son's death would destroy all of this. Gilbert documents Coolidge's subsequent dysfunctional behavior, including sadistic tendencies, rudeness and cruelty to family and aides, and odd interactions with the White House staff."
Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesequent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

I'm not sure if you're a pathological liar, but I'm fairly certain you are one of the quintessential partisan hacks who play fast and loose with the truth.

BTW, Calvin was POTUS until March 4, 1929, nearly eight months before the crash.

The crash had nothing to do with Coolidge, it was not some giant housing, college bubble like we had under Clinton, Bush and Obama.
Another side to the story:

The Tormented President: Calvin Coolidge, Death, and Clinical Depression (Contributions in American History)

Review in Amazon:

"Although Calvin Coolidge is widely judged to have been a weak and even an incompetent president, this study concludes that he was a leader disabled by a crippling emotional breakdown. After an impressive early career, Coolidge assumed the presidency upon the death of Warren Harding. His promising political career suffered a major blow, however, with the death of his favorite child, 16-year-old Calvin Jr., in July 1924.

"Overwhelmed with grief, Coolidge showed distinct signs of clinical depression. Losing interest in politics, he served out his term as a broken man. This is the first account of Coolidge's life to compare his behavior before and after this tragedy, and the first to consider the importance of Coolidge's mental health in his presidential legacy.

"Gilbert carefully documents the dramatic change in Coolidge's leadership style, as well as the changes in his personal behavior. In his early career, Coolidge worked hard, was progressive, and politically astute. When he became Vice President in 1921, he impressed the Washington establishment by being strong and activist. After Harding's death, Coolidge took control of his party, dazzled the press, distanced himself from the Harding scandals, and showed ability in domestic and foreign policy. His son's death would destroy all of this. Gilbert documents Coolidge's subsequent dysfunctional behavior, including sadistic tendencies, rudeness and cruelty to family and aides, and odd interactions with the White House staff."

Another post, another pathological lie about Coolidge.

If you want to talk about truly screwed up people in the White House, what possessed FDR call Stalin his "Uncle" AFTER he starved TO DEATH millions of people INCLUDING 3 MILLION CHILDREN in the Ukraine
Clearly, by whatever metric you choose to use, Calvin Coolidge was the 20th Century's Greatest President. He was a strong and principled Governor, breaking an illegal Police strike and gained national attention by firing all the strikers. He was an incredibly disciplined President who choose NOT to micromanage the US economy. He was secure enough that he did NOT need to constantly demonstrate how smart and helpful he was on a 24/7/365 basis. He inherited a recession as bad as the ones that Obama and FDR inherited. Instead of making them worse and using them to redirect the USA on the destructive path of Progressivism, he stepped aside and let assets, liabilities and wages reprice from a wartime to a peacetime economy. In 18 months, unemployment dropped from 12% down to 4%. By the end of his President you could not find an unemployed person in the USA.

He was fortunate enough to be President during a period of great transformation technologies: Electrification of cities and industry, mass production and flight. He was disciplined enough to let the markets work out the best way to bring these benefits to Americans. These were the Roaring 20's. A nation that reduced it's debts, taxes and regulations and let Freedom work for the benefit of the people.

And, of course, he is not discussed, his economic record is a state secret. He is lied about (Shocking, I know) as somehow "involved" with the Teapot Dome Scandal.

If FDR is "Great" Coolidge is a God

Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesquent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

Who was president the first couple of months of 1929 then?

Are you saying it actually took Hoover only 7 months to create the Depression all by hisself?
I may have to rethink Hoover...
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Another opinion: American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

"Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

Coolidge's foreign policy also fell into some disrepute when it became clear that his signature achievements, including the Dawes Plan and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, did little to prevent the rise of Nazism in Germany or the resurgence of international hostilities. The peace of the 1920s faded almost as quickly as the prosperity. But Coolidge also led the nation, if passively, into the modern era. He was a bridge between two epochs.

In the conservative 1980s, Coolidge regained some of his stature, at least in conservative circles. President Ronald Reagan returned his portrait to the Oval Office. Reagan also praised Coolidge's political style and hands-off leadership for producing seven years of prosperity, peace, and balanced budgets.

Nevertheless, scholarly opinion looks upon the Coolidge presidency with skepticism, ranking him relatively low among American chief executives in terms of his administration's positive impact and legacy. Despite his personal integrity, he offered no sweeping vision or program of action that the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson had led the public to associate with presidential greatness."

Coolidge was not President after 1928, so, as I previously stated, you'd have to be a pathological liar to blame him for the subesquent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler

Who was president the first 20 days of 1929 then?

Wow, you got me!! nailed me!! He was President for a few weeks after 1928, I may need to commit sepukku

So how does that make Coolidge responsible for the subsequent actions of Hoover, the Fed and Hitler
Coolidge created Hoover which created the Great Depression....

Yer dumb.

Bush created Obama that created the second great depression that is floated by 2 trillion a year in never ending stimulus.

--- using the magic time machine built into his teleprompter to set it up retroactively (September 2008, two months before the election, duh) so he could then win the election in the future.

Linear time. It's not for everybody.
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