Convenient store stand-your-ground shooter charged

Manslaughter was the right call. So many wrongs here.

#1 The shooter knows he has a concealed weapon. Therefore he needs to stay away from confrontation and not initiate an argument. It's not his job to enforce the parking laws. (George Zimmerman comes to mind here) Call 911 if he feels the need.

#2 Don't push people. You never know who the other guy is and what he's capable of. Not to mention the shooter wasn't being physically aggressive at the moment. At that moment the guy who got shot was wrong.


#3 The obvious, a push does not equal a gun shot. The shooters life was not in danger and he initiated the confrontation. It's more likely his pride was hurt.

Florida got this one right.

Ridiculous...drejka did nothing to cause the black dude to attack him. The black dude being high on drugs not even to mention stuoid rushed out of the store having no clue as to what was going on and attacked a stranger for no reason other than that the stranger was a white dude arguing with his wife. He was trying to show off in front of his wife as in knock down the old man and be a hero in his wifes eyes.

He threatened his family
He was armed and screaming at a woman and children

Drejka was not scraming at anyone. The black woman went off on him verbally and intiated the heated argument.
Manslaughter was the right call. So many wrongs here.

#1 The shooter knows he has a concealed weapon. Therefore he needs to stay away from confrontation and not initiate an argument. It's not his job to enforce the parking laws. (George Zimmerman comes to mind here) Call 911 if he feels the need.

#2 Don't push people. You never know who the other guy is and what he's capable of. Not to mention the shooter wasn't being physically aggressive at the moment. At that moment the guy who got shot was wrong.


#3 The obvious, a push does not equal a gun shot. The shooters life was not in danger and he initiated the confrontation. It's more likely his pride was hurt.

Florida got this one right.

Ridiculous...drejka did nothing to cause the black dude to attack him. The black dude being high on drugs not even to mention stupid rushed out of the store having no clue as to what was going on and attacked a stranger for no reason other than that the stranger was a white dude arguing with his wife. He was trying to show off in front of his wife as in knock down the old man and be a hero in his wifes eyes.

If the nigah had any sense he would have tried to find out what was going on before he over-reacted.

Racist. That is your problem.

Not a problem for me.
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.
McGlockton could just as easy claim self defense
An unknown man was threatening his girlfriend and children
He shoved him out of the way to protect them
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Drejka was armed and was a threat
He initiated the confrontation

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

I have been knocked to the ground many times
Never saw a need to shoot someone
Sez the person who claims they saw the video.

The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Drejka was armed and was a threat
He initiated the confrontation

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

I have been knocked to the ground many times
Never saw a need to shoot someone
I told you. More and more people will pack weapons in our hair trigger society. This guy most likely took threats from others and started carrying. For whatever reason he took it upon himself to do what he did. Whats the big deal? Balance must be made on the scales of justice with individuals. Like the guys shooting multiple people up. It is justice. And it is unfair for many of the victims but these are the breaks.
The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Drejka was armed and was a threat
He initiated the confrontation

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

I have been knocked to the ground many times
Never saw a need to shoot someone
I told you. More and more people will pack weapons in our hair trigger society. This guy most likely took threats from others and started carrying. For whatever reason he took it upon himself to do what he did. Whats the big deal? Balance must be made on the scales of justice with individuals. Like the guys shooting multiple people up. It is justice. And it is unfair for many of the victims but these are the breaks.
The guy was an asshole and carried a gun to protect his right to be an asshole
Good. Asshole deserves to be punished for what he did over a fucking parking space.
Don’t fuck with people if you’re not prepared to face the consequences. This pussified millennial society has a learning curve to meet.

Well Michael Drejka is finally learning. He will face a minimum of 9 1/2 years in prison to insure that these lessons are learned. I wonder how many more will learn the same lesson? CCW is not a license to kill. And shooting someone who is backing up is not self defense. You do not get to instigate a confrontation and claim self defense.

Even better news. Michael is now a felon and will be prohibited from owning weapons ever again.
Video shows deadly parking spot shooting
So this piece of shit whore parks in a handicapped spot because she feels that she has “black privilege” (same privilege that allows them to never use turn signals and slow down the checkout lane at the store to talk to someone two isles over by yelling. Oh, lest I forget ruining movies at the cinema by shouting at the screen) and a good upstanding citizen called her on it, then her worthless piece of shit boyfriend instigated an act of violence and got his punk ass shot down. Hope the shooter can win on some kind of appeal.
The man was threatening his family
If he had a gun, he would be justified in shooting him

Instead, he just shoved him out of the way

Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

You kidding
Growing up I was often knocked to the ground
Never shot anyone
Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Drejka was armed and was a threat
He initiated the confrontation

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

I have been knocked to the ground many times
Never saw a need to shoot someone
I told you. More and more people will pack weapons in our hair trigger society. This guy most likely took threats from others and started carrying. For whatever reason he took it upon himself to do what he did. Whats the big deal? Balance must be made on the scales of justice with individuals. Like the guys shooting multiple people up. It is justice. And it is unfair for many of the victims but these are the breaks.
The guy was an asshole and carried a gun to protect his right to be an asshole
He should have shot the bitch too for parking in a handicapped spot because she is a piece of shit.
Justice may get served in the case of man being shot defending his girlfriend that parked in handicap spot.

White man charged with fatally shooting black man in Florida | My Connection from Cox
In North Carolina, if you are the aggressor you can't claim you were standing your ground.

That's why this asshole is looking at 30 years in FL. He was the aggressor.
No he wasn’t. He was a citizen asking another citizen why she was being a piece of shit by parking in a handicapped spot.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Drejka was armed and was a threat
He initiated the confrontation

He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

I have been knocked to the ground many times
Never saw a need to shoot someone
I told you. More and more people will pack weapons in our hair trigger society. This guy most likely took threats from others and started carrying. For whatever reason he took it upon himself to do what he did. Whats the big deal? Balance must be made on the scales of justice with individuals. Like the guys shooting multiple people up. It is justice. And it is unfair for many of the victims but these are the breaks.
The guy was an asshole and carried a gun to protect his right to be an asshole
He should have shot the bitch too for parking in a handicapped spot because she is a piece of shit.

Yeh.....he should have shot her first. hehheh The nigha woman started the whole thing which resulted in her breadwinners death. then she lied and helped to send a innocent man to jail. She understands it all you can bet on it. That is why she is in so much pain.
Justice may get served in the case of man being shot defending his girlfriend that parked in handicap spot.

White man charged with fatally shooting black man in Florida | My Connection from Cox
In North Carolina, if you are the aggressor you can't claim you were standing your ground.

That's why this asshole is looking at 30 years in FL. He was the aggressor.
No he wasn’t. He was a citizen asking another citizen why she was being a piece of shit by parking in a handicapped spot.

Exactly....merely that and nothing more.
Good. Asshole deserves to be punished for what he did over a fucking parking space.
You didn't see where the guy he shot violently knocked him down?

He suffered no injuries and the victim was backing away at the time he fired
the good thing is he's dead and wont be assaulting anyone else.
Wonder how long his rap sheet is? Shooter most likely did society a favor. Guy was probably in the store to buy a couple 40’s and papers to roll some blunts. Could also have been buying items to smoke crack with.
Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Drejka was armed and was a threat
He initiated the confrontation

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

I have been knocked to the ground many times
Never saw a need to shoot someone
I told you. More and more people will pack weapons in our hair trigger society. This guy most likely took threats from others and started carrying. For whatever reason he took it upon himself to do what he did. Whats the big deal? Balance must be made on the scales of justice with individuals. Like the guys shooting multiple people up. It is justice. And it is unfair for many of the victims but these are the breaks.
The guy was an asshole and carried a gun to protect his right to be an asshole
He did what he did because others did what they did and were lauded for doing what they did and more people are going to do what he did. Believe it or not most non progs are not deplorables who want to see people kow tow to them. Most are open minded as to not even call police when confronted as to not get the system activated. You must not have seen man areas of the nation when Obama was president and BLM was prevalent. There were man people who had no wifi phones and guns. Many have bough them now though. Still many have not. I expect a good chance you get violent in 2020 whether you win or not. Being between you and fascist inept police is not a good feeling.
Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.

You never heard of the concept of proportional response. Pulling the gun might have been acceptable. Shooting him is not proportional.

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

You kidding
Growing up I was often knocked to the ground
Never shot anyone

hehheh did you land on your head. That would explain a lot of things.
Good. Asshole deserves to be punished for what he did over a fucking parking space.
You didn't see where the guy he shot violently knocked him down?

He suffered no injuries and the victim was backing away at the time he fired
the good thing is he's dead and wont be assaulting anyone else.
Wonder how long his rap sheet is? Shooter most likely did society a favor. Guy was probably in the store to buy a couple 40’s and papers to roll some blunts. Could also have been buying items to smoke crack with.

It was proved in court that his system was loaded with high amounts of two drugs. He had been arrested before for assault.
Good. Asshole deserves to be punished for what he did over a fucking parking space.
You didn't see where the guy he shot violently knocked him down?

He suffered no injuries and the victim was backing away at the time he fired
the good thing is he's dead and wont be assaulting anyone else.
Wonder how long his rap sheet is? Shooter most likely did society a favor. Guy was probably in the store to buy a couple 40’s and papers to roll some blunts. Could also have been buying items to smoke crack with.

It was proved in court that his system was loaded with high amounts of two drugs. He had been arrested before for assault.

Unfortunately his history could not be shown to the jury.
Good. Asshole deserves to be punished for what he did over a fucking parking space.
Don’t fuck with people if you’re not prepared to face the consequences. This pussified millennial society has a learning curve to meet.

Well Michael Drejka is finally learning. He will face a minimum of 9 1/2 years in prison to insure that these lessons are learned. I wonder how many more will learn the same lesson? CCW is not a license to kill. And shooting someone who is backing up is not self defense. You do not get to instigate a confrontation and claim self defense.

Even better news. Michael is now a felon and will be prohibited from owning weapons ever again.
Video shows deadly parking spot shooting
So this piece of shit whore parks in a handicapped spot because she feels that she has “black privilege” (same privilege that allows them to never use turn signals and slow down the checkout lane at the store to talk to someone two isles over by yelling. Oh, lest I forget ruining movies at the cinema by shouting at the screen) and a good upstanding citizen called her on it, then her worthless piece of shit boyfriend instigated an act of violence and got his punk ass shot down. Hope the shooter can win on some kind of appeal.

His lawyer said he will appeal. Hopefully he will be successful with that and the bias of the judge was obvious. What a snake he was...all smiles whilst he stuck it to the defense every chance he got.
Nonsense....the only threat to the family was the black guy himself attacking a stranger in the presence of his kids. Great example you set there dad....oh excuse me....I meant ex-dad. Presently a corpse rotting in the grave.

He should have read up on the Zimmerman affair. Not good to attack a have no idea of his capabilities. Both he and trayvonista learned to late...what a shock it was. You can see it on his face. Then to feel the bullet penetrating your heart...terrible way to learn a lesson not even to mention a lesson that will now do him no good.
Someone came into the convenience store and told him someone was threatening his family. He reacted to protect them

The man was armed and was a threat

No that is not what happened obviously you did not watch the trial. I spent 2 days watching the live stream video of the trial. the guy who came into the store...told the store owner there was something going on in the parking lot and he might want do do something about it. that was all.

No one knew drejka was armed....thus there was no reason for anyone to think he was a threat. He did not display his weapon until he was attacked. He was obviously a older frail man with health issues and even the black woman could have kicked his ass.

All drejka did was to check out the car to see if it had a handicap placard and then the black lady rolled down the the window and initiated a very heated argument. Witness testimony said she told drejka when my man comes we gonna fuck you up. She was a threat and her man was a threat to drejka.
Drejka was armed and was a threat
He initiated the confrontation

If you were to actually watch the video closely you would see that the black dude kept advancing on Drejka even after he had knocked him down. He only stopped advancing when he saw the weapon come out. Who knows what he might have done if Drejka had not been carrying.

If you were in Drejkas place would you have gambled your life that he was not going to kick you in the head or wherever and keep kicking till you were dead? How many times have we seen videos of thugs doing exactly that...beat some older man unable to defend himself to death?

Try to get away from the pc media b.s. and use some common sense.
He should have stopped as soon as he drew his gun
Jury thought so

b.s. Neither you nor the jury had been knocked to the ground and under threat of further attack. Get real.

I have been knocked to the ground many times
Never saw a need to shoot someone
I told you. More and more people will pack weapons in our hair trigger society. This guy most likely took threats from others and started carrying. For whatever reason he took it upon himself to do what he did. Whats the big deal? Balance must be made on the scales of justice with individuals. Like the guys shooting multiple people up. It is justice. And it is unfair for many of the victims but these are the breaks.
The guy was an asshole and carried a gun to protect his right to be an asshole

Well, perhaps what? Lots of people like that...nothing to send anyone to jail over.

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