Consider me the dog who's been Kicked around enough


Righteous Robert
May 26, 2009
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Consider me the dog who's been Kicked around enough

What do you think a dog would be like
that was kicked around in his life ?

He'd probably bite everyone.
So be it.

Americans find it very hard to be nice to us Vets.

Baltimore Bob
Consider me the dog who's been Kicked around enough

What do you think a dog would be like
that was kicked around in his life ?

He'd probably bite everyone.
So be it.

Americans find it very hard to be nice to us Vets.

Baltimore Bob

You REALLY need to learn to laugh at yourself, more than anyone I have known, you need to learn to laugh.
Consider me the dog who's been Kicked around enough

What do you think a dog would be like
that was kicked around in his life ?

He'd probably bite everyone.
So be it.

Americans find it very hard to be nice to us Vets.

Baltimore Bob

I don't think it is Americans that find it very hard to be nice to Vets. I think it is you that finds it too hard to be nice to yourself.
Quote: I don't think it is Americans that find it very hard to be nice to Vets.
I think it is you that finds it too hard to be nice to yourself.

I'm VERY nice to myself.
I'm taking myself to Paris next year.

I've hit situations in my life where people
had No Understanding of the word "FAIR".
And especially didn't care about being Fair.

I'm all about Fair
and I'm always practicing Fairness.
I also tell the TRUTH all the time
not when it benefits me.

People will Lie, Cheat and Steal
as to not get Fired from their Job.
The company AIG is a prime example.

I've been fired 12 times in my life
so you know I wasn't making up a story
to remain with an asshole company
because that's what all those companies were.
So I moved on
hoping that the next one was a good company.

I got succesful in my 50th year.
It took half a century.

Baltimore Bob
Consider me the dog who's been Kicked around enough

What do you think a dog would be like
that was kicked around in his life ?

He'd probably bite everyone.
So be it.

Americans find it very hard to be nice to us Vets.

Baltimore Bob

I think Americans are very nice to you Vets. What are they doing to you?
I'm VERY nice to myself.
I'm taking myself to Paris next year.

Well at least you're going with somebody you like, then.

I've hit situations in my life where people
had No Understanding of the word "FAIR".
And especially didn't care about being Fair.

That's clear as mud.

I'm all about Fair
and I'm always practicing Fairness.
I also tell the TRUTH all the time
not when it benefits me.

Well there's the problem, then, isn't it?

You're probably the only person on earth who knows what the TRUTH is.

People will Lie, Cheat and Steal
as to not get Fired from their Job.
The company AIG is a prime example.

Oh was that the problem? I thought the problem has something to do with dereviatives and overrated risk assessments.

Man, was I misinformed!

I've been fired 12 times in my life

You weren't trying very hard, then. I beat that record before I graduated from college.

Besides real truth tellers don't get hired to begin with.

so you know I wasn't making up a story
to remain with an asshole company
because that's what all those companies were.
So I moved on
hoping that the next one was a good company.

Just when I thought I was getting ahead in the rat race, along came faster rats.

I got succesful in my 50th year.
It took half a century.

I hate young whippersnapper over-achievers like you, BB.

Baltimore Bob

Bob reminds me of the guy that once entered a coffee shop I hung out at a lot. He first started flirting with all the tweens that were working there, then tried to scam free coffee ... then failing that became extremely loud and obnoxious, almost violent. They called the cops to have him removed because he just wouldn't stop ... when the cops showed up he ranted that he was "a vet and should not have to pay for anything" .... yeah ... continued on ranting more that they were treating him unfairly ... sounds too damned familiar.
KK, you are merely somebody who doesn't fully appreciate BB's ability to post vague complaints that only he understands.

Posting volumes of ASCII which offer no meaningful content which one can respond to meaningfully is an evolving internet artform.

Not only is BB the only person in the universe who knows the TRUTH, he is in the advante guard of this new essay artform.
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KK, you are merely somebody who doesn't fully appreciate BB's ability to post vague complaints that only he understands.

Posting volumes of ASCII which offer no meaningful content which one can respond to meaningfully is an evolving internet artform.

Not only is BB the only person in the universe who knows the TRUTH, he is in the advante guard of this new essay artform.

Aaah ... thanks for learnin me ... I guess in that context the whole perspective changes. :razz:
I guess for the Cowards I need to define the word Fair

FAIR would be like the Judge in Family Court believing my TRUTH
( The Truth of a Vet ) over the Lies of a nasty whore like my ex
( My ex a typical NON-VET Coward )

FAIR would be like protesting and ending the Vietnam war in
the 1960's ( I was there in March 1970 )

FAIR would be giving the Military higher Pay
and giving Vets better benefits then the LOUSY $275/month
that I got along with other Vietnam Vets
when WWII Vets got much more
( That's called Discrimination )
FAIR does not allow Discrimination.

FAIR is showing way more appreciation for us Vets.
Three restaurant chains do this by offering a free meal
to Vets around Veterans Day.
Golden Corral, McCormick & Schmicks, and Appleby's.
I salute these places that have People of Courage
in their Management that want to give back to us Vets.

Why doesn't McDonald's do this.
Thou McDonalds did give me free meals in early 1970's
when I showed there in my Navy uniform.
I hope they continued that tradiition thru today.

I have a GREAT understanding of the word FAIR.

Baltimore Bob
I guess for the Cowards I need to define the word Fair

FAIR would be like the Judge in Family Court believing my TRUTH
( The Truth of a Vet ) over the Lies of a nasty whore like my ex
( My ex a typical NON-VET Coward )

FAIR would be like protesting and ending the Vietnam war in
the 1960's ( I was there in March 1970 )

FAIR would be giving the Military higher Pay
and giving Vets better benefits then the LOUSY $275/month
that I got along with other Vietnam Vets
when WWII Vets got much more
( That's called Discrimination )
FAIR does not allow Discrimination.

FAIR is showing way more appreciation for us Vets.
Three restaurant chains do this by offering a free meal
to Vets around Veterans Day.
Golden Corral, McCormick & Schmicks, and Appleby's.
I salute these places that have People of Courage
in their Management that want to give back to us Vets.

Why doesn't McDonald's do this.
Thou McDonalds did give me free meals in early 1970's
when I showed there in my Navy uniform.
I hope they continued that tradiition thru today.

I have a GREAT understanding of the word FAIR.

Baltimore Bob

Everyone's ex is a whore and a bastard ... :eusa_whistle:
Originally posted by KittenKoder
Bob reminds me of the guy that once entered a coffee shop I hung out at a lot. He first started flirting with all the tweens that were working there, then tried to scam free coffee ... then failing that became extremely loud and obnoxious, almost violent. They called the cops to have him removed because he just wouldn't stop ... when the cops showed up he ranted that he was "a vet and should not have to pay for anything" .... yeah ... continued on ranting more that they were treating him unfairly ... sounds too damned familiar.

Bob sounds like a stereotypical vietnam vet.

I'm just waiting for the moment he's gonna start sharing his battlefield flashbacks with us as well as the personal hell he went through living as a hermit in Washington's rainforests.
Quote: Everyone's ex is a whore and a bastard

Remember I tell the Truth while most others Lie.
My ex needed to take credit for hitting me like a Thug would.
But she wouldn't take credit like the Coward she is.
( She inherited the Coward gene from her parents
Idiot mom married her dad at age 15 )

So what problem do you see.
Do you see a problem with me ?
We'd have an argument like most couples
she get angry and cold cock me.
Doesn't sound like a woman to me.
Sounds more like an ape.

I know most times this is the behavior of a male
when he's losing.
I don't think 90% of males see this issue with their wife.
My nephew called the police on his wife once
when they got there they arrested him.

So I divorced a really lousy woman
who till this day won't allow me to see my son
no matter how many invitations I write her
saying she's welcome anytime.

The fact is she doesn't love her son.
I love my son.
You can't argue that logic.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: Everyone's ex is a whore and a bastard

Remember I tell the Truth while most others Lie.
My ex needed to take credit for hitting me like a Thug would.
But she wouldn't take credit like the Coward she is.
( She inherited the Coward gene from her parents
Idiot mom married her dad at age 15 )

So what problem do you see.
Do you see a problem with me ?
We'd have an argument like most couples
she get angry and cold cock me.
Doesn't sound like a woman to me.
Sounds more like an ape.

I know most times this is the behavior of a male
when he's losing.
I don't think 90% of males see this issue with their wife.
My nephew called the police on his wife once
when they got there they arrested him.

So I divorced a really lousy woman
who till this day won't allow me to see my son
no matter how many invitations I write her
saying she's welcome anytime.

The fact is she doesn't love her son.
I love my son.
You can't argue that logic.

Baltimore Bob

Everyone tells the truth while everyone else lies.
Quote: everyone tells the truth while everyone else lies.

NO - 3 out of 4 Americans are Cowards
and incapable of telling the Truth on a cosistant basis.

We need maybe to execute people that tell Lies
then we'd get the Truth more consistantly.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: everyone tells the truth while everyone else lies.

NO - 3 out of 4 Americans are Cowards
and incapable of telling the Truth on a cosistant basis.

We need maybe to execute people that tell Lies
then we'd get the Truth more consistantly.

Baltimore Bob

Only if you are the first in line. :eusa_whistle:
I guess for the Cowards I need to define the word Fair

FAIR would be like the Judge in Family Court believing my TRUTH
( The Truth of a Vet ) over the Lies of a nasty whore like my ex
( My ex a typical NON-VET Coward )

i have zero respect for a man who calls the mother of his kids a nasty picked her didnt you? so that would be your lack of good judgement

FAIR would be like protesting and ending the Vietnam war in
the 1960's ( I was there in March 1970 )

i was protesting in the late 60's major jane fonda protest at needle park while my father was in vietnam

FAIR would be giving the Military higher Pay
and giving Vets better benefits then the LOUSY $275/month
that I got along with other Vietnam Vets
when WWII Vets got much more
( That's called Discrimination )
FAIR does not allow Discrimination.

my father served 30 years..he had a nice retirement check which now partially goes to my mother

FAIR is showing way more appreciation for us Vets.
Three restaurant chains do this by offering a free meal
to Vets around Veterans Day.
Golden Corral, McCormick & Schmicks, and Appleby's.
I salute these places that have People of Courage
in their Management that want to give back to us Vets.

you were paid and now you want something for feel entitled? why?

Why doesn't McDonald's do this.
Thou McDonalds did give me free meals in early 1970's
when I showed there in my Navy uniform.
I hope they continued that tradiition thru today.

I have a GREAT understanding of the word FAIR.

so far is you being a vet being treated better or given more than others?

Baltimore Bob

you are so full of shit you are an embaressment to the men who served and the women who served....i dont see them asking or demanding shit for free...glory fucking days...get over them...i dont see the other vets on here demanding shit for you?
Hre is the Equation to be followed:
WWII Benefits = Vietnam Benefits = same benefits for all Vets

Why is that not followed
Answer: USA is 75% Cowards.

Willing to sacrafice my life for this Country
deserves whatever little the Cowards can muster up to give me.

I'm not looking for anything Free
I already earned it with 58,000 plus death in Vietnam.
So if you say I didn't earn it
you must say they didn't earn anything either.

So show your class or lack of class.

So stop being a Coward
and trying to bail out on us Vets.
I know you wanna give us the least of the least
and then less then that.

It's sad that those 58,000 plus can't DEMAND anything
because their DEAD.
Maybe they can Demand God to send Cowards to HELL.

Baltimore Bob
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I guess for the Cowards I need to define the word Fair

Great! The lexicon according to Baltimore Bob. OED editors are shaking in their ivory towers

FAIR would be like the Judge in Family Court believing my TRUTH
( The Truth of a Vet ) over the Lies of a nasty whore like my ex
( My ex a typical NON-VET Coward )

Yeah! cause like what judge doesn't know that being a Veteran means never lying, right? What a chickenhawking cowardly tool-in-robes he must be.

FAIR would be like protesting and ending the Vietnam war in
the 1960's ( I was there in March 1970 )

An especially bad year for visiting that place.

I'd fire my travel agent for making that mistake if I were you, BB. Come to think of it, that's exactly what I did.. on 18 Jan 1974.

FAIR would be giving the Military higher Pay

Generally speaking (assuming they're not in harms way,) people doing low skilled work are slightly overpaid compared to what most civilians doing equaivalent jobs are being paid, in my never humble opinion, BB.

It's not the early 70s and the military salaries are pretty good, now.

and giving Vets better benefits then the LOUSY $275/month
that I got along with other Vietnam Vets

Bitch bitch bitch! So what if it took me 30 years to pay the student loans post military college education? I'd have just squandered the money on food, shelter and clothing, anyway.

And don't forget you also got that swell national service ribbon.

when WWII Vets got much more

Next time, BB, we need to remember to win the war.

Victory has a thousand fathers but Defeat is an orphan.

( That's called Discrimination )
FAIR does not allow Discrimination.

Tell it to the WWII merchant marine vets who didn't get their benefits until most of them were well into their 70s. Now those guys definitely got screwed worse than you or me, Bro.

FAIR is showing way more appreciation for us Vets.

I hope you're reading this, ladies.

Three restaurant chains do this by offering a free meal
to Vets around Veterans Day.
Golden Corral, McCormick & Schmicks, and Appleby's.

Thus poisoning Vets around Veterans' Day? How darkly ironic.

I salute these places that have People of Courage
in their Management that want to give back to us Vets.

I hope you're listening, Tiffanies. Editec does not have a tierra to his name.

Why doesn't McDonald's do this.
Thou McDonalds did give me free meals in early 1970's
when I showed there in my Navy uniform.
I hope they continued that tradiition thru today.

Man, you must really like McDonalds food, BB.

Screw that, give me Navy food. It was great food and I could eat four times a day, too!

I have a GREAT understanding of the word FAIR.

Great isn't the word that comes immediately to mind.

Unique works pretty well.
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