I guess for the Cowards I need to define the word Fair
Great! The lexicon according to Baltimore Bob. OED editors are shaking in their ivory towers
FAIR would be like the Judge in Family Court believing my TRUTH
( The Truth of a Vet ) over the Lies of a nasty whore like my ex
( My ex a typical NON-VET Coward )
Yeah! cause like what judge doesn't know that being a Veteran means never lying, right? What a chickenhawking cowardly tool-in-robes he must be.
FAIR would be like protesting and ending the Vietnam war in
the 1960's ( I was there in March 1970 )
An especially bad year for visiting that place.
I'd fire my travel agent for making that mistake if I were you, BB. Come to think of it, that's exactly what I did.. on 18 Jan 1974.
FAIR would be giving the Military higher Pay
Generally speaking (assuming they're not in harms way,) people doing low skilled work are slightly overpaid compared to what most civilians doing equaivalent jobs are being paid, in my never humble opinion, BB.
It's not the early 70s and the military salaries are pretty good, now.
and giving Vets better benefits then the LOUSY $275/month
that I got along with other Vietnam Vets
Bitch bitch bitch! So what if it took me 30 years to pay the student loans post military college education? I'd have just squandered the money on food, shelter and clothing, anyway.
And don't forget you also got that swell national service ribbon.
when WWII Vets got much more
Next time, BB, we need to remember to win the war.
Victory has a thousand fathers but Defeat is an orphan.
( That's called Discrimination )
FAIR does not allow Discrimination.
Tell it to the WWII merchant marine vets who didn't get their benefits until most of them were well into their 70s. Now those guys
definitely got screwed worse than you or me, Bro.
FAIR is showing way more appreciation for us Vets.
I hope you're reading this,
Three restaurant chains do this by offering a free meal
to Vets around Veterans Day.
Golden Corral, McCormick & Schmicks, and Appleby's.
Thus poisoning Vets around Veterans' Day? How darkly ironic.
I salute these places that have People of Courage
in their Management that want to give back to us Vets.
I hope you're listening,
Tiffanies. Editec does not have a tierra to his name.
Why doesn't McDonald's do this.
Thou McDonalds did give me free meals in early 1970's
when I showed there in my Navy uniform.
I hope they continued that tradiition thru today.
Man, you must
really like McDonalds food, BB.
Screw that, give me Navy food. It was great food
and I could eat four times a day, too!
I have a GREAT understanding of the word FAIR.
Great isn't the word that comes immediately to mind.
Unique works pretty well.