Family Outraged After Quadriplegic Marine Denied Free Admission to Michigan Amusement Park - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
Who you ask? Read the story. These strokes made a paralyzed US soldier pay to get into an amusement park. The guy is physically incapable of enjoying an of the rides or attractions at the park, yet these heartless bastards refused to allow him into the park to watch his kids!
They hide behind policy! Comparing a paralyszed army vet to a grandparent! PLEASE!!!! If you leave in the close to this place boycott it! If you don't agree with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan fine, but treat our soldier with grantitude and respect! I say a paralyzed from the waist down Vet at the Cubs game, I was glad to say I wasn't the first one to buy the guy a beer!
Who you ask? Read the story. These strokes made a paralyzed US soldier pay to get into an amusement park. The guy is physically incapable of enjoying an of the rides or attractions at the park, yet these heartless bastards refused to allow him into the park to watch his kids!
They hide behind policy! Comparing a paralyszed army vet to a grandparent! PLEASE!!!! If you leave in the close to this place boycott it! If you don't agree with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan fine, but treat our soldier with grantitude and respect! I say a paralyzed from the waist down Vet at the Cubs game, I was glad to say I wasn't the first one to buy the guy a beer!