Conservatives won't talk about a record-breaking heat waves and wildfires


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.
Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.
Do you think wind farms and solar panels will make the heat go away? :laugh:
Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.
i’m can’t speak for Conservatives, or people that are conservative

but i am happy to talk about it. The heatwave is not impacting me at the moment, but expect even higher prices for groceries this fall, which sucks since we are already dealing with the xiden inflation

i also expect to have to bailout Cali and the NE again due ti wildfires, partly due to their states complete mismanagement of state forest
Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.
And it is only July. Go figure.

Siberian wildfires are as bad as the 1912 and 1919 ones too

Paris was 100 degrees a few yrs ago, last time was 100 yrs

Lemme ask you something. What do you do specifically that is better for the enviro, better than conservs for your planet

What if I told youI recycled every bottle, can, newspapers,paper, cardboard and scrap metal for 30 yrs
Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.
Down here in God's country of Florida, temperatures are below average for this time of year. Calinfornication, the home of Satan, can burn for all i care.
Record breaking? According to what metrics? I guess 'global warming season' is in full effect, as soon as it cools off a little the liberals will be whining about 'climate change'. Maybe conservatives just don't go all stupid every time summer is hot.
See my threads about weather derivatives and disaster capitalism for objective reality on the subject.

Or just wave our peckers back and forth at each other aimlessly, as is the usual routine.

Do know however that the architects and the beneficiaries of the former are quite content to guide the electorate to partake in the latter instead.

It's a heck of a thing.
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What can we as a country do to make a big enough difference without countries like China and India making significant changes in their habits? What can we as a country do to make a big enough difference with South America continuing to clear cut the Amazon?

That's not to say we shouldn't make an effort to mitigate our impact on the environment, we should. But until others make the same, or larger, commitment, very little will change.

On a side note, it would be nice if all these environmentalists-come-lately would take a step back and acknowledge that a portion of what we're seeing is cyclical. Yes, to deny that what we humans do has no impact the climate and the environment has no effect his almost the height of hubris, but remember, they once grew grapes in northern England. The climate was that warm...
I am in California. I don't see any record breaking heat waves. We have the same bad forest management fires and arson fires as we have every year. Last week a man set a fire in the hills just above my house but it was quickly put out. I did see where the wokeists finally realized that Death Valley is Called Death Valley because it is hot enough to kill.
Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.

You were told to rake your forests. You resisted. This is the result.
I am in California. I don't see any record breaking heat waves. We have the same bad forest management fires and arson fires as we have every year. Last week a man set a fire in the hills just above my house but it was quickly put out. I did see where the wokeists finally realized that Death Valley is Called Death Valley because it is hot enough to kill.
I love the anecdotal evidence being presented here. HI-LARIOUS!
But you clearly need to get off your ass as Forrest Trump suggested and start raking those 33 million acres! :D

I am in California. I don't see any record breaking heat waves. We have the same bad forest management fires and arson fires as we have every year. Last week a man set a fire in the hills just above my house but it was quickly put out. I did see where the wokeists finally realized that Death Valley is Called Death Valley because it is hot enough to kill.
I love the anecdotal evidence being presented here. HI-LARIOUS!
But you clearly need to get off your ass as Forrest Trump suggested and start raking those 33 million acres! :D

Trump did tell the absolute truth. Our abysmal forest management is the cause of most of the fires and increased the ferocity of the ones we have. The ecoterrorist state legislature refuses to allow removal of dead brush, puts out small fires to burn the deadwood off. But worst of all, the ecoterrorists have stopped clearing, raking, pruning, or trimming the forest floors under power lines.

In the communist states of America, telling the truth is a capital offense.
Trump did tell the absolute truth. Our abysmal forest management is the cause of most of the fires and increased the ferocity of the ones we have. The ecoterrorist state legislature refuses to allow removal of dead brush, puts out small fires to burn the deadwood off. But worst of all, the ecoterrorists have stopped clearing, raking, pruning, or trimming the forest floors under power lines.

In the communist states of America, telling the truth is a capital offense.
Well - Get off your lazy ass and get busy!

Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.
Conservatives jump in joy when it snowshoeing the winter.
Any signs that Minnesota not being as hot as the Dominican Republic they see as proof that global warming is a myth.
But as wildfires in the west become larger and worse heatwaves scorch the nation, they suddenly lose interest in the topic.
Very slick.

Heatwaves...have happened before and forest fires are almost always due to democrat party mismanagement of forests....a refusal to get rid of dead wood that eventually catches on moron.
Heatwaves...have happened before and forest fires are almost always due to democrat party mismanagement of forests....a refusal to get rid of dead wood that eventually catches on moron.
A few years ago lumber companies offered to remove the trees killed by the bark beetle. The ecoterrorists had a massive campaign "no clearcutting California forests". That led to some spectacular fires.
A few years ago lumber companies offered to remove the trees killed by the bark beetle. The ecoterrorists had a massive campaign "no clearcutting California forests". That led to some spectacular fires.

Yep.....they cause a problem, then blame everyone else.....then demand they be given more money and power to deal with the problem they caused.....then waste and steal the money, and let the problem get worse....

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