Conservatives: what do you think of Jon Stewart?

Stewart has a fine, cutting sense of humor and is watchable. I think Ann Coulter is funnier, though.
I have absolutely no use for him, Colbert, or Maher.

My son likes to watch all three and gets highly pissed off when I am home because he can't watch them.
Conservatives: what do yoi think of Jon Stewart?

They try not to think. It's why they work so hard at memorizing all those Fox talking points. It takes a lot of effort to get them "just right".
They tried to duplicate his show about 8 years ago and failed miserably. I think it was called the 1/2 hour news hour.
Conservatives: what do yoi think of Jon Stewart?

They try not to think. It's why they work so hard at memorizing all those Fox talking points. It takes a lot of effort to get them "just right".

How crazy are you?
I put Colbert up there with Jon. Man they do dry face like I've never seen these days. Cripes they do dead pan to die for.
I have absolutely no use for him, Colbert, or Maher.

My son likes to watch all three and gets highly pissed off when I am home because he can't watch them.

You're a good father.

I don't really mind Jon Stewart, but it's liberals' worship of him that's a little annoying.
He has his moments but his humor is a bit dated as he clearly is not happy to pick on Democrats, the party in power.

What I find troubling is that many consider him news, real news... What bugs me about Jon is that he talks so much about "the noise" in politics but he has always been and in more now part of that noise due to the fact that so many consider him not only news, but accurate news. Knowing this, Jon still keeps an open bias in his humor.

Jon hides behind "I come on after a puppet show." Being a liar makes you a liar, no matter if you call yourself a comedian or a politician or just some person in the world. Jon lies for a living, misrepresents the truth for a living... Sometimes it's funny, much of the time it's sad knowing most of his viewership can't tell the difference between a joke and a fact.
Have you ever seen him debate Bill O'Reilly? Fascinating stuff.
Well, he's a comedian, who has decent writers coming up with his material.

He's Ok, but certainly not in the realm of Richard Pryor, George Carlin, or many others who didn't have writers, and were just flat out naturally funny.

And, no, I've never seen him debate O'Reilly, because I don't watch his show....Too damn boring and simple minded, unless you're a half drunk, fully stoned frat boy, who's working on burning up brain cells, while not studying to earn some bullshit liberal arts degree that doesn't require studying to earn anyway.
He's made a fortune making us laugh at the inconsistencies between what the parties say they stand for and what they actually stand for.

And since he can make us laugh though our pain at this ongoing disaster, good for him.
Conservatives: what do yoi think of Jon Stewart?

They try not to think. It's why they work so hard at memorizing all those Fox talking points. It takes a lot of effort to get them "just right".

you should talk...all you do is REPEAT the same crap over and over..time for some NEW CRAP, eh?
I put Colbert up there with Jon. Man they do dry face like I've never seen these days. Cripes they do dead pan to die for.

I have known cons who liked Colbert but woudl refuse to watxh stewart.

it told me that they didnt realise Colbert was being a charactor.

Colbert first years were a riot.

The cons could not figure him out.

I will NEVER forget when the Rs asked him to do the press night thingy.

Oh My God was that a slice of American history.

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