Conservatives need to pull their children out of public schools

There is something to be said for the role of government in protecting children from neglect. We shouldn't allow morons to stunt their children by allowing them to idoctrinate them with fairytales about women coming from the ribs of men or cavemen riding around on dinosaurs.
Who is going to protect children from the government?
Many laws are not enforced.
When people believe what is happening is good, you dont need to use force. Its much less expensive and elicits far less resistance when people VOTE for stupidity. 99 times out of 100 the government would prefer that you vote for stupidity I stead of have it forced in you. It's .ore.about sociopolitical strategy than force. Occasionally force is applied here and there. But that is something that our government avoids so that they can continue to use the Soviet past of places like Russia as a scapegoat. It is extremely important to our government to maintain its "Democratic" image even if it's bullshit. With more and more people voting willingly for stupidity who needs Force?
Right..... in a nation where everyone agrees we don't need force or even laws. We need force for where we disagree and to settle this disagreements.
Nah, you didn't.

So, why do you feel the need to sexualize trans people? We don't do that. Trans poeple don't do it. Only _you_ do it, and it makes you look perverted.

And why do you spend your days dreaming about weiners? Has no one told you that's not normal?
Yeah, normal people are forcing this on them:

Right... says the side that thinks men can have babies & women can have a frank & beans.

Do you think before your post or is it all emo driven drivel?
Maybe a rational thought is too much to expect from a furried choad
Interesting. :heehee: Taking a thread on pulling kids out of public schools to showcase your fetish about trans people.
Just what we need more under educated children, Ist you try destroying public schools,
then want those followers of the extremes, to home school EVEN if they do not have the necessary skills.
Biden has sent the FBI to investigate parents who disagree with the way the schools are conducting themsleves at school borad meetings, parents that ARE informed.

So that does not work.
Informed with valuable information or nonsense and bigotry?
Dissolve the Department of Education. As long as it's allowed to function it will be used for corruption and propaganda.
Is choad a biological term? Are you going to best me next by calling me a fag? 😄

Sex Redefined: The Idea of 2 Sexes Is Overly Simplistic

That the two sexes are physically different is obvious, but at the start of life, it is not. Five weeks into development, a human embryo has the potential to form both male and female anatomy. Next to the developing kidneys, two bulges known as the gonadal ridges emerge alongside two pairs of ducts, one of which can form the uterus and Fallopian tubes, and the other the male internal genital plumbing: the epididymes, vas deferentia and seminal vesicles. At six weeks, the gonad switches on the developmental pathway to become an ovary or a testis. If a testis develops, it secretes testosterone, which supports the development of the male ducts. It also makes other hormones that force the presumptive uterus and Fallopian tubes to shrink away. If the gonad becomes an ovary, it makes oestrogen, and the lack of testosterone causes the male plumbing to wither. The sex hormones also dictate the development of the external genitalia, and they come into play once more at puberty, triggering the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts or facial hair.
Like I said- anytime you want to prove how smart you are I will be here.

5 weeks into a human life is your argument that men don't have a penis & women don't have a uterus...
I'll take What Would An Indoctrinated Rube Say for the win Alex. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :slap:

Do you prefer the term fag? Is it more accurate & descriptive?
I thought furried choad fit pretty well but it's up to you
Like I said- anytime you want to prove how smart you are I will be here.

5 weeks into a human life is your argument that men don't have a penis & women don't have a uterus...
I'll take What Would An Indoctrinated Rube Say for the win Alex. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :slap:

Do you prefer the term fag? Is it more accurate & descriptive?
I thought furried choad fit pretty well but it's up to you
Bigots choice. No one here expected you to be able to respond intellectually. 😄
Bigots choice. No one here expected you to be able to respond intellectually. 😄
Maybe... but I notice you still have no interest in actually debating me for all to see how smart you are.

Not surprising for a furried choad that gets triggered by some play on names in a message board
Maybe... but I notice you still have no interest in actually debating me for all to see how smart you are.

Not surprising for a furried choad that gets triggered by some play on names in a message board
I gave you an opportunity to debate biology but all you want to do is imagine how furry my choad is. I don't dictate how you choose to spend your time.
I gave you an opportunity to debate biology but all you want to do is imagine how furry my choad is. I don't dictate how you choose to spend your time.
Your post about a human beings sexual development at 5 weeks from conception was the start of a debate?
I thought it was just another example of your typical false equivalency & more gaslighting.
You were serious?

Let's do it right- I'll create a post on why it's a fact that if ya got a dick, you ain't a chick & a man in a dress is just a fag in drag. No amount of hormones or cosmetic surgery can change this fact.

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