Conservatives need to pull their children out of public schools


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
It finally hit me, why fight with Leftists over the need to properly defend our schools? Why fight over how to properly educate children? Why not let the right and left each have their own schools and see which ones fair better in terms of academic performance and safety to see which model is superior? Then let parents decide on where to send their children.

Naturally, the Left owns it all so why give up any of its power? In addition, competition would destroy them, so I already know what kind of response we will get from them.
It finally hit me, why fight with Leftists over the need to properly defend our schools? Why fight over how to properly educate children? Why not let the right and left each have their own schools and see which ones fair better in terms of academic performance and safety to see which model is superior? Then let parents decide on where to send their children.

Naturally, the Left owns it all so why give up any of its power? In addition, competition would destroy them, so I already know what kind of response we will get from them.
There is something to be said for the role of government in protecting children from neglect. We shouldn't allow morons to stunt their children by allowing them to idoctrinate them with fairytales about women coming from the ribs of men or cavemen riding around on dinosaurs.
So hypothetically, if they pull their kids out of schools, what do they do then? Especially how does this work in rural MAGA country, where they can't get teachers, hospitals, police etc. now?

In Texas, they tried again pushing for charters this year. The rural districts were the most against it, because they knew they were against the wall with no options.
Go for it. Don't forget to collect the taxes to pay for the new schools.

It would be cheaper to just get your paranoia treated.
There is something to be said for the role of government in protecting children from neglect. We shouldn't allow morons to stunt their children by allowing them to idoctrinate them with fairytales about women coming from the ribs of men or cavemen riding around on dinosaurs.
So hypothetically, if they pull their kids out of schools, what do they do then? Especially how does this work in rural MAGA country, where they can't get teachers, hospitals, police etc. now?

In Texas, they tried again pushing for charters this year. The rural districts were the most against it, because they knew they were against the wall with no options.
It's all about the Benjamins, as Omar would say.

So how to raise the money? Democrats are astute at taking over corporations and tax money to do their bidding, so conservatives will simply have to compete in this arena.

And then there is homeschool. Perhaps the GOP can create innovations there as well in terms of legislation, etc.
I sense your inability to articulate a counter.
Despite the democrat run schools being the most expensive to fund, they lag the rest of the world in the two subjects that generate wealth, which are math and science.

One of the biggest cross-national tests is the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which every three years measures reading ability, math and science literacy and other key skills among 15-year-olds in dozens of developed and developing countries. The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. Among the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which sponsors the PISA initiative, the U.S. ranked 30th in math and 19th in science.

And then there is the morality issue. Children are not allowed to be taught morals unless they are woke morals, which means teaching children that all sexual deviance is normal and respectable. In fact, they go on to promote these lifestyles to children who are not even sexually developed to even have sex. Since gender confusion has been taught in schools, gender confusion is up 4000%.

Morality is arguably the most important thing you can teach children. After all, do we want to empower an amoral generation of youth that will use their power to unleash harm on society? I am reminded of a story about a girl who was raped in study hall at a public high school. The response from the teacher in that study hall has always stuck with me. She said it was not her duty to teach morality to the students.

Then there is school safety. Look at all of the public schools run by democrats that have been shot up. Now look at the private schools that have been shot up. Until recently, there have been no private schools shot up, except the one that was shot up in Tennessee was shot up by an outsider and not an active student. Looking at these statistics, your children are far safer in a school that is not run by democrats who instill sexual confusion and an amoral world view that is secular implying that there is no such thing as right and wrong, unless you go against woke culture. And why is woke culture so much better and righteous and true? Cuz they say it is.

Parents have had enough, and there is no talking to deviants like yourself. You have no ability to reason and no ability to compete with the model I propose.
There is something to be said for the role of government in protecting children from neglect. We shouldn't allow morons to stunt their children by allowing them to idoctrinate them with fairytales about women coming from the ribs of men or cavemen riding around on dinosaurs.
It's none of your business what or how we teach OUR children.
Despite progbot feelers, they are not yours or wards of the state to be indoctrinated with racist CRT or transanity.

The fairytales (very appropriate term) come from the wokesters that don't understand biology, mental health or the fact that every iteration of LGBFJB+ is a sexual deviancy that needs to be confronted/treated, not enabled.
There is something to be said for the role of government in protecting children from neglect. We shouldn't allow morons to stunt their children by allowing them to idoctrinate them with fairytales about women coming from the ribs of men or cavemen riding around on dinosaurs.
Totally agree, from the point of view of someone who went to school in the 70's and 80's. However, these days the alibi of "protecting" children is always at the tips of their tongues, and the government has learned to use the schools to wrestle control away from parents so that the state can raise YOUR kids THEIR way, even turning them against you to a degree. They use the false utopian chime of wokeism to attract kids and groom and captivate them when most of the proponents know damn well it's pure bullshit.
Despite the democrat run schools being the most expensive to fund, they lag the rest of the world in the two subjects that generate wealth, which are math and science.

Okay. First, calling all schools Democrat schools is stupid and simplistic. Our educational system is a hodge podge of local educators, regional managers, Local, State and Federal funding and they serve a diverse community both demographically and culturally but also financially. Calling them Democrat schools without identifying any particular shortcomings or exactly what needs improving indicates that you don't really have any real interest in making improvements, just recriminations.
One of the biggest cross-national tests is the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which every three years measures reading ability, math and science literacy and other key skills among 15-year-olds in dozens of developed and developing countries. The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. Among the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which sponsors the PISA initiative, the U.S. ranked 30th in math and 19th in science.
Ok. Why do you think our students are falling behind the rest of the developed world?
And then there is the morality issue. Children are not allowed to be taught morals unless they are woke morals, which means teaching children that all sexual deviance is normal and respectable. In fact, they go on to promote these lifestyles to children who are not even sexually developed to even have sex. Since gender confusion has been taught in schools, gender confusion is up 4000%.
Someone sure sounds confused on the nature of morality and gender. Some of the nations ahead of us aren't Christian nations. Their moral beliefs are from Buddhism or Shintoism.
Then there is school safety. Look at all of the public schools run by democrats that have been shot up. Now look at the private schools that have been shot up. Until recently, there have been no private schools shot up, except the one that was shot up in Tennessee was shot up by an outsider and not an active student. Looking at these statistics, your children are far safer in a school that is not run by democrats who instill sexual confusion and an amoral world view that is secular implying that there is no such thing as right and wrong, unless you go against woke culture. And why is woke culture so much better and righteous and true? Cuz they say it is.

Parents have had enough, and there is no talking to deviants like yourself. You have no ability to reason and no ability to compete with the model I propose.
I on the other hand don't mind allowing the obviously ignorant to run their mouths. If you want to prevent school shootings do what ever other developed nation does and limit access to guns.
It's none of your business what or how we teach OUR children.
Despite progbot feelers, they are not yours or wards of the state to be indoctrinated with racist CRT or transanity.

The fairytales (very appropriate term) come from the wokesters that don't understand biology, mental health or the fact that every iteration of LGBFJB+ is a sexual deviancy that needs to be confronted/treated, not enabled.
Not one of you Bingos has displayed a coherent understanding of biology. 😄
Totally agree, from the point of view of someone who went to school in the 70's and 80's. However, these days the alibi of "protecting" children is always at the tips of their tongues, and the government has learned to use the schools to wrestle control away from parents so that the state can raise YOUR kids THEIR way, even turning them against you to a degree. They use the false utopian chime of wokeism to attract kids and groom and captivate them when most of the proponents know damn well it's pure bullshit.
We can argue objectivity vs subjectivity but who's view gets implemented is always a matter of force, no?
We can argue objectivity vs subjectivity but who's view gets implemented is always a matter of force, no?
No, it has a lot to do with political correctness and what they convince people to vote for. It has more to do with convincing people to give up their power then taking it outright. That has been the game plan for a long time and slowly but surely it's working.
It finally hit me, why fight with Leftists over the need to properly defend our schools? Why fight over how to properly educate children? Why not let the right and left each have their own schools and see which ones fair better in terms of academic performance and safety to see which model is superior? Then let parents decide on where to send their children.

Naturally, the Left owns it all so why give up any of its power? In addition, competition would destroy them, so I already know what kind of response we will get from them.
Lol, yep better do it fast. What yall waiting on?
It finally hit me, why fight with Leftists over the need to properly defend our schools? Why fight over how to properly educate children? Why not let the right and left each have their own schools and see which ones fair better in terms of academic performance and safety to see which model is superior? Then let parents decide on where to send their children.

Naturally, the Left owns it all so why give up any of its power? In addition, competition would destroy them, so I already know what kind of response we will get from them.
Public school teachers would thank you.
It finally hit me, why fight with Leftists over the need to properly defend our schools? Why fight over how to properly educate children? Why not let the right and left each have their own schools and see which ones fair better in terms of academic performance and safety to see which model is superior? Then let parents decide on where to send their children.

Naturally, the Left owns it all so why give up any of its power? In addition, competition would destroy them, so I already know what kind of response we will get from them.

Considering there are about maybe 1000 actual conservatives left in this country I do not think this will accomplish much
There is something to be said for the role of government in protecting children from neglect. We shouldn't allow morons to stunt their children by allowing them to idoctrinate them with fairytales about women coming from the ribs of men or cavemen riding around on dinosaurs.
One main reason why con-servatives would pull their kids out of public schools.....................Public school teachers are mandatory reporters of abuse and/or neglect.
And then there is the morality issue. Children are not allowed to be taught morals unless they are woke morals, which means teaching children that all sexual deviance is normal and respectable. In fact, they go on to promote these lifestyles to children who are not even sexually developed to even have sex. Since gender confusion has been taught in schools, gender confusion is up 4000%.

Morality is arguably the most important thing you can teach children. After all, do we want to empower an amoral generation of youth that will use their power to unleash harm on society? I am reminded of a story about a girl who was raped in study hall at a public high school. The response from the teacher in that study hall has always stuck with me. She said it was not her duty to teach morality to the students.

It is safe to assume you have no children?

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