Conservatives need to pull their children out of public schools

Not one of you Bingos has displayed a coherent understanding of biology. 😄
Right... says the side that thinks men can have babies & women can have a frank & beans.

Do you think before your post or is it all emo driven drivel?
Maybe a rational thought is too much to expect from a furried choad
Public schools in urban centers no longer teach. They no longer have subjects to teach. Rural and small town schools are much closer to the families they serve and do teach actual subjects. They call it Queering the Schools. Queering the Schools

Get your children out, move, send your children to relatives, homeschooling, anything but support public schools.
Gee how about due to schools focusing on CRT, gender and equity. Sacrificing knowledge in math, reading and writing.
Care to give examples of what any those things mean and how it translates into poor math skills? You think students are failing at math because they're also learning history, biology and sociology?
Despite the democrat run schools being the most expensive to fund, they lag the rest of the world in the two subjects that generate wealth, which are math and science.

One of the biggest cross-national tests is the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which every three years measures reading ability, math and science literacy and other key skills among 15-year-olds in dozens of developed and developing countries. The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. Among the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which sponsors the PISA initiative, the U.S. ranked 30th in math and 19th in science.

And then there is the morality issue. Children are not allowed to be taught morals unless they are woke morals, which means teaching children that all sexual deviance is normal and respectable. In fact, they go on to promote these lifestyles to children who are not even sexually developed to even have sex. Since gender confusion has been taught in schools, gender confusion is up 4000%.

Morality is arguably the most important thing you can teach children. After all, do we want to empower an amoral generation of youth that will use their power to unleash harm on society? I am reminded of a story about a girl who was raped in study hall at a public high school. The response from the teacher in that study hall has always stuck with me. She said it was not her duty to teach morality to the students.

Then there is school safety. Look at all of the public schools run by democrats that have been shot up. Now look at the private schools that have been shot up. Until recently, there have been no private schools shot up, except the one that was shot up in Tennessee was shot up by an outsider and not an active student. Looking at these statistics, your children are far safer in a school that is not run by democrats who instill sexual confusion and an amoral world view that is secular implying that there is no such thing as right and wrong, unless you go against woke culture. And why is woke culture so much better and righteous and true? Cuz they say it is.

Parents have had enough, and there is no talking to deviants like yourself. You have no ability to reason and no ability to compete with the model I propose.
You know that the US is just about the only country that measures ALL students, right? Other countries only measure the students who are college level bound.
No, it has a lot to do with political correctness and what they convince people to vote for. It has more to do with convincing people to give up their power then taking it outright. That has been the game plan for a long time and slowly but surely it's working.
In the end how government gets run and how laws are implemented is all about force. You can't have laws without force which is why I don't see much point in arguing force is bad. Force is a tool. It's what you're using it for that determines whether it's good or bad.
Right... says the side that thinks men can have babies & women can have a frank & beans.

Do you think before your post or is it all emo driven drivel?
Maybe a rational thought is too much to expect from a furried choad
Do you think before you post?

The more we learn about biological sex the more we learn that it exists on a spectrum. Let me guess, your education ended with lessons on Adam and Eve.
The more we learn about biological sex the more we learn that it exists on a spectrum.
This is false.

Folks are either born with a penis, or a vagina.

If there is anything that is, how shall we say, "in between," or doesn't express itself fully, one way or the other? In the mass majority of cases, well over 99 percent, this is due to endocrine disrupters, microplastics, etc., and environmental pollution.
If you continue to spread this type of propaganda, you are just a shill for big international corporatists, the consortium, etc., and don't give a shit about the little guy.

Students who are taught math, at all, are taught in the context of math as a weapon of racism. Math is racist. Seattle Schools Propose To Teach That Math Education Is RacistâWill California Be Far Behind?
The concept of getting a correct answer is the heavy hand of white supremacy. Advocates for Math Equity Question Whether Being Right is Sometimes Wrong
When black children beat up a black classmate for acting white, they mean accepting that 2+2=4 is something that only white slave masters say. LILLEY: Radical teachers claim that saying 2+2=4 is white supremacy
It finally hit me, why fight with Leftists over the need to properly defend our schools? Why fight over how to properly educate children? Why not let the right and left each have their own schools and see which ones fair better in terms of academic performance and safety to see which model is superior? Then let parents decide on where to send their children.

Naturally, the Left owns it all so why give up any of its power? In addition, competition would destroy them, so I already know what kind of response we will get from them.
Why do you think the Left owns it all?
This is false.

Folks are either born with a penis, or a vagina.

If there is anything that is, how shall we say, "in between," or doesn't express itself fully, one way or the other? In the mass majority of cases, well over 99 percent, this is due to endocrine disrupters, microplastics, etc., and environmental pollution.
If you continue to spread this type of propaganda, you are just a shill for big international corporatists, the consortium, etc., and don't give a shit about the little guy.

Yeah, I just read that as "no it's not except for the cases where it is ambiguous"....

Here's a more intellectual look at the nature of biology.

Sex Redefined: The Idea of 2 Sexes Is Overly Simplistic
Do you think before you post?

The more we learn about biological sex the more we learn that it exists on a spectrum. Let me guess, your education ended with lessons on Adam and Eve.
Maybe but I'll still be happy to debate you on biology anytime.
You have a great opportunity to prove a furried choad is smarter than a real dude.
This should be a slam dunk for someone so obviously brilliant, like yourself, going against a poorly educated non-thinker that doesn't know biology.

Or we could debate on another subject if you prefer.
Climate change, Ukraine war, rona/masks/clot shots, economics, 2A, infanticide for convenience, net zero/green energy....
In the end how government gets run and how laws are implemented is all about force. You can't have laws without force which is why I don't see much point in arguing force is bad. Force is a tool. It's what you're using it for that determines whether it's good or bad.
Many laws are not enforced.
When people believe what is happening is good, you dont need to use force. Its much less expensive and elicits far less resistance when people VOTE for stupidity. 99 times out of 100 the government would prefer that you vote for stupidity I stead of have it forced in you. It's .ore.about sociopolitical strategy than force. Occasionally force is applied here and there. But that is something that our government avoids so that they can continue to use the Soviet past of places like Russia as a scapegoat. It is extremely important to our government to maintain its "Democratic" image even if it's bullshit. With more and more people voting willingly for stupidity who needs Force?
See? You fail hard at biology. No need to remind everyone.

Change the topic. What else did your masters tell you to whimper about today?
Change the topic? The choad said I didn't know anything about biology & I responded with biological facts...

Is it hard to keep up when you are a hairy backed hot dog handler?
Did ya ever go report me to the authorities there mammoth?
Or did ya just keep biting that pillow?
Nice outfit
Maybe but I'll still be happy to debate you on biology anytime.
You have a great opportunity to prove a furried choad is smarter than a real dude.
This should be a slam dunk for someone so obviously brilliant, like yourself, going against a poorly educated non-thinker that doesn't know biology.
Is choad a biological term? Are you going to best me next by calling me a fag? 😄
Or we could debate on another subject if you prefer.
Climate change, Ukraine war, rona/masks/clot shots, economics, 2A, infanticide for convenience, net zero/green energy....
Sex Redefined: The Idea of 2 Sexes Is Overly Simplistic

That the two sexes are physically different is obvious, but at the start of life, it is not. Five weeks into development, a human embryo has the potential to form both male and female anatomy. Next to the developing kidneys, two bulges known as the gonadal ridges emerge alongside two pairs of ducts, one of which can form the uterus and Fallopian tubes, and the other the male internal genital plumbing: the epididymes, vas deferentia and seminal vesicles. At six weeks, the gonad switches on the developmental pathway to become an ovary or a testis. If a testis develops, it secretes testosterone, which supports the development of the male ducts. It also makes other hormones that force the presumptive uterus and Fallopian tubes to shrink away. If the gonad becomes an ovary, it makes oestrogen, and the lack of testosterone causes the male plumbing to wither. The sex hormones also dictate the development of the external genitalia, and they come into play once more at puberty, triggering the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts or facial hair.
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Change the topic? The choad said I didn't know anything about biology & I responded with biological facts...
Nah, you didn't.

So, why do you feel the need to sexualize trans people? We don't do that. Trans poeple don't do it. Only _you_ do it, and it makes you look perverted.

And why do you spend your days dreaming about weiners? Has no one told you that's not normal?

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