Conservative Patriot Asks Charlie Kirk, "When Do We Get To Kill These People?"


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"While speaking at a Turing Point USA event, Charlie Kirk was asked when “we get to use the guns” to “kill these people” over baseless election fraud claims. Kirk spoke at Boise State University on Monday night as part of his Exposing Critical Racism tour, during which he condemned critical race theory and pushed false claims of voter fraud.

An audience member asked;
“At this point, we’re living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke,” asked the audience member. “I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

Now good ole Charlie pushed back against this guy; but not because what the guy said is batshit crazy insane; but because optics wise, it wouldn't look good to be wanting to shoot people because you didn't win an election.....In reality, this is just another case of what happens when you continuously feed your base violent hyperbolic bullshit -- this is basically a monster of your own telling them to be "peaceful" isn't what they want to hear...Everything with these folks is self-projection....The shit they accuse the other side of doing is really just shit they ACTUALLY want to do themselves.....and it will only get worse....

Here is the question.....What this guy said is what many folks on this very message-board say all the time....many folks on this board claims they are living under "corporate tyranny" while gleefully cheering for every corporate taxbreak and loophole known to man...The people here say all the time that we are under medical fascism just because government institutions and large corporations want you to get a vaccination shot...the same vaccine that your cult leader took and wanted to get full credit, if you Trumpers believe all of this, what's wrong with asking; When do we get to kill these people? Why talk all of that tough talk then distance yourself from it when someone finally asks "When do we start shooting?"

"While speaking at a Turing Point USA event, Charlie Kirk was asked when “we get to use the guns” to “kill these people” over baseless election fraud claims. Kirk spoke at Boise State University on Monday night as part of his Exposing Critical Racism tour, during which he condemned critical race theory and pushed false claims of voter fraud.

An audience member asked;
“At this point, we’re living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke,” asked the audience member. “I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

Now good ole Charlie pushed back against this guy; but not because what the guy said is batshit crazy insane; but because optics wise, it wouldn't look good to be wanting to shoot people because you didn't win an election.....In reality, this is just another case of what happens when you continuously feed your base violent hyperbolic bullshit -- this is basically a monster of your own telling them to be "peaceful" isn't what they want to hear...Everything with these folks is self-projection....The shit they accuse the other side of doing is really just shit they ACTUALLY want to do themselves.....and it will only get worse....

Here is the question.....What this guy said is what many folks on this very message-board say all the time....many folks on this board claims they are living under "corporate tyranny" while gleefully cheering for every corporate taxbreak and loophole known to man...The people here say all the time that we are under medical fascism just because government institutions and large corporations want you to get a vaccination shot...the same vaccine that your cult leader took and wanted to get full credit, if you Trumpers believe all of this, what's wrong with asking; When do we get to kill these people? Why talk all of that tough talk then distance yourself from it when someone finally asks "When do we start shooting?"

These people are whipped into a complete frenzy right now. They're Trump's Jihadis, and they're dead serious.

All because of his lies to protect his brittle self esteem.
It's no stretch to think that there aren't tee-totaling batshit crazies on either side of the aisle. We have ours like you have yours.
Please tell us how wanting to expand Medicare, extend child tax credits, make community college/trade school free or at least more affordable pandering to the "crazies" on the left??

Charlie Kirk is literally on a tour whining about something that doesn't exist for the sole purpose of whipping up his base into a frenzy...

There are no both sides to this....

"While speaking at a Turing Point USA event, Charlie Kirk was asked when “we get to use the guns” to “kill these people” over baseless election fraud claims. Kirk spoke at Boise State University on Monday night as part of his Exposing Critical Racism tour, during which he condemned critical race theory and pushed false claims of voter fraud.

An audience member asked;
“At this point, we’re living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke,” asked the audience member. “I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

Now good ole Charlie pushed back against this guy; but not because what the guy said is batshit crazy insane; but because optics wise, it wouldn't look good to be wanting to shoot people because you didn't win an election.....In reality, this is just another case of what happens when you continuously feed your base violent hyperbolic bullshit -- this is basically a monster of your own telling them to be "peaceful" isn't what they want to hear...Everything with these folks is self-projection....The shit they accuse the other side of doing is really just shit they ACTUALLY want to do themselves.....and it will only get worse....

Here is the question.....What this guy said is what many folks on this very message-board say all the time....many folks on this board claims they are living under "corporate tyranny" while gleefully cheering for every corporate taxbreak and loophole known to man...The people here say all the time that we are under medical fascism just because government institutions and large corporations want you to get a vaccination shot...the same vaccine that your cult leader took and wanted to get full credit, if you Trumpers believe all of this, what's wrong with asking; When do we get to kill these people? Why talk all of that tough talk then distance yourself from it when someone finally asks "When do we start shooting?"

Sounds like Alec Baldwin.

"While speaking at a Turing Point USA event, Charlie Kirk was asked when “we get to use the guns” to “kill these people” over baseless election fraud claims. Kirk spoke at Boise State University on Monday night as part of his Exposing Critical Racism tour, during which he condemned critical race theory and pushed false claims of voter fraud.

An audience member asked;
“At this point, we’re living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke,” asked the audience member. “I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

Now good ole Charlie pushed back against this guy; but not because what the guy said is batshit crazy insane; but because optics wise, it wouldn't look good to be wanting to shoot people because you didn't win an election.....In reality, this is just another case of what happens when you continuously feed your base violent hyperbolic bullshit -- this is basically a monster of your own telling them to be "peaceful" isn't what they want to hear...Everything with these folks is self-projection....The shit they accuse the other side of doing is really just shit they ACTUALLY want to do themselves.....and it will only get worse....

Here is the question.....What this guy said is what many folks on this very message-board say all the time....many folks on this board claims they are living under "corporate tyranny" while gleefully cheering for every corporate taxbreak and loophole known to man...The people here say all the time that we are under medical fascism just because government institutions and large corporations want you to get a vaccination shot...the same vaccine that your cult leader took and wanted to get full credit, if you Trumpers believe all of this, what's wrong with asking; When do we get to kill these people? Why talk all of that tough talk then distance yourself from it when someone finally asks "When do we start shooting?"

How do you know why he pushed back? Do you have ESP?
Please tell us how wanting to expand Medicare, extend child tax credits, make community college/trade school free or at least more affordable pandering to the "crazies" on the left??

Charlie Kirk is literally on a tour whining about something that doesn't exist for the sole purpose of whipping up his base into a frenzy...

There are no both sides to this....

Who pays for all that? We do. Nothing is free, and to make something more affordable unfortunately means SOMEONE has to pay. You and me buddy.

The child tax credits aren't a bad idea, but I have to do more looking into it to form a better opinion.
How do you know why he pushed back? Do you have ESP?
Because he said it.....

Not one time did he say this guy was nuts to want to shoot people over losing an election.....

Not one time did he push back on the bullshit claim that we are living under corporate fascism....

Truth is...charlie doesn't even believe the bullshit he peddles...

The whole entire business model of folks like Tucker, Charlie Kirk and others is to keep their gullible conservative base at a perpetual boiling point so they can live off the steam.
Because he said it.....

Not one time did he say this guy was nuts to want to shoot people over losing an election.....

Not one time did he push back on the bullshit claim that we are living under corporate fascism....

Truth is...charlie doesn't even believe the bullshit he peddles...

The whole entire business model of folks like Tucker, Charlie Kirk and others is to keep their gullible conservative base at a perpetual boiling point so they can live off the steam.
So now you want him to think like you do? Weird.
Who pays for all that? We do. Nothing is free, and to make something more affordable unfortunately means SOMEONE has to pay. You and me buddy.

The child tax credits aren't a bad idea, but I have to do more looking into it to form a better opinion.
Congress just gave the Pentagon 10 billion extra dollars just for shits and giggles...10 billion more than what the Pentagon even asked for..

Not a single one of you so-called fiscal Conservatives said a word about it...I didn't see tons of posts on this site from Conservatives bitching about the defense budget..

But the minute we talk about doing things that benefit everyday Americans that don't involve blowing brown people up -- suddenly we have folks like you concern trolling over the budget..foh

"While speaking at a Turing Point USA event, Charlie Kirk was asked when “we get to use the guns” to “kill these people” over baseless election fraud claims. Kirk spoke at Boise State University on Monday night as part of his Exposing Critical Racism tour, during which he condemned critical race theory and pushed false claims of voter fraud.

An audience member asked;
“At this point, we’re living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke,” asked the audience member. “I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

Now good ole Charlie pushed back against this guy; but not because what the guy said is batshit crazy insane; but because optics wise, it wouldn't look good to be wanting to shoot people because you didn't win an election.....In reality, this is just another case of what happens when you continuously feed your base violent hyperbolic bullshit -- this is basically a monster of your own telling them to be "peaceful" isn't what they want to hear...Everything with these folks is self-projection....The shit they accuse the other side of doing is really just shit they ACTUALLY want to do themselves.....and it will only get worse....

Here is the question.....What this guy said is what many folks on this very message-board say all the time....many folks on this board claims they are living under "corporate tyranny" while gleefully cheering for every corporate taxbreak and loophole known to man...The people here say all the time that we are under medical fascism just because government institutions and large corporations want you to get a vaccination shot...the same vaccine that your cult leader took and wanted to get full credit, if you Trumpers believe all of this, what's wrong with asking; When do we get to kill these people? Why talk all of that tough talk then distance yourself from it when someone finally asks "When do we start shooting?"

Oh there are some here who would willingly put some communist mother fuckers in social distancing. We were trained to do that in the military, and that was our job, to kill communists. We are just waiting till the communists over play their hand and start shooting first. Then it is open to one and all.

Congress just gave the Pentagon 10 billion extra dollars just for shits and giggles...10 billion more than what the Pentagon even asked for..

Not a single one of you so-called fiscal Conservatives said a word about it...I didn't see tons of posts on this site from Conservatives bitching about the defense budget..

But the minute we talk about doing things that benefit everyday Americans that don't involve blowing brown people up -- suddenly we have folks like you concern trolling over the budget..foh
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...
Congress just gave the Pentagon 10 billion extra dollars just for shits and giggles...10 billion more than what the Pentagon even asked for..

Not a single one of you so-called fiscal Conservatives said a word about it...I didn't see tons of posts on this site from Conservatives bitching about the defense budget..

But the minute we talk about doing things that benefit everyday Americans that don't involve blowing brown people up -- suddenly we have folks like you concern trolling over the budget..foh

That's easily explainable. Joe Biden wants to spend $3.5,000,000,000,000 for his plans, a far cry from ten billion. China has a new hypersonic missile that can do acrobatics around our defense systems. We need something to stop it. So no, I have zero problem with the $10 billion defense budget. Free (not) healthcare won't be so great if we're all fried thanks to China's new toy.

"While speaking at a Turing Point USA event, Charlie Kirk was asked when “we get to use the guns” to “kill these people” over baseless election fraud claims. Kirk spoke at Boise State University on Monday night as part of his Exposing Critical Racism tour, during which he condemned critical race theory and pushed false claims of voter fraud.

An audience member asked;
“At this point, we’re living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I’m not — that’s not a joke,” asked the audience member. “I’m not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

Now good ole Charlie pushed back against this guy; but not because what the guy said is batshit crazy insane; but because optics wise, it wouldn't look good to be wanting to shoot people because you didn't win an election.....In reality, this is just another case of what happens when you continuously feed your base violent hyperbolic bullshit --

this is all i read

the irony

u are saying that guy is bat*** crazy and then you.. write what u write... but whoever said the left were never hypocrites?

I don't like the violence but strangely (and this is the LEFT's FAULT) I do understand his frustration and ... I do not believe in violence, but the Left violently stole the election from the person We the People had chosen

To re phrase the guy's concerns
At what point do we "not take it anymore" and actually DO something?

the damn Left are criminals, for crying out loud.. they lie, they steal, they murder children

When is enough enough? It seems no one is doing a damn thing... like everyone is just supposed to accept the continuing bs ...
That's easily explainable. Joe Biden wants to spend $3.5,000,000,000,000 for his plans, a far cry from ten billion. China has a new hypersonic missile that can do acrobatics around our defense systems. We need something to stop it. So no, I have zero problem with the $10 billion defense budget. Free (not) healthcare won't be so great if we're all fried thanks to China's new toy.
3.5 trillion over 10 years......which is now being cut to 1.75 trillion over 10 years....and may be cut lower than that...

What I don't see you dic suckers talking about is the fact that most of what is in the bill is popular with over 80% of Americans...

The reason dic suckers like you never talk about any conservative policies is because of most of your policies are NOT POPULAR with the majority of people...

Which is why folks like you resort to manufactured outrage and culture war bullshit to get votes...Charlie Kirk isn't on a tour advocating for any policies....he is on tour fearmongering over something that doesn't exist....this is why I have zero respect for cucks like you
The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...
Wanting to expand Medicare

Wanting to make community college/trade school free or more affordable

Expanding child tax credits.....

Providing paid family leave, providing universal child care

All of these policies are good amount of bullshit fearmongering you pull out of your ass will change that.....

The conservative plan of do nothing but cater to the whims of the top 1% while offering nothing but manufactured outrage to the rest isn't a solution nor is it appealing to most Americans..
3.5 trillion over 10 years......which is now being cut to 1.75 trillion over 10 years....and may be cut lower than that...

What I don't see you dic suckers talking about is the fact that most of what is in the bill is popular with over 80% of Americans...

The reason dic suckers like you never talk about any conservative policies is because of most of your policies are NOT POPULAR with the majority of people...

Which is why folks like you resort to manufactured outrage and culture war bullshit to get votes...Charlie Kirk isn't on a tour advocating for any policies....he is on tour fearmongering over something that doesn't exist....this is why I have zero respect for cucks like you
Popular with the insane democrats. No independent or republican like it, so you are total bullshit liar.

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