Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why.

I haven’t seen any evidence of fear, but I don’t see why fear would be wrong

Would it be wrong to be afraid of an ignorant person in power? Especially one whose ideas, if implemented, would lead to widespread pain, suffering, and death. Would it be wrong to fear that?
What specific policy idea of hers is Marxist? If you think it is the 70% tax rate, then not only is that not Marxist but I would have to break it to you that in the 50’s the tax rate was at 90% and that was a time big economic growth. Why is that? Because if the wealthy have a high tax rate, it incentives them to invest in labor and expansion in order to make money. .

I swear, you leftists come up with the most twisted versions of the truth and nobody can change your minds. We had a 70% tax rate during and after the war to pay down the monstrous debt we built up destroying and then rebuilding England and France. Ike also had an interstate highway system to build....not for American automobiles but Army tanks and half-tracks....that's what they were built to carry, not Dinah Shore to see the USA in her Chevrolet. High taxes aren't intended to provoke investment....your commie leaders don't want or understand private investment and so they borrow all the venture capital they can get their hands on to keep it away from our captains of industry. Of course the beaner chick is a Marxist.....capitalism is too hard for this generation, takes getting out of bed in the morning which means not going to sleep drunk and stoned.
Lol god I get so sick of this stupid narrative that the left are just lazy mooches and that the right are tough hard working people. I get that generalizing liberals like this makes you feel manly and superior, but you sound like an idiot if your opinion is just something you want to believe regardless of any factual evidence. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Half of those people are conservative lol.

It wouldn’t matter if we were paying off a debt, despite the high tax rate, there was booming economic growth either way.

Since the 70’s, wages for the poor or middle class have barely risen while the cost of living has exploded in comparison. Most of the top income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners. These corporations are wealthier than ever before. This unfettered capitalistic system we have hasn’t done jack shit to improve the quality of life for the poor or middle class. This is because many corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. They achieve this, in part, by spending as little money as possible on labor. It’s either just enough to be legal or enough to make the position more attractive. The latter, however, is a rarity nowadays.

If you’re tired of the narrative than stop being a lazy mooch
Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

But wait! Are YOU a conservative? Because YOU are the one obsessed with her and starting a thread about her, not us!
I am obsessed with her! In a good way. She is going to help many more young people realize they need to vote and retake the Senate.
She scares the hell out of them!

Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why. | HuffPost

Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science Tells Us Why.

Conservatives respond to fear more strongly than liberals do, says one neuroscientist who studies political anxiety.

Conservatives’ bizarre, escalating obsession with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) reached a new level this week when The Daily Caller published fake revenge porn of the new congresswoman.

“Here’s The Photo Some People Described As A Nude Selfie Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” the Caller’s original headline read, before it was changed and the site posted a “we regret the error” message on Twitter. For the record, the photo is not of Ocasio-Cortez, despite what “some people” have said.

Since Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old working-class democratic socialist, unexpectedly toppled powerful white male incumbent Joe Crowley in a June primary, she’s become an object of fixation among Republicans, especially Republican men. Conservative writer Ed Scarry posted a photo of her backside on Twitter, questioning whether her black suit was befitting of a “girl who struggles.” Right-wing media discovered that she ― like a lot of people named “Alexander,” “Alexandra” or some variant thereof ― went by the nickname “Sandy” in high school. A self-proclaimed “proud Christian Dad” on Twitter circulated a video of her dancing in a T-shirt in college as if it would be a career-damaging revelation. A Republican strategist referred to her as “the little girl” on Fox News, which runs segments about her constantly.

The obvious explanation is that men have literally never seen a woman in her 20s in the halls of Congress before. She’s attractive, telegenic and good at social media. She dances outside her Cannon House office. Conservative men are confused at being drawn to this bright rising star in the Democratic Party while loathing everything she stands for.

But that doesn’t fully explain the fervor with which conservatives hang on her every word, waiting for her to slip, and dig through her past for any feeble sign that she isn’t who she says she is. There’s an existential, panicked tinge to the behavior here ― what you might call “AOC Derangement Syndrome.” Indeed, some experts say conservative men are obsessed with Ocasio-Cortez because they’re threatened by her.

Conservatives tend to respond to fear more strongly than liberals do, according to Bobby Azarian, a neuroscientist whose expertise in anxiety has led him to examine political behaviors. His research has found that the brains of conservative people are likely to display the same attention biases as the brains of people with anxiety.
“The one main cognitive difference is that conservatives are more sensitive to threat,” he said. “Their fears are sometimes exaggerated. I think they fear her.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s power is a direct threat to conservatives because her very existence in Congress as a young, Latina, working-class woman threatens to upend the social order that has kept white men in the ruling class for centuries. (Eighty-eight percent of House Republicans are white men, most are over the age of 50, and the party’s voters are majority white and male.) On top of that, she is using her position and platform to directly challenge that order ― to attempt to get money out of politics, raise taxes on the super-rich and level the playing field.
She is so hot, all I wanna do is bang the shit out of her!

Don't the cons know, hotties can do whatever they want.

She also has some pretty good ideas, to.
So, what was it when the left was obsessed with Sarah Palin?

Despite the prattlings of low IQ hyper-partisans, what drove the left in regards to her is no different than what drives the right in terms of the naïve Marxist. They are both dumb asses.
Palin wasn’t smart. AOC is smart.

You’re standard for smart is incredibly low
She is so hot, all I wanna do is bang the shit out of her!

Don't the cons know, hotties can do whatever they want.

She also has some pretty good ideas, to.
Dude, she's dumber than a bag of fucking for her "ideas"....

So, what was it when the left was obsessed with Sarah Palin?

Despite the prattlings of low IQ hyper-partisans, what drove the left in regards to her is no different than what drives the right in terms of the naïve Marxist. They are both dumb asses.
Palin wasn’t smart. AOC is smart.

You’re standard for smart is incredibly low
She’s smarter than most GOP congressmen. Or women.
The chick who says "like" and "yanno" as often as a high school girl is "smart".....LMAO!

Conservative Men Are Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

But wait! Are YOU a conservative? Because YOU are the one obsessed with her and starting a thread about her, not us!
I am obsessed with her! In a good way. She is going to help many more young people realize they need to vote and retake the Senate.

We already have it. Only in a totally failed government public education system can she inspire people.
So, what was it when the left was obsessed with Sarah Palin?

Despite the prattlings of low IQ hyper-partisans, what drove the left in regards to her is no different than what drives the right in terms of the naïve Marxist. They are both dumb asses.
Palin wasn’t smart. AOC is smart.

You’re standard for smart is incredibly low
She’s smarter than most GOP congressmen. Or women.

No she isn’t. She is trying to advocate a 70% tax

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