Conservative ‘Christian’ Pastor Openly Calls For Executing All Gay People By Christmas Day

"Conservative “Christian” Pastor Steven Anderson openly called for executing every gay person in America during a Sunday sermon at his church in Tempe, Arizona. He claimed from the pulpit that gays need to be put to death in the name of God by Christams Day in an effort to wipe out AIDS, even though AIDS is not a virus exclusive to the LGBT community. Anderson opined:

Turn to Leviticus 20:13, because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS. It was right there in the Bible all along — and they’re out spending billions of dollars in research and testing. It’s curable — right there. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant.

In addition, Anderson went on a hateful tirade about how gay people will never to allowed to step foot inside his church."
Today, I think "christian" Anderson would be in for a rude shock if he thinks he could just round up gay people to kill.
Nobody would ever hear of these nuts were it not for the "Gunos" of the internet.

All you have 'heard' dumbass is Batshit lying, once again.
Fuck yourself boy, you don't "know" me enough to call me a dumbass.
All I have to know is the stupid shit you post, boy.
lol, get a life, dumbass
Obviously that man is not a real pastor or he would know that it is wrong to kill people.

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


Holly, all he did was quote the OT commandments to the Jews to kill homos. He was not talking about any Christians TODAY being so commanded.

Did you actually watch the video or just assume the OP was telling it straight?
It's a far left blog. Who knows what the pastor really said.

What he said is not important. That it's being reported true or not is what counts. Anything that puts pressure on the divisions is good.
Who knows what he really said? the video. He is on video saying it. There is no question about it being true.


He never called for the execution of gay people, that is simply a cock-sucking lie.
Didn't you watch the video? He essentially said the solution to AIDS is to kill off gay people, and he advocated that.

I was baptized in an Anglican denomination. I could say Baptists are 'heretics' that will burn in hell based on interpretations of scripture. The onus is on him is to prove that his Baptist church is 'right', and that he won't burn in hell for following the wrong denomination, as much as it is on him to prove gays will burn or deserve to be killed.

Never took up Anglicanism, but quite honestly there is no way that such a bitter and hateful man is getting into heaven to be at any god's side. At best he might make limbo.
It's a far left blog. Who knows what the pastor really said.

What he said is not important. That it's being reported true or not is what counts. Anything that puts pressure on the divisions is good.
Who knows what he really said? the video. He is on video saying it. There is no question about it being true.


He never called for the execution of gay people, that is simply a cock-sucking lie.
Didn't you watch the video? He essentially said the solution to AIDS is to kill off gay people, and he advocated that.

Show where he ADVOCATED that. He did not; he was quoting the passage for historical context as all evangelicals know that the OT commands were to Jews of those times, not modern Christians. You don't know what you are talking about, dude.

I was baptized in an Anglican denomination. I could say Baptists are 'heretics' that will burn in hell based on interpretations of scripture. The onus is on him is to prove that his Baptist church is 'right', and that he won't burn in hell for following the wrong denomination, as much as it is on him to prove gays will burn or deserve to be killed.

I'm Catholic and mostly agree with you, but I think God is merciful to those born into heretical denominations like the Baptists and Anglicans and are thus raised in those heresies and not fully responsible.

Never took up Anglicanism, but quite honestly there is no way that such a bitter and hateful man is getting into heaven to be at any god's side. At best he might make limbo.

Honestly, I think the guy has some issues too, but the FACT is that he did not advocate the murder of homos.
It's a far left blog. Who knows what the pastor really said.

What he said is not important. That it's being reported true or not is what counts. Anything that puts pressure on the divisions is good.
Who knows what he really said? the video. He is on video saying it. There is no question about it being true.


He never called for the execution of gay people, that is simply a cock-sucking lie.
Didn't you watch the video? He essentially said the solution to AIDS is to kill off gay people, and he advocated that.

Show where he ADVOCATED that. He did not; he was quoting the passage for historical context as all evangelicals know that the OT commands were to Jews of those times, not modern Christians. You don't know what you are talking about, dude.

I was baptized in an Anglican denomination. I could say Baptists are 'heretics' that will burn in hell based on interpretations of scripture. The onus is on him is to prove that his Baptist church is 'right', and that he won't burn in hell for following the wrong denomination, as much as it is on him to prove gays will burn or deserve to be killed.

I'm Catholic and mostly agree with you, but I think God is merciful to those born into heretical denominations like the Baptists and Anglicans and are thus raised in those heresies and not fully responsible.

Never took up Anglicanism, but quite honestly there is no way that such a bitter and hateful man is getting into heaven to be at any god's side. At best he might make limbo.

Honestly, I think the guy has some issues too, but the FACT is that he did not advocate the murder of homos.
I'll type up a transcription later, but to be fairly honest his intent is pretty clear. He has issues with gay people, and interprets the bible to justify his worldview.

Surprised Sodom and Gomorrah weren't pushed heavily, as a lot of these self-appointed 'prophets' fail to realize that they were single events, meaning god isn't going to destroy Los Vegas or punish people (unless they attempt to rape angels).
It's a far left blog. Who knows what the pastor really said.

What he said is not important. That it's being reported true or not is what counts. Anything that puts pressure on the divisions is good.
Who knows what he really said? the video. He is on video saying it. There is no question about it being true.


He never called for the execution of gay people, that is simply a cock-sucking lie.
Didn't you watch the video? He essentially said the solution to AIDS is to kill off gay people, and he advocated that.

Show where he ADVOCATED that. He did not; he was quoting the passage for historical context as all evangelicals know that the OT commands were to Jews of those times, not modern Christians. You don't know what you are talking about, dude.

I was baptized in an Anglican denomination. I could say Baptists are 'heretics' that will burn in hell based on interpretations of scripture. The onus is on him is to prove that his Baptist church is 'right', and that he won't burn in hell for following the wrong denomination, as much as it is on him to prove gays will burn or deserve to be killed.

I'm Catholic and mostly agree with you, but I think God is merciful to those born into heretical denominations like the Baptists and Anglicans and are thus raised in those heresies and not fully responsible.
Never took up Anglicanism, but quite honestly there is no way that such a bitter and hateful man is getting into heaven to be at any god's side. At best he might make limbo.

Honestly, I think the guy has some issues too, but the FACT is that he did not advocate the murder of homos.
I'll type up a transcription later, but to be fairly honest his intent is pretty clear. He has issues with gay people, and interprets the bible to justify his worldview.

You don't have to type up a damned transcript, Einstein. Just find the point you claim where he said 'kill the homos' and post the time in the video. For shits sake, dude

Surprised Sodom and Gomorrah weren't pushed heavily, as a lot of these self-appointed 'prophets' fail to realize that they were single events, meaning god isn't going to destroy Los Vegas or punish people (unless they attempt to rape angels).
It's a far left blog. Who knows what the pastor really said.

What he said is not important. That it's being reported true or not is what counts. Anything that puts pressure on the divisions is good.
Who knows what he really said? the video. He is on video saying it. There is no question about it being true.


He never called for the execution of gay people, that is simply a cock-sucking lie.
Didn't you watch the video? He essentially said the solution to AIDS is to kill off gay people, and he advocated that.

Show where he ADVOCATED that. He did not; he was quoting the passage for historical context as all evangelicals know that the OT commands were to Jews of those times, not modern Christians. You don't know what you are talking about, dude.

I was baptized in an Anglican denomination. I could say Baptists are 'heretics' that will burn in hell based on interpretations of scripture. The onus is on him is to prove that his Baptist church is 'right', and that he won't burn in hell for following the wrong denomination, as much as it is on him to prove gays will burn or deserve to be killed.

I'm Catholic and mostly agree with you, but I think God is merciful to those born into heretical denominations like the Baptists and Anglicans and are thus raised in those heresies and not fully responsible.

Never took up Anglicanism, but quite honestly there is no way that such a bitter and hateful man is getting into heaven to be at any god's side. At best he might make limbo.

Honestly, I think the guy has some issues too, but the FACT is that he did not advocate the murder of homos.
I'll type up a transcription later, but to be fairly honest his intent is pretty clear. He has issues with gay people, and interprets the bible to justify his worldview.

There is no need for a transcript, Einstein, just post the time on the video where you think he said 'kill all the homos'. Sheesh.

Surprised Sodom and Gomorrah weren't pushed heavily, as a lot of these self-appointed 'prophets' fail to realize that they were single events, meaning god isn't going to destroy Los Vegas or punish people (unless they attempt to rape angels).

Again, you libtards do not understand who 'God's Judgment' works. God is not going to smite anyone with fire bolts from the sky. Don't know that He ever really literally did that.

But I do know that traditional values systems are so near universal among strong nations because such values strengthen nations demographically, intellectually and cosmologically.

When fags like you destroy the natural social and moral order of things, you weaken the nation in more ways than you can imagine and once the moral rot has set in long enough and deeply enough the nation will get its judgment in the form of the disaster it brings upon itself.

No one else has to lift a finger, especially not God.

Those people? inside that one church? cool , just lock them inside and the greatest threat to America Today will be iliminated.

Trying to equate them with all Christians is just foolishness. Obama spent 20 years in a church , Guess that makes him a threat to you as well.

So where in that video did you find his statement that we today need to kill all the homos?

Did you actually watch the damned thing?
Show where he ADVOCATED that. He did not; he was quoting the passage for historical context as all evangelicals know that the OT commands were to Jews of those times, not modern Christians. You don't know what you are talking about, dude.
And what the bible actually says - and by the way turn to Levitius 20:13 as I have actually discovered the cure for AIDS ok.

Now, this is the cure for AIDS ok, and you know everybody's talking about 'lets have an AIDS free world by 2020', or 'lets have have an AIDS free'.

Look, we can have an AIDS free world by Christmas, you know...[inaudible]

Okay it wouldn't be totally AIDS free, but we'd be like something like 90% AIDS free by Christmas.

Here's what the bible says, Leviticus 20:13:

'If a man also lie with mankind, as he lithe with a woman'...okay.

It says, 'either both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, and their blood should be upon them - my friend, is the cure for AIDS.

It was right there in the bible all along, and their asking for tens of billions of dollars for research and testing - its terrible.

Right there. Because if you executed the homos like god recommended, you wouldn't have all this AIDS running rampant.
Irrelevant, as he was arguing we should follow Leviticus 20:13, which he claims calls for the execution of homosexuals. Historical context is not relevant as he is arguing that we should in the present execute gay people to get rid of AIDS.
I'm Catholic and mostly agree with you, but I think God is merciful to those born into heretical denominations like the Baptists and Anglicans and are thus raised in those heresies and not fully responsible.
Yet you hold homosexuals responsible for their own sexuality, which is something due mostly to human genetics and environmental factors. Though you probably believe people are 'turned gay', and that LGBT groups are evil cultists, getting their orders from Satan down below.
There is no need for a transcript, Einstein, just post the time on the video where you think he said 'kill all the homos'. Sheesh.
He advocated it in the above transcript, which was required as you keep denying what was actually said on the video. The video is on Raw Story, which is what the first article eventually links you to: "[...]It says, 'either both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, and their blood should be upon them - my friend, is the cure for AIDS.[...]"

Couldn't be clearer. But it is pointless trying to argue with someone that has closed the door to reality, and entered a world of fiction - full of 'gay agendas', 'liberal plots', and 'Democratic party conspiracies'.
Again, you libtards do not understand who 'God's Judgment' works. God is not going to smite anyone with fire bolts from the sky. Don't know that He ever really literally did that.
He literally interpreted the bible, meaning that GOD really does smite from the sky. IF his interpretation is not literal, then claiming that homosexuals should be put to death is stated in the bible and should be followed through with, is lying to and deceiving his congregation - which is what he is doing anyway.

I am not a 'liberal' or a 'conservative', as such vague and broad generalizations, don't represent me. I don't support the state system, I am opposed to religious dominance, and I don't like corporate control of the US economy. That is a sound rejection of the status quo, and neo-liberalism.

But I doubt you are capable of comprehending that not every individual on Earth can be put down to collective hive mind groups of 'conservatives' or 'liberals' - hence your need for a moral outrage post.
But I do know that traditional values systems are so near universal among strong nations because such values strengthen nations demographically, intellectually and cosmologically.
Traditional values are a fallacy, at least in the sense that the bible hasn't governed western society since the middle ages. Thankfully the power of the Catholic Church and the Islamic Empires were broken, which led to industrialization and social-economic improvement.
When fags like you destroy the natural social and moral order of things, you weaken the nation in more ways than you can imagine and once the moral rot has set in long enough and deeply enough the nation will get its judgment in the form of the disaster it brings upon itself.
If your moral outrage requires derogatorily language, then by all means continue - though derogatorily language isn't an argument.

It might be fun to make derogatory language over you 'sucking Putin's cock and packing your bags to join him in Russia, if you hate the 21st century so much'. But don't confuse derogatorily language with an actual argument.

What weakens America is collectivism, whether by the state, institutions, or through organized religion. In advocating collectivism, through imposing your religion upon the rights of others, you represent the threat to the very constitution America was founded on.

If true tyranny comes to America, it will be due to those with a bible and gun in hand, a state decree, or a substantial sum of money and a private army. At worst America is an oligarchy, on a gradual march to a corporate state disinterested in advocating against civil freedoms (as long as it doesn't hurt their profit margins).
No one else has to lift a finger, especially not God.
God won't lift a finger because he either:
- Doesn't exist (so he hasn't done anything)
- Doesn't believe in imposing his morality by force
- Thinks humanity should have freedom of choice and action
- Thinks homosexuals are no more sinful than heterosexuals

Going for the last one, if you follow the premise that God exists. IF there is a vengeful and hateful god, then I would gladly martyr myself for the cause of individualism in the afterlife. Though it is guessing game, as I haven't died yet, and I am expecting just black and the end of my existence - rather than angels, demons, or hot pokers.
He advocated it in the above transcript, which was required as you keep denying what was actually said on the video. The video is on Raw Story, which is what the first article eventually links you to: "[...]It says, 'either both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, and their blood should be upon them - my friend, is the cure for AIDS.[...]"

Couldn't be clearer.

No, it couldn't be clearer which is what makes your bullshit even more outrageous. The preacher quoted the OT and did not advocate doing that today. His comment about the cure for AIDs was just a pathetic attempt at humor.

But it is pointless trying to argue with someone that has closed the door to reality, and entered a world of fiction - full of 'gay agendas', 'liberal plots', and 'Democratic party conspiracies'.

Lol, you say that like none of them exist and yet they happen on a daily basis you fucking liar.

Again, you libtards do not understand who 'God's Judgment' works. God is not going to smite anyone with fire bolts from the sky. Don't know that He ever really literally did that.
He literally interpreted the bible, meaning that GOD really does smite from the sky. IF his interpretation is not literal, then claiming that homosexuals should be put to death is stated in the bible and should be followed through with, is lying to and deceiving his congregation - which is what he is doing anyway.

Now you are just shooting all over the place. You admit that he is not being literal as you also admit he is lying to and deciving his congregation. You wanna come back when you are sober and try again?

I am not a 'liberal' or a 'conservative',

No, you're just a fucking liar.

But I doubt you are capable of comprehending that not every individual on Earth can be put down to collective hive mind groups of 'conservatives' or 'liberals' - hence your need for a moral outrage post.

Lol, I consider myself an independent as well, so again you miss your aim, dumbass.

But I do know that traditional values systems are so near universal among strong nations because such values strengthen nations demographically, intellectually and cosmologically.
Traditional values are a fallacy, at least in the sense that the bible hasn't governed western society since the middle ages.

Traditional values are not a logical argument and thus cannot be fallacies, stupid shit.

Thankfully the power of the Catholic Church and the Islamic Empires were broken, which led to industrialization and social-economic improvement.

ROFLMAO, you don't keep up with current events, do you, numbnuts?

When fags like you destroy the natural social and moral order of things, you weaken the nation in more ways than you can imagine and once the moral rot has set in long enough and deeply enough the nation will get its judgment in the form of the disaster it brings upon itself.
If your moral outrage requires derogatorily language, then by all means continue - though derogatorily language isn't an argument.

No one said it was an argument, stupid ass. And it is 'derogatory language' not 'derogatorily language', goofball.

What weakens America is collectivism, whether by the state, institutions, or through organized religion. In advocating collectivism, through imposing your religion upon the rights of others, you represent the threat to the very constitution America was founded on.

You are hilarious, though you don't mean to be, which makes you even more hilarious.

If true tyranny comes to America, it will be due to those with a bible and gun in hand, a state decree, or a substantial sum of money and a private army. At worst America is an oligarchy, on a gradual march to a corporate state disinterested in advocating against civil freedoms (as long as it doesn't hurt their profit margins).
America is an oligarchal republic and has been from its inception.

No one else has to lift a finger, especially not God.
God won't lift a finger because he either:
- Doesn't exist (so he hasn't done anything)
- Doesn't believe in imposing his morality by force
- Thinks humanity should have freedom of choice and action
- Thinks homosexuals are no more sinful than heterosexuals

Going for the last one, if you follow the premise that God exists. IF there is a vengeful and hateful god, then I would gladly martyr myself for the cause of individualism in the afterlife. Though it is guessing game, as I haven't died yet, and I am expecting just black and the end of my existence - rather than angels, demons, or hot pokers.

Hold the phone; another village lost its idiot atheist.


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