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Oct 25, 2019
The Real Reason Hillary Clinton is Attacking Tulsi Gabbard

I remember when Romney was running I read an article with side by side quotes from Romney and Obama on the "issues" - there wasn't a dimes worth of difference. The video mentions The New American Century "Think Tank" from which the Neocon policies emanate-

That Iraq’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity” was guaranteed in law and by the United Nations was not an issue for consideration. Signatories, a veritable “Whose Who” of neo-cons, included John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan, James Wolsey, Zalmay Khalizad and PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan.

Robert Kagan is currently on Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Advisory Committee, his wife is Victoria Nuland, spokeswoman for the Clinton headed U.S. State Department. Kagan’s loftily entitled book “The World America Made”, was publicly endorsed by Barack Obama.Its theme was referenced in his 2012 State of the Union address.

Nor has William Kristol gone away. In March 2011 he wrote an editorial in the Weekly Standard arguing that US Military “interventions” in Muslim countries (including the decimations of the 1991 Gulf War, the Balkans, and destructions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq) should not be classified as “invasions” but as “liberations.” Needless to say, he backed US “intervention” in Libya, urging Conservative support.

The Neocons' Project for the New American Century: “American World Leadership” – Syria next to Pay the Price? - Global Research

That "Think Tank" is why I have since I first read it and the obvious results we're living I say those in DC ALL subscribe to the same policy and only use different rhetoric to sell their bullshit cloaked in a red, white and blue mantra of being Patriotic selling fear while shaming those who disagree- see the video for evidence.
We just thought tulsi was cool..

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