Congress Pissed: Obama Seeks To Bypass Them To Unilaterally Lift Sanctions On Iran


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
And this is being done by a un-Constitutional illegal president that was never eligible for Article 2 Section 1. The SCOTUS has noticed Obama circumventing Congress lately and something needs to be done. We can not allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

White House Seeks to Bypass Congress on Iran Deal | Washington Free Beacon

The White House has been exploring ways to circumvent Congress and unilaterally lift sanctions on Iran once a final nuclear agreement is reached, according to sources with knowledge of White House conversations and congressional insiders familiar with its strategy.

The issue of sanctions relief has become one of the key sticking points in the Iran debate, with lawmakers pushing for increased economic penalties and the White House fighting to roll back regulations.

While many in Congress insist that only the legislative branch can legally repeal sanctions, senior White House officials have been examining strategies to skirt Congress, according to those familiar with internal conversations.

Sen. Mark Kirk (R., Ill.), who is leading the charge on new sanctions legislation, said that it is unacceptable for the White House to try to bypass Congress on such a critical global issue.

“The American people must get a say in any final nuclear agreement with Iran to ensure the mullahs never get the bomb,”
Kirk told the Washington Free Beacon. “The administration cannot just ignore U.S. law and lift sanctions unilaterally.”
He's been bypassing congress most of his term, but it's this that pisses them off? AIPAC outrage.

Does make you wonder why Congress is pissed off about it this time around. never seemed to bother them before.
He's been bypassing congress most of his term, but it's this that pisses them off? AIPAC outrage.

Does make you wonder why Congress is pissed off about it this time around. never seemed to bother them before.

Actually the Republicans have been pissed off about it for quite a while..

It's the the Democrats who are finally understanding what kind of monster they've created.
You goons are aware some of the Iran sanctions were imposed by the Executive branch and can therefore be lifted by the Executive branch, right?

Doobee doobee dooo...

President Obama Issues New Executive Order on Iranian Sanctions

As you experience cognitive dissonance over Executive Orders "bypassing Congress" and imposing sanctions on Iran, and then asplode yer brainz thinkin bout Obama "bypassing Congress" and repealing the Executive Orders, please take a photo of your face and post it here.

And before you get all horny over sanctions imposed by Executive Orders, stop to THINK for once in your comatose brain and ask yourself if maybe, MAYBE, there was another President or two or three who might have done the same thing to other countries...and Iran.

Love ya! Don't you go changin'!
Who gives a fuck about what Congress thinks?

They don't give a shit about us
You goons are aware some of the Iran sanctions were imposed by the Executive branch and can therefore be lifted by the Executive branch, right?


Of course they don't. Why would FOX and Rush tell them that? Perhaps they should read this before spouting out stupid:

President Obama Can Ease Sanctions on Iran by Himself — But That’s Not the End of the Story | Ten Miles Square | The Washington Monthly

Built into all that legislation is also quite a bit of presidential flexibility. Using what’s known as “waivers,” as well as special rules and exemptions that are written into the laws, Obama can decide whether to lift or implement certain sanctions, when, and to what degree. These tools fall into two main buckets: fact-based exemptions and discretionary waivers.

Fact-based exemptions give the president some wiggle-room, should certain, Congressionally-defined situations arise. For example, if a country is caught importing Iranian oil, but can demonstrate that it’s taking steps to reduce its imports, the president has the power to exempt those countries from sanctions if he wants. (Obama has used this type of exemption to avoid sanctioning countries in the European Union, as well as countries like India and China.)

Discretionary waivers are more powerful and act as a kind of executive safety valve. They give the president unilateral authority to waive sanctions, typically for six months at a time, should he decide that doing so is “vital to the national security interests of the United States.” The language is intentionally vague.

There’s also other language in the sanctions legislation that gives the president power to act unilaterally. For example, in the NDAA, Congress included a series of “presidential determinations” giving the president the power to decide whether the oil markets can bear the implementation of the sanctions prescribed.

So that’s the short of it. “Can the administration act by itself to take advantage of its discretion? The answer is yes,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg, a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security and former Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of the Treasury

They also need to quit crying about executive orders. At 168, Obama will probably never reach the number issued by Bush (291).
If he acts unilaterally and Iran gleefully shafts him up the ass by an action directly against the US, he should be arrested and executed for treason.

I'm really not one to wish death upon obama our pretend president. I would much rather see him spend the rest of his days in prison watching everything he did dismantled and the nation restored.
And this is being done by a un-Constitutional illegal president that was never eligible for Article 2 Section 1. The SCOTUS has noticed Obama circumventing Congress lately and something needs to be done. We can not allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

White House Seeks to Bypass Congress on Iran Deal | Washington Free Beacon

The White House has been exploring ways to circumvent Congress and unilaterally lift sanctions on Iran once a final nuclear agreement is reached, according to sources with knowledge of White House conversations and congressional insiders familiar with its strategy.

The issue of sanctions relief has become one of the key sticking points in the Iran debate, with lawmakers pushing for increased economic penalties and the White House fighting to roll back regulations.

While many in Congress insist that only the legislative branch can legally repeal sanctions, senior White House officials have been examining strategies to skirt Congress, according to those familiar with internal conversations.

Sen. Mark Kirk (R., Ill.), who is leading the charge on new sanctions legislation, said that it is unacceptable for the White House to try to bypass Congress on such a critical global issue.

“The American people must get a say in any final nuclear agreement with Iran to ensure the mullahs never get the bomb,”
Kirk told the Washington Free Beacon. “The administration cannot just ignore U.S. law and lift sanctions unilaterally.”

We need to take a possible military strike off the table. Only then will Iran be more receptive to negotiations. If a country had done to the US what we have done to Iran, would you want to be all deferential and conciliatory towards them in return? I would hope not.

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