Congress cancels vote on auto bailout

What's worse is America is doing NOTHING about it. There are no massive protests, there are no demonstrations... people could care less except the few on here.

It's disgusting.

Actually, for a short time, people were showing up on Wall St. to protest the investors.

Too bad a bunch of people don't organize a rally to show up at 1600 Penn. Ave and stand around outside the WH and protest Bush and his admin for this mess that we are currently in.

And I think Paulson should be executed for treason.
It was pretty ridiculous coming to Washington on a private jet. :lol:

The auto industry had better think of something quick, the management skills they are so highly paid for are lacking and a lot of people are going to be out of work because they don't know what they are doing.

We'll see what their next step is.

They were only giving the consumer what they wanted when they were focusing on and building all of those SUVs but all of these years and no R & D to speak of for high mileage vehicles or alternatives have come to roost with the $4.00/gas.

Drilling isn't the answer either.
It was pretty ridiculous coming to Washington on a private jet. :lol:

The auto industry had better think of something quick, the management skills they are so highly paid for are lacking and a lot of people are going to be out of work because they don't know what they are doing.

We'll see what their next step is.

They were only giving the consumer what they wanted when they were focusing on and building all of those SUVs but all of these years and no R & D to speak of for high mileage vehicles or alternatives have come to roost with the $4.00/gas.

Drilling isn't the answer either.

Well, the management skills were good for negotiating fat checks and bonuses with good perks. Will they think of something quick? Doubtful......they've had 30 years since the last gas crisis to fix their cars and develop alternative fuels, but they didn't. wasn't so much they were giving the consumer what the consumer wanted, they were giving the consumer what THEY wanted the consumer to have. Did you know that for 250/mo, they would get a brand new car to use, with all insurance, maintenance and gas PAID for? Basically, that means they concentrated on power and looks rather than performance and efficiency. I mean.....they weren't paying for their gas, so why should they worry about mpg?

Kinda explains the big hummer craze a while back.
But screw those factory workers....they didn't study hard enough in school, or whatever.
Hey that's what happens. You don't study hard in school, can't make it to a University, and you get stuck in The Big Three!

Hmm, that sounds familiar!
Navy, I honestly believe you should run for Congress or at least enter politics. If more people that were in politics knew half of what you knew we might eventually end up with a house that can help our country not hinder it.

*laughs* Gigi my daughter has asked me to do that over and over again. First of all in the district I live in I would end up running against Trent Franks who is firmly entrenched here and secondly , the Arizona political scene is more so a good old boy network and you have to have the blessing of the national parties to get any play here. While I appreciate your saying that, after 24 years of service to my nation, I have become somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to to honor in which these people in congress have as it applies to the service to their nation and the people they represent. Perhaps with enough people asking me I will run for City Counsel and do something about allowing more golf carts on the road here. *laughs*
*laughs* Gigi my daughter has asked me to do that over and over again. First of all in the district I live in I would end up running against Trent Franks who is firmly entrenched here and secondly , the Arizona political scene is more so a good old boy network and you have to have the blessing of the national parties to get any play here. While I appreciate your saying that, after 24 years of service to my nation, I have become somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to to honor in which these people in congress have as it applies to the service to their nation and the people they represent. Perhaps with enough people asking me I will run for City Counsel and do something about allowing more golf carts on the road here. *laughs*

Tell ya what decide to run for Congress or Governor, call me up and I'll work on your campaign.
Tell ya what decide to run for Congress or Governor, call me up and I'll work on your campaign.

Thank you Sailor, I tell you one thing I have long thought is a good thing to to and thats high speed rail between major urban areas. especially here in the West where you have open spaces to allow them to run. I'm not sure but I wonder what the costs associated with Aviation fuel are as opposed to a say a Mag-Lev rail service running between say Phx, LA, and Las Vegas. The magnets are powered by electricity and as we have Palo Verde Nuclear generating station here it would appear to be a viable solution as well as green one. Can you imagine the jobs it would create? It amazes me that no one has vision in congess to do the big things anymore and I fear if I ever let someone talk me into doing that, most of the things I would talk on would fall on deaf ears which would be a shame.
Thank you Sailor, I tell you one thing I have long thought is a good thing to to and thats high speed rail between major urban areas. especially here in the West where you have open spaces to allow them to run. I'm not sure but I wonder what the costs associated with Aviation fuel are as opposed to a say a Mag-Lev rail service running between say Phx, LA, and Las Vegas. The magnets are powered by electricity and as we have Palo Verde Nuclear generating station here it would appear to be a viable solution as well as green one. Can you imagine the jobs it would create? It amazes me that no one has vision in congess to do the big things anymore and I fear if I ever let someone talk me into doing that, most of the things I would talk on would fall on deaf ears which would be a shame.

Yeah....and you could power them with windmills along the way, and use the mag-lev track as a conduit to carry the electricity to the cities.

BTW......I've also got an idea for border security that would work peachy......

Take all the returning Iraq vets (who have been in a police action for the past few years), set up barracks about every 25 miles, equipped with a port/starboard watch for 1 week at a time. Equip every 5th barracks with a Predator drone reconnisance to patrol the border from the air. Oh yeah.....for those terrorists that get identified? Send in a Raptor.

Base the border security teams on the hierarchy already established in them by the military, and turn 'em loose.

Oh yeah......for immigrants that want to get full citizenship? 4 year hitch on the Border Patrol. That will teach 'em english, our laws, and our political system just by being in it.

Solve the problem in about 6 months with off the shelf parts, and with equipment we already have.

Tell GM to go get stuffed, and that we're going to do THIS as a way to put people back to work IN OUR OWN COUNTRY!!!

Yeah dude.....I'd work for your campaign.

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