Congratulations, pro-choice folks!

I remember no question but the hired guns should either do their jobs, or die trying, and this is a liberal nation. If you are not a liberal then get the fuck out of my country.
I dunno. If I stay here I can help my fellow conservatives ensure that you keep the right to think and say we don't deserve to be here. But this has nothing to do with your overwhelming success in helping to kill about a tenth as many people in a single decade as Communism did in its entire run. Some were my family and would have been my peers and friends and coworkers, but... how do libs put it... fuck 'em. Right? :)
Pro-choice people should abort! They're likely single parent mothers that hate men...So why should they go through with the birth?
I'm thinking abortion should be mandatory for pro choice folk.

So pro liberty folks should be forced to buy govt health care?
And pro gun forced to buy guns.
Pro Christian forced to practice Christianity.
Pro Football? forced to play football? You don't want to see me play football...
Probably not....
Why would pro liberty people buy gov't health care? Those of us vehemently against obamacare are the pro liberty crowd. I really would prefer everyone have health insurance, but forcing people to buy it, and subsidizing their purchase goes against liberty.
A majority of pro gun folk do own guns already I do as is my right. When does the government send me a check to subsidize my next acquisition from Colt?
back to abortion...
I'm just thinking that the best way to cut down on the number of abortions in the long run is to force all those that support the right to kill a baby be forced to not procreate.
Some were my family and would have been my peers and friends and coworkers, but... how do libs put it... fuck 'em. Right? :)

By that logic, you should also condemn people for using birth control, or for not breeding whenever possible, whether they're married or not.

Your logic is profoundly stupid, immoral and irrational, so of course liberals reject it. Any sensible and moral person would reject it.

Is it that you don't see how stupid and immoral your stance is, or is it that you do see it, but choose to deliberately embrace it anyways?
By that logic, you should also condemn people for using birth control, or for not breeding whenever possible, whether they're married or not.

Your logic is profoundly stupid, immoral and irrational, so of course liberals reject it. Any sensible and moral person would reject it.

Is it that you don't see how stupid and immoral your stance is, or is it that you do see it, but choose to deliberately embrace it anyways?
That's not my logic though...?
You're the one saying that abortion is bad because it makes for less people being born.

If less people being born is bad, then everything that results in less people being born must also be bad.

That is, if you're consistent. If you're not consistent, then there's no reason to pay attention to you.

In summary, best you just drop that specific way to attack abortion, being that it's logically indefensible.
I remember no question but the hired guns should either do their jobs, or die trying, and this is a liberal nation. If you are not a liberal then get the fuck out of my country.
I dunno. If I stay here I can help my fellow conservatives ensure that you keep the right to think and say we don't deserve to be here. But this has nothing to do with your overwhelming success in helping to kill about a tenth as many people in a single decade as Communism did in its entire run. Some were my family and would have been my peers and friends and coworkers, but... how do libs put it... fuck 'em. Right? :)
You'll only succeed in making your fellow conservatives appear as ignorant and ridiculous as you, this post being one such example.

If you want to end the practice of abortion then find a solution that comports with the Constitution and its case law, liberals would gladly join you to find such a solution.
Some were my family and would have been my peers and friends and coworkers, but... how do libs put it... fuck 'em. Right? :)

By that logic, you should also condemn people for using birth control, or for not breeding whenever possible, whether they're married or not.

Your logic is profoundly stupid, immoral and irrational, so of course liberals reject it. Any sensible and moral person would reject it.

Is it that you don't see how stupid and immoral your stance is, or is it that you do see it, but choose to deliberately embrace it anyways?
Being against killing babies is immoral????????????

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