Congratulations Cons U.S. Military Surrenders Base To Russia

Getting our asses kicked? You mean when the same Russian mercs that just took over that base tried to attack one of our bases a few months ago and had 400 dead Russians to show for it?
Precisely the point. Trump has betrayed the troops. He has forced them to retreat.

Trump's always been a cut and run Democrat.
The US should NEVER have been in Syria.

That's true. We should have never occupied Iraq and caused the civil war that led to the formation of ISIS and their taking territory.

Congrats, snowflake, we FAILED! ISIS / terrorism is an IDEOLOGY. Ideologies can NOT be defeated militarily.

But you can deny them land to operate in. Which is what the Obama coalition did. Turkey didn't. Syria didn't. We just betrayed the ones who did and rewarded those who didn't.

Putin had a shit eating grin on his face that day too.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

Hmm, you cry way too much. You must be a liberal.
Hmm, you really suck, you you must be a Russian.

I never thought about this ^^^. I figured he was one of the biddable fools who wouldn't blame trump for shooting a women pushing her baby in a baby stroller down 5th Ave.

Maybe he is a hybrid, a Plutocratic Commie.
Our presence was not doing anybody any good... Least of all our troops
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

Sad. It has been widely reported that approximately 10,000 Kurds have died while fighting and defeating ISIS - so why does Trump try to take the credit? Trump rewards the Kurds with genocide.
We abandoned military bases in Vietnam. We left and the communists moved in.

Abandoned US military bases in Vietnam - Abandoned Spaces

Did democrats think that we were going to permanently occupy Syria? Did any of you pearl clutchers imagine that this was a permanent base.

Don't confuse progs with facts and history.
Don't confuse american believers with those who think.

'America's Outrageous War Economy!'
Pentagon can't find $2.3 trillion, wasting trillions on 'national defense'
'America's Outrageous War Economy!'

The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

This post is why you always were only cannon fodder, and always will be.
Do you have enuff education to know how to apply bandages?
If so, then the Kurds need you, GI.
You want to keep this from happening again?... keep our soldiers HERE ST HOME, where they belong, defending our borders, not someone else’s.

Does that also include getting U.S. troops out of Israel and Saudi Arabia and other locations in the Middle East? What about military bases - should we just abandon them?
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.

This is awesome news...let the ragheads kill themselves off...Let attrition work.

It's called taking the 'natural means to an end'.
Great strategy!
Does that also include getting U.S. troops out of Israel and Saudi Arabia and other locations in the Middle East? What about military bases - should we just abandon them?

it includes ALL US Military facilities and Personnel outside the US. I would prefer to see them disassembled or destroyed rather than abandon them in place for the enemy.
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.
So, both "sides" love foreign military action in support of the 1984-esque military/industrial complex?

Why am I not surprised?

Fuck each and every last one of you cock smoking, unorganized, grab-asstic piles of amphibian shit!!!

We are overrun by global statists. We need to split up this abomination to which we incorrectly refer as a "Union.".

The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.
So, both "sides" love foreign military action in support of the 1984-esque military/industrial complex?

Why am I not surprised?

Fuck each and every last one of you cock smoking, unorganized, grab-asstic piles of amphibian shit!!!

We are overrun by global statists. We need to split up this abomination to which we incorrectly refer as a "Union.".


Hopefully, we are getting there!
The United States Army, for the first time in the history of our Country has surrendered a active Military Base to Russia.

The insanity of Trump's surrender in Syria as Russia gleefully moves in | Daily Mail Online.

Thanks to 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Gold Star Family Attacking Orange Shit Gibbon the United States Army was forced to surrender an active military base in Syria to Russian Mercs.

There is video that shows Russians grinning as they show off the U.S. Army Heavy Equipment they were forced abandon.

The Orange Shit Gibbon's order for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces Syria has forced our former Kurdish Allies to make a deal with Russia. Former ISIS fighters once is Syrian Prisons are free. The next terrorist attack against the U.S. committed by ISIS can be and should be laid at the feet of disgraceful, cowardly POS 45.

Never in my life would I ever expected to see the day when the United States would ever have abandoned a Military Base to Russia. This humiliation of our Military at the hands of Draft Dodging Coward is being done for one reason and one reason only. Because Putin wanted it.

45 is a Traitor.

IF a President Hilary Clinton had done this, Republicans would be carrying burning torches in march on the White House. Republicans would be demanding (and I would right with them) that that the President be removed and tried for Treason. As it stands now, they sit back on fat white ass and say nothing.

A sitting United States President actually has engineered the surrender of a U.S. Army Base to Russian Forces.

Hang your heads in shame Republicans. You support this disgusting POS filth.

I cried when Nixon surrendered to North Viet Nam.

I cry for thousands of U.S. Military Forces who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan who sacrifice has been turned to shit by a Man who called not catching the clap 1980's New York, "My Viet Nam".

No Republican has the right to bitch Bill Clinton and his sketchy history on Viet Nam. YOUR PRESIDENT SURRENDERED TO RUSSIA.

Republicans can eat shit for I care. You disgust me.
How many ways can I say, and truly mean, BFD?
Getting our asses kicked? You mean when the same Russian mercs that just took over that base tried to attack one of our bases a few months ago and had 400 dead Russians to show for it?
Precisely the point. Trump has betrayed the troops. He has forced them to retreat.

Trump's always been a cut and run Democrat.

You ready to stage a Coup?
So to recap genocide averted.....talking point trashed need new one. Stupid Trump
If they left vehicles or such, dont agree with that. no reason an orderly departure couldn't have been made if it wasnt
So let me get this straight. Our military just abandoned the US base and equipment? Seems that would be more of a failure for the Military leaders rather than Trump.

The Middle East is all yours, boss.


You are the best return on investment I have ever made, tovarishch.

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