CDZ Confusion


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
A back and forth in a different thread prompted this. There are several things that confuse me. I'm looking for clarity. The following is just the beginning.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of The United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

We're expected, as sponges for brains, to recite that in school, with our little hands over our little hearts, I suppose to add gravity to the words, yet, as adults we stray from it in many ways. Why?
Mostly because the school system dumbs down all the kids to misunderstand and reject everything that is in the pledge.

Republic? Reject and misunderstand in favor of believing in a "democracy."

God? Reject and believe in the faith of Scientism.

Indivisible? Reject and put stake holders interests above the interests of the nation. Make corporations have the same inalienable rights as sovereign people, and make capital and money equate to speech. Once you do that? Since speech is protected by the Bill of rights? Well. . . . corporations' capital and money then becomes protected, IOW, fascism has then been legislated and placed at the same level as natural rights.

Liberty and Justice for all? :auiqs.jpg: See Above. Only if you have the money to pay for them.
A back and forth in a different thread prompted this. There are several things that confuse me. I'm looking for clarity. The following is just the beginning.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of The United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

We're expected, as sponges for brains, to recite that in school, with our little hands over our little hearts, I suppose to add gravity to the words, yet, as adults we stray from it in many ways. Why?
When you're made to say something like that, over and over. It ceases to have meaning.
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When you're made to say something like that, over and over. It ceases to have meaning.
Something like that? A reverence in words? True- but why do politicians say the same thing over and over? Repetition is what?
If words cease to have meaning why bother using them at all? Communication? How? If word meanings are fluid, or ignored, what good are they?

My point is the confusion caused by saying something, anything, but not seeing it evidenced causes confusion. Not consciously, for many, if not most, but, if one actually thinks about a words or words strung together for a purpose and there's no evidence to support it- then the meaning is lost and you get what we have. No meaning. Confused people seek clarity where it's easily pointed out through repetitious actions. Easy being key. To abide the pledge of allegiance isn't easy, but to not take it to heart is.

The sponges for brains have a built in truth detector- they know BS when they see it. Some act on it, most don't. They tuck it away. The pledge has become just that, by evidence.
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There seems to be a lot of confusion about words- really! Imagine that. The starting post was a good indicator: Another is the word Liberal- the founders were classical liberals- conservatives were status quo- liberals believed in Natural Rights, conservatives believed in Great Britain's Monarchy being controller- Neocon's of today, (neoconservative) have adopted neoliberal policy's of the early 60's- ???? WTF is what? How can one claim a stripe when the original color has been painted over? We're bombarded, from the media and political hacks and talking heads, empty suits in general, with Liberal this, Conservative that, and neither is what the terms really mean, or meant. How can people not be confused? is it intentional?
It kinda has cult vibes to be honest. They get you started on government subservience early. You're pledging allegiance to a flag that represents a government. Not liking the pledge does not make one unpatriotic. You don't have to support our government to be a patriot. You don't have to worship flags to be a patriot.
Because we do not learn to understand and consider the words, just to recite them. They are like any other religious or ideological precepts, once become rote, they become dead.
This is in keeping with the social tendency to teach what to think without learning how to think.
It's like we've some huge identity issue.....
Thus the OT- Confusion- the pledge is even confusing- Nation is a singular, United States is plural- the Flag stands for the Republic, we pledge our allegiance to it (for which IT stands), not a Party or person or particular dogma- we're told politicians are the cream rising to the top as representatives- we believe our lying eyes- hence, confusion- Liberty and Justice for all is a joke- more confusion. How can we not have an identity crisis with ALL the mixed signals and an seemingly, innate inability to think- so, instead of thinking we react- a learned trait that requires NO thought only action- Pavlovian dogs- monkeys can be trained- college educated- words are fluid they mean 0, unless/until an empty suit decides it sounds good in a 30 second sound bite to sell the latest rhetoric-
I'm a simple dude Gdjjr

But i can sense when i'm being had , when out actions/words differ

In my shoes, America presents the world with an ideal .

For example, we claim to love freedom more than life

But how can we carry the torch of freedom anywhere on this rock, if we do not honor it at home?

They taught me 'together we stand, divided we fall' as well, if that's some quaint way of putting up with each others bullsh*t for the sake of any sort of group direction, i just don't see it

I'm reminded of JFK's famous 'ask not' quote, but seem surrounded by 'i got mine' mentality

point? i just don't believe we are the people we claim to be

I'm a simple dude Gdjjr
K I S S - works for me- yes, we've been had- the concept of the US started going down hill before the ink was dry of the governing rules- it's a beautiful concept being ignored in favor of tyranny.
I'm a simple dude Gdjjr
K I S S - works for me- yes, we've been had- the concept of the US started going down hill before the ink was dry of the governing rules- it's a beautiful concept being ignored in favor of tyranny.

Yes, we've been had, but don't blame it on the Pledge of Allegiance. I find no grammatical errors in it, and even the "under God" phrase echos the sentiment of the Declaration of

P.S. "United States" is a singular proper noun.
Yes, we've been had, but don't blame it on the Pledge of Allegiance.
Can you point out where I'm "blaming" the pledge of allegiance? No. The OT is Confusion- the pledge is AN (as in one) example everyone is familiar with. Notice I said this was just a beginning? Or did you bother yourself to read everything said?
There are many examples that cause confusion. As in more than one- plural.

States is plural- untied for a common cause- to form a more perfect union- not to create a Nation- as I said, confusion. Thanks for the illustration opportunity.
A back and forth in a different thread prompted this. There are several things that confuse me. I'm looking for clarity. The following is just the beginning.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of The United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

We're expected, as sponges for brains, to recite that in school, with our little hands over our little hearts, I suppose to add gravity to the words, yet, as adults we stray from it in many ways. Why?

If someone had the complete answer to that question, they might be rich. OTOH, the absence of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools along with the suppression of the Right to Freedom of Religion has made socialism acceptable to the younger generations.

America was once the greatest nation on earth. Today, just as like the times in the Bible with the Tower of Babel, the youth want to be like the third world and. The politicians are content to push them in that direction and you see their proselytes dominating these discussion boards.

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