Conform to Biblical Principles Regarding Marriage


May 25, 2004
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How do you guys feel about this? I'm just wondering because many people are against gay marriages for religious reasons. Should the rest of these rules be applied as well? Everyone will have to click on the link to see the rest of the link because I cannot copy and paste it.

Beloved American patriot Jerry Falwell recently announced that he will devote the remainder of his Godly life to advocating a Constitutional amendment banning marriage between people of the same gender. The United States Department of Faith supports Mr. Falwell's desire to impose Biblical edicts on Americans of all faiths by converting the Constitution from a document that restricts the power of government into one that limits the so-called freedoms of individuals. Nevertheless, the Department of Faith also recognizes that the Bible is replete with verses restricting marriage in many ways, not merely as relates to Mr. Falwell's infatuation with men licking each other. As such, the USDOF has delivered to the President and each member of the U.S. Congress the following proposal to incorporate Biblical restrictions on marriage into our Christian nation's otherwise embarrassingly flawed and secular Constitution:
I believe this is the white house parody site. Not an officially endorsed government site.
I'm not against same-sex marriages for 'just' biblical reasons....the biological reaons against a homosexual lifestyle alone are reasons why people should be discouraged from acting out their homosexual tendacies.
-=d=- said:
I'm not against same-sex marriages for 'just' biblical reasons....the biological reaons against a homosexual lifestyle alone are reasons why people should be discouraged from acting out their homosexual tendacies.

Even if we leave out the fact that there are many atheists and agnostics, using the Bible as a reason to oppose homosexual marriage does not work unless you are willing to apply the entire Biblical advice and instructions. You can't simply pick and choose what you like from it and omit those bits and pieces that you don't like.
Oh I know DK, but I liked what they wrote as far as the proposed amendments, and well, I'm not well versed in the bible (read it once years ago). So I figured maybe someone who is well versed or at least someone who is religious could tell me how they feel about these other rules that the bible has about marriage. I'm just curious.
-=d=- said:
I'm not against same-sex marriages for 'just' biblical reasons....the biological reaons against a homosexual lifestyle alone are reasons why people should be discouraged from acting out their homosexual tendacies.

Ya, I'm just wondering from a religious stand point. I know a lot people are against same-sex marriages because of religion. So I'm wondering what they think of the other rules that bible has about marriage.
mattskramer said:
using the Bible as a reason to oppose homosexual marriage does not work unless you are willing to apply the entire Biblical advice and instructions. You can't simply pick and choose what you like from it and omit those bits and pieces that you don't like.

who is doing that? (shrug)

I apply the entire bible, contextually, to decisions I make, or support I need.

Every true Christian does. If somebody does 'not', their faith is likely has no merrit.
We should realize that while the principle of one man-one woman marriage is found in the Bible as something instituted by God, it has also been the basic unit of society ever since the creation of mankind (or the evolution of man, whatever your beliefs - subject for a different thread). Every successful and growing society has maintained the family unit; every society that tolerated rampant homosexuality (Sodom/Gomorrah, Greece, Rome) ended up falling from within. So yes, we find marriage in the Bible, but it is a universally recognized institution, and we are wise not to tinker with it.
brneyedgrl80 said:
Ya, I'm just wondering from a religious stand point. I know a lot people are against same-sex marriages because of religion. So I'm wondering what they think of the other rules that bible has about marriage.

Starla, the other rules you talk about are fairly simple:

1. Divorce, except for reason of adultery, was forbidden by Jesus.

2. Love, respect, and submit to the needs of the other spouse.

That about sums it up. Love and commitment are two great foundations for a healthy marriage.
gop_jeff said:
1. Divorce, except for reason of adultery, was forbidden by Jesus.

Actually, this was before Jesus' time. This was outlawed and explained in Deuteronomy.

Starle, you stated
So I figured maybe someone who is well versed or at least someone who is religious could tell me how they feel about these other rules that the bible has about marriage.

What other rules specifically are you wondering about?
I apply the entire bible, contextually, to decisions I make, or support I need.

Okay. So accroding to you marriage should not be between a man and a woman who was married previously but has since divorced. (Matthew 5:32); A widow should never get married again (unless it is to her brother-in-law. All women whose husbands have passed away will refrain from intimacy and pleasure for the remainder of their lives. (1 Timothy 5:5-15); People from different races should not get married. (Deuteronomy 7:3; Numbers 25:6-8; 36:3-9; 1 Kings 11:2; Ezra 9:2; Nehemiah 13:25-27); People of different religious faiths should not get married. (2 John 1:9-11; 2 Corinthians 6:14-17); Here is a good one for men: a man should not get married to a woman if the woman is unwilling to promise in her wedding vows to obey her husband and submit to his every whim (Ephesians 5:22-24; 1 Corinthians 11:3; Colossions 3:18; 1 Timothy 2:11-12; Titus 2:3, 5; 1 Peter 3:1)

the biological reaons against a homosexual lifestyle alone are reasons why people should be discouraged from acting out their homosexual tendacies

There is a difference between discouraging people from acting out their homosexual tendencies and outlawing gay marriage and/or homosexual sex. I do not oppose allowing people to peacefully persuade people to do certain things or allowing people to peacefully persuade people to not do certain things: "Please don't have anal sex." There. I am opposed to outlawing sodomy. I do support the attempts to legalize gay marriage.
If I had to choose my moral guide for life I would choose the Bible. I choose to believe that the bible is right on everything. I don't care about homosexuals just being gay, but when they attempt to seek the sacred bond of marriage then they have crossed the line. Their sexual prefrence doesn't bother me, I just don't believe that it is right for them to get married based on the bible.
Oh boy...

Matt 5:32: The verse before this, Jesus says that divorce is not allowable except for adultery. Any woman (and presumably man) who divorced for other reasons and subsequently remarried would be committing adultery in God's eyes, as his/her first marriage would still be valid.

1 Timothy 5: Paul is explaining here about how to care for widows, not laying down laws about who can/can't marry. In fact, Paul encourages young widows to remarry.

"No inter-racial marriage": God instruced Israel not to marry outside of the nation of Israel because the foreigners would sway their Israelite spouses away from the LORD and towards pagan religions. There is no Biblical mandate that bans inter-racial marriages.

Matthew 5:28: Jesus says that lusting after someone is just as bad as committing that act with them. This has nothing to do with marriage.

Deuteronomy 25:5-10: This was put into place under the Mosiac Law to guarantee each family a continued inheritance. It is not a moral law that Christians are required to follow.

"Submission": probably the most misunderstood. Wives are commanded to submit to their husbands. However, husbands are also required to submit to their wives' needs. Moreover, husbands are charged to love their husbands as Christ loved the church, giving up his own life for its sake. Husbands are not supposed to be tyrranical, abusive, or uncompassionate; they are to love their wives even more than themselves. Both partners are commanded to show deference to one another.

Leviticus 18:19: part of the Mosiac Law, not part of the Christian covenant.

Leviticus 21:13: part of the Mosiac Law.

Deuteronomy 22: part of the Mosiac Law.

Proverbs: this is advice (and good advice, at that) but was never considered law by anyone.
If I had to choose my moral guide for life I would choose the Bible. I choose to believe that the bible is right on everything.

If I had to choose my moral guide for life I would choose Libertarianism. I choose to believe that Libertarianism is right of everything.

...but when they attempt to seek the sacred bond of marriage then they have crossed the line. Their sexual prefrence doesn't bother me, I just don't believe that it is right for them to get married based on the bible.

You assume much. All marriages are not necessarily sacred. Atheists and agnostics get married. Some marriage ceremonies never mention the word "God" or "Holy". Also, there are different interpretations and understandings of the Bible. Some have been able to interpret and reason through the Bible and reach the conclusion that the Bible does not oppose homosexual marriage. Anyway, the issue should be left up to each individual couple. It is not my place to condone your marriage and it is not your place to condone my marriage. Some marriages are outside the Bible.

I don't care about heterosexuals being straight, but when they attempt to seek to exclude homosexual marriage for people then they have crossed the line. Their sexual preference doesn't bother me, I just don't believe that it is right for them to deny homosexual marriage for people based on their view of anything.
Matt 5:32: The verse before this, Jesus says that divorce is not allowable except for adultery. Any woman (and presumably man) who divorced for other reasons and subsequently remarried would be committing adultery in God's eyes, as his/her first marriage would still be valid.

Matthew 5:32 is clear and specific: "But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife[, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become and adulteress and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery." It still does not invalidate my point which is: If we are going to define marriage based on the Bible, them we must apply all Biblical instruction. Therefor this would apply too. The only divorces that would be allowed are those due to adultery and No one would be allowed to marry one who had committed adultery. I wonder how many singles this would create if it were turned into law for the citizens of the USA.

Okay - Leviticus and Deuteronomy have to do with Mosaic law. Does it still apply to the Jews in America. Would we apply Mosaic law as US law for the Jews in America (if we are going to define Marriage and restrict is according to the Bible)? Perhaps if we do apply Biblical instruction as "Marriage Law" in the USA more Jews will convert to Christians so that, supposedly, the old Biblical law will no longer apply to them.

"No inter-racial marriage": God instruced Israel not to marry outside of the nation of Israel because the foreigners would sway their Israelite spouses away from the LORD and towards pagan religions.

2Correnthians 6:14 (in the New Testament) says "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers." It does not say anything about not getting married from people from out of town. I don't think that it can be any more specific. People who believe in Christ are not to get married to those who do not believe in Christ. Anyone wanting to get married to a Christian must be a Christian.
mattskramerMatthew 5:32 is clear and specific: "But I tell you that anyone who [U said:
divorces[/U] his wife[, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become and adulteress and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery." It still does not invalidate my point which is: If we are going to define marriage based on the Bible, them we must apply all Biblical instruction. Therefor this would apply too. The only divorces that would be allowed are those due to adultery and No one would be allowed to marry one who had committed adultery. I wonder how many singles this would create if it were turned into law for the citizens of the USA.

I am all for getting rid of no-fault fivorce laws. It is easier in most states to get a divorce than it is to get out of a cell phone contract! I think this is pitiful, especially when most, if not all people put "until death do we part" in their wedding vows. I think that if divorce laws were tighter and divorce was harder to get, it would cut down on the number of divorces, and would cause people to think twice before getting married.
You are incorrect about not being able to marry someone who has committed adultery. What Jesus said was that whoever marries a divorced woman (or man; women were not permitted to initiate divorces under Jewish law) commits adultery. It does not say that adulterers cannot remarry.

Okay - Leviticus and Deuteronomy have to do with Mosaic law. Does it still apply to the Jews in America. Would we apply Mosaic law as US law for the Jews in America (if we are going to define Marriage and restrict is according to the Bible)? Perhaps if we do apply Biblical instruction as "Marriage Law" in the USA more Jews will convert to Christians so that, supposedly, the old Biblical law will no longer apply to them.

If Jews want to follow that, that's great. But it's nothing I want codified into law.

2Correnthians 6:14 (in the New Testament) says "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers." It does not say anything about not getting married from people from out of town. I don't think that it can be any more specific. People who believe in Christ are not to get married to those who do not believe in Christ. Anyone wanting to get married to a Christian must be a Christian.

You are absolutely right. I don't want to see this codified into law either, but it is a principle that Christians should live by. And the reasoning is much the same as the Leviticus/Deuteronomy passages you referenced above. Two Christians married to each other will encourage each other to keep the faith in hard times, while a non-Christian may lead a Christian away from his/her faith.
If Jews want to follow that, that's great. But it's nothing I want codified into law....I don't want to see this codified into law either, but it is a principle that Christians should live by.

Okay. Great. I just wanted to see if you would codify the Bible's position on marriage into law. Since you would no do so, in invalidates the argument that we should define marriage (and apply rules and regulation to it) based on the Bible. Now that we have removed the Bible as a reason to not allow homosexual marriage, would anyone like to try to apply any other reason?
mattskramer said:
Now that we have removed the Bible as a reason to not allow homosexual marriage, would anyone like to try to apply any other reason?

Because it's vile, deviant behavior and a huge majority of the nation are opposed to it. That's good enough reason for me, AND those in the majority, and any debate against that reasoning is a futile effort.
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