Confirmed, Obama IS a natural born citizen

kinda a moot point in reference to OBAMA-----but in reference to HELLARY-------ve-e-errrry interrrrrestingggg
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Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

Now stop the claiming otherwise you right wing loons. It is BEYOND obvious that if Mrs Clinton makes a claim, it's a lie.
Bold statement coming from a professional loon.

Being called a loon by a person who is almost universally thought of as one of the 5 dumbest posters on this site doesn't have nearly the sting you had hoped it would.
Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

Now stop the claiming otherwise you right wing loons. It is BEYOND obvious that if Mrs Clinton makes a claim, it's a lie.
Bold statement coming from a professional loon.

Being called a loon by a person who is almost universally thought of as one of the 5 dumbest posters on this site doesn't have nearly the sting you had hoped it would.
I don't give any thought to groups of ignorant slapdicks.
The best part is your need to have said group to give your rambling some imagined significance.
I win.
Donald Trump’s ridiculous claim that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement

By Michelle Ye Hee Lee
Fact Checker
May 6
Donald Trump's latest Four-Pinocchio statements

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been repeating some false statements over and over again. (Jenny Starrs, Michelle Lee/The Washington Post)
“You know who started the birther movement? You know who started it? Do you know who questioned his birth certificate, one of the first? Hillary Clinton. She’s the one that started it. She brought it up years before it was brought up by me.”

— Donald Trump, interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, May 4, 2016

Zombie claims are stubborn things. No matter how many times you debunk them, they keep rising from the dead — even eight years later.
Breitbart says it all.

You're kidding right? Are you going to claim that Hillary didn't start the entire birther question?
Got a more credible source?

There are actual quotes and such from people within the campaign in the link I gave you fool. Good God , you people really can't just admit a fact is a fact can you? How about left leaning who also confirms Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
Actually, Obama started the Birther Movement.

Breitbart says it all.

You're kidding right? Are you going to claim that Hillary didn't start the entire birther question?
Got a more credible source?

There are actual quotes and such from people within the campaign in the link I gave you fool. Good God , you people really can't just admit a fact is a fact can you? How about left leaning who also confirms Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
Really shit head?
From your link
Neither Cruz nor Trump presented any evidence that Clinton or anyone on her campaign ever questioned Obama’s birthplace, demanded to see his birth certificate, or otherwise suggested that Obama was not a “natural born citizen” eligible to serve as president.


Oh look, Hillary's campaign started it, but she had no idea, and she didn't believe it herself LOL you guys are too much.
Desperate straw clutching at its finest!

Daws , it is 100% CONFIRMED that the rumors of Obama not being a natural born US citizen began in an email circulated through the Clintion campaign in 2007/8. That is confirmed by NUMEROUS sources, including the one you yourself posted on here.

Now, I suppose that given the shall we say lackadaisical way Hillary kept her email that anyone could have hacked in and created that email, but it is FAR more likely that someone WITHIN the campaign created it, and since Hillary didn't squash it, we must assume either A) her incompetence led to her not even knowing or B) she approved of the tactic.

Either way, she's a fool and a liar.
question will always be why his grandmother in Kenya insisted she witnessed him born there
question will always be why his grandmother in Kenya insisted she witnessed him born there

The truth is , who cares. His mom was an American, that makes him an american.

Just fun to poke at the idiots on the left who now want to pretend the Republicans started the whole birther meme LOL

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