Concealed carry clothing maker trying to win seat in Illinois government...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....nice story....

Q&A with Marilyn Smolenski: From concealed carry clothing to the Capitol

Nickel and Lace founder and CEO Marilyn Smolenski once watched models walk down the runway at concealed carry fashion shows; but now the gun toting mother of two has turned her attention to bigger stages. Smolenski announced she’ll be taking on veteran Democratic Representative Marty Moylan for his seat in the Illinois House of Representatives, serving Illinois’ 55th district.

----- Why should Illinois gun owners vote for you in 2018?

Smolenski: I promise to not only act with honesty and integrity once elected as State Rep but to make myself open and available to understand constituent’s views and needs. After all, as a Representative, I will represent the families and businesses of our community. As a proud member of the ISRA, NRA, and USCCA I have always been and will continue to be an advocate for responsible firearms ownership. Finally, if you win, what does that mean for Nickel and Lace?

Smolenski: I have personally taken a step back to focus on the race. You’ll notice that only our main product remains on the site for the time being. If elected, we plan to continue operations with Nickel and Lace as we always have. However, I will not use my position to promote my business in any way.
Hey carry your gun and carry lots of guns. Man you are obsessed with guns. Who cares, we have lots of gun lovers in congress, one more is not going to make a difference.
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

Isn’t St. Louis run by Democrats? If you are going to make a point. Try to avoid proving the point of the other side man. Lyda Krewson - Wikipedia
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

the crime capitols all have democrats running them.....more often than not for decades..........Baton Rouge, and New controlled for about 100 years or more....
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

Twit.....democrats have been mayors of St. Louis going back to 1953.....not one republican...

Mayor of St. Louis - Wikipedia
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

WTF? Did you just make that up?

Cities with Highest Crime Rate in USA

Thanks you made my point. Do you see Chicago or Ill. on the map.

I guess that would be bedroom wear. Now why would she want to carry a gun in the bedroom?

Oh I'm sorry , that might be a streetwalkers wear. Those prostitutes need protection as well. Trying to make a living on the street can be very dangerous.
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

WTF? Did you just make that up?

Cities with Highest Crime Rate in USA
Pay attention J, they lie 24/7
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

WTF? Did you just make that up?

Cities with Highest Crime Rate in USA

Thanks you made my point. Do you see Chicago or Ill. on the map.
If you don't see Illinois on that map, you need a geography lesson
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

WTF? Did you just make that up?

Cities with Highest Crime Rate in USA

Thanks you made my point. Do you see Chicago or Ill. on the map.
If you don't see Illinois on that map, you need a geography lesson

Gary IN is not Chicago. Yes IL is red but Chicago is not listed.
Illinois has three problems: A gun crime problem, a strict anti-gun law problem, and a Democrat problem. If they take care of the latter, the two former problems will solve themselves.

And once again St Louis MO is the crime capital of the US. Those Pubs have a problem, and most of the crime capitals are in the southern states.

WTF? Did you just make that up?

Cities with Highest Crime Rate in USA

Oh, by the way , thanks for the great website.

I guess that would be bedroom wear. Now why would she want to carry a gun in the bedroom?

Oh I'm sorry , that might be a streetwalkers wear. Those prostitutes need protection as well. Trying to make a living on the street can be very dangerous. you make your living is your business...this thread isn't about you.....
Louisiana tops murder rate again, new FBI data shows

Mainly red states. Once again proves Trump does not know what he is talking about.

The two cities that drive the gun crime rate in Louisiana...doofus....are Baton Rouge, and New Orleans....

Baton control since 1953

List of mayors of Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Wikipedia

New Orleans...complete democrat control since 1870

List of mayors of New Orleans - Wikipedia

You should really do some research before you post.....
Louisiana tops murder rate again, new FBI data shows

Mainly red states. Once again proves Trump does not know what he is talking about.
From your link:

New Orleans' 164 murders in 2015 ranked the city eighth in the country among major metropolitan areas. Chicago, with 478 murders, ranked highest.

And both have been controlled by democrats...New orleans the democrats have controlled since control since 1931..

List of mayors of New Orleans - Wikipedia

Mayor of Chicago - Wikipedia

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