Comrade Trump camp (son) now posting Alt Right symbol

Trump adviser, son post image featuring white nationalist symbol

Yup, the 21st century KKK now has complete control of Comrade Trump.

Just looked at it.

It's a takeoff of the cast of the Expendables.


where was the "white nationalist symbol"?
“Over the course of this campaign, Trump has retweeted Twitter accounts with names such as 'WhiteNationalistTM' and blasted out anti-Semitic images to his over 11 million followers on the social media site. Some members of his campaign have been tied to the alt-right, including Breitbart's Steve Bannon, who is now CEO of the Trump campaign.”

This is the consequence of Trump being a clueless dolt and political neophyte, where his ‘campaign’ is utterly incompetent and an unmitigated disaster.

More proof that anti-Hillary people are firmly in the white supremacist group. At least Trump has one group who he hasn't insulted.

You got no clue what Pepe represents.

You are right. My understanding is that White supremacists use that image as some sort of symbol. If that is wrong, please educate me.

You don't know what "feels good man" means...

In short, there is no assigned meaning, Pepe belongs to everybody (except of course to normies) and it means whatever you wanted him to mean... go for it. Some anonymous put Trump's hair on Pepe and there it is... leftist feel butthurt because it's against them, so they're trying to kill it. LOL, you can't kill Pepe.

Who told you it's white supremacist symbol? Riiiight... and you swallowed the bait and let them play you like a chimp. Now you're pointing fingers without even knowing why.

You know what, next time you hear Nicki Minaj, or Katy Perry, or other Hollywood elitists campaigning for Hillary, point finger at them, call them alt-right, or deplorable, or racists, since many of them have been using Pepe, because it's... you know, cool.

More proof that anti-Hillary people are firmly in the white supremacist group. At least Trump has one group who he hasn't insulted.

You got no clue what Pepe represents.

You are right. My understanding is that White supremacists use that image as some sort of symbol. If that is wrong, please educate me.

toadies sing ''i come from the water...'' are they white supremacists?

Yup, a skinhead named JaredTSwift added some swaztikas, and other Nazi symbols, and turned it into a hate symbol.

But, and I'm only guessing here, if it doesn't have those swaztikas and Nazi symbols, it's still a funny cartoon that can stand for anything.

(psst. I didn't see any Nazi symbols on the 'frog' in the Deplorables pictures.)

I haven't seen any neither. Their only in leftists twisted minds. They wish it's there, so it's there.
This is a wink and a nod to all the racists and white supremacist out there that the Trump Campaign is still in their corner. PRETTY SLICK!
from the article:

He sent me a “rare Pepe,” an ironic categorization for certain versions of the meme: Pepe, his eyes red and irises swastika-shaped, against a trippy rainbow backdrop. “Do with it what you will,” he said.

Building the Trump association came next, after which @JaredTSwift said the images got crossover appeal. They began to move from 4chan to Twitter, which is when “journalists were exposed to it via Trump memes.”

On Jan. 7, Cheri Jacobus, a Republican consultant and pundit who is suing Trump for defamation and has been harassed by Trump supporters, tweeted, “The green frog symbol is what white supremacists use in their propaganda. U don’t want to go there.”

#FrogTwitter considered Jacobus, the first prominent person to be duped, its first scalp and inundated her with ever more Pepe images and Trump memes, some of which were violent and sexually explicit.

In one, a blond woman is decapitated before Pepe has intercourse with her headless body. In another, Jacobus’s face is photoshopped onto a topless woman kneeling before Trump, who is himself photoshopped to wear a Nazi uniform.

“When they adapt Pepe the green frog and turn it into an anti-Semite, staring into the screen with the World Trade Center behind it, is that cute or funny?” she asked when reached by phone Wednesday.

“Does that make it OK? I don’t know,” she said. “Violent and disturbing images are violent and disturbing images regardless of what their stated reasons are.”

Jay Nordlinger, a senior editor at National Review, a conservative publication opposed to Trump’s candidacy, asked Twitter on Jan. 30, “Does anyone know what that green face is that ‘alt’ and ‘cuck’ people put in their avatars and their other images?”

And Comrade Trump is wholeheartedly accepting the Alt Right movement.

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