Biden’s Unprecedented Blanket Pardon Destroys His Legacy And Proves Trump Was Wrongly Impeached Over Ukraine

Your conspiracy theory doesn't hold water.
Then why did the second building hit collapse first?
Please note the the first building was hit high and the second building was hit around the 60th floor,
Between the the fires weakening the steel girders and the tremendous weight the first building to collapse with the second building that was hit in the lower section.
Building # 7 the only steel building to ever collapse because of a few small campfires inside the structure... it's a miracle ...
The evidence from Eric Holder's tenure at DOJ would put Holder in front of a firing squad 500 times over.
You've seen this 'evidence'? You wrote "In 2010, homO was informed by Holder that the FBI had a FRAUD PROSECUTION against the "climate scientists" now you're saying Holder was part of the conspiracy? I'm beginning to think you're just making this stuff up.
Your conspiracy theory doesn't hold water.
Then why did the second building hit collapse first?
Please note the the first building was hit high and the second building was hit around the 60th floor,
Between the the fires weakening the steel girders and the tremendous weight the first building to collapse with the second building that was hit in the lower section.
I'm talking trade center 7
You wrote "In 2010, homO was informed by Holder that the FBI had a FRAUD PROSECUTION against the "climate scientists" now you're saying Holder was part of the conspiracy?

It was Eric Holder's "decision," obviously piped in from homO in the CLOSET, to shut down that prosecution. That's $15 trillion America was bilked because Eric Holder was a completely corrupt incompetent affirmative action DEI truth hating white hating America hating BLACK BIGOT.

So, yeah, Eric Holder is the official who made the "decision" to terminate the case... after homO's 2 years of SILENCE....

And, why, according to you, did homO go SILENT on CLIMATE CHANGE for TWO YEARS????

and then buy beachfront property on an island last hit by Cat 5 winds in 1938....
It was Eric Holder's "decision," obviously piped in from homO in the CLOSET, to shut down that prosecution. That's $15 trillion America was bilked because Eric Holder was a completely corrupt incompetent affirmative action DEI truth hating white hating America hating BLACK BIGOT.

So, yeah, Eric Holder is the official who made the "decision" to terminate the case... after homO's 2 years of SILENCE....
Was there any evidence of fraud that you know about or don't you care about evidence and facts.

And, why, according to you, did homO go SILENT on CLIMATE CHANGE for TWO YEARS????
Don't know don't care

and then buy beachfront property on an island last hit by Cat 5 winds in 1938....
It is a beautiful place with lots of rich people able to build walls and anything else needed.
Because Trump has been making up shit about HB for years.
Then why was Hunter found guilty on the gun charge and plead guilty on tax evasion charges. The"Shit" was not made up. Neither was Hunter's "Laptop from Hell".
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Seriously. Anyone who thinks it's just a coincidence that the pardon covers that specific time period is not playing with a full deck. What needs to happen now is for an investigation into QPJ's activities to drag HB into court under oath where he can't plead the 5th.

You are talking about an entire political party including the supporters that do not play with a full deck.

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